Health Plus (HP), Indian Cuisine (IC), Tandoor Se (tS), Steam Cook (St), Chatpat Corner (CC), Soup (So), Sweets' Corner (SC), Continental (Co),
24 Hours (Breakfast - bF, Snacks - Sn), Child's Favourite - CF, Bakery - bA), Just 4 U (Baby Food - bb, Cake - CA, Sea Food - SF)
Health Plus (HP), Indian Cuisine (IC), Tandoor Se (tS), Steam Cook (St), Chatpat Corner (CC), Soup (So), Sweets' Corner (SC), Continental (Co),
24 Hours (Breakfast - bF, Snacks - Sn), Child's Favourite - CF, Bakery - bA), Just 4 U (Baby Food - bb, Cake - CA, Sea Food - SF)
Utility Corner (Body Care - bC, Utility Corner - UC,
Fermentation - FE)
Utility Corner (Body Care - bC, Utility Corner - UC,
Fermentation - FE)
Press Stop/Clear
Press HP (1~11), IC (1~12), tS (1~10), St (1~12), CC (1~10), So (1~11), SC (1~10), Co (1~10),
24 Hours (bF (1~5), Sn (1~3), CF (1~4), bA (1~3), Just 4 U (bb (1~5), CA (1~5), SF (1~5) to select category.
Press Stop/Clear
Press (bC-1~5), (UC-1~6), (FE-1~4)
to select catetory.
Press “+” / “–” to set weight
for UC3, UC4.
Press Start
Stop/Clear nck,a Stop/Clear nck,a
O;atu ds oxZ pquus ds fy, (bC-1~5), (UC-1~6),
(FE-1~4) nck,aA
O;atu ds oxZ pquus ds fy, HP (1~11), IC (1~12), tS (1~10), St (1~12), CC (1~10), So (1~11), SC (1~10), Co (1~10),
24 Hours (bF (1~5), Sn (1~3), CF (1~4), bA (1~3), Just 4 U (bb (1~5), CA (1~5), SF (1~5) nck,aA
UC32, UC4 ds fy, otu fu/kkZfjr djus ds
fy, “+” / “–” nck,aA
otu fu/kkZfjr djus ds
fy, “+” / “–” nck,aA
Start nck,aStart nck,a
Please follow the given steps to operate cook functions (Health Plus, Indian Cuisine, Tandoor Se, Steam Cook, Chatpat Corner, Soup, Sweets' Corner, Continental, 24 Hours, Just 4 U, Utility Corner) in your Microwave.
Ñi;k vius ekbØksoso dh fofHkUu dk;Ziz.kkfy;ka (Health Plus, Indian Cuisine, Tandoor Se, Steam Cook, Chatpat Corner, Soup, Sweets' Corner, Continental, 24 Hours, Just 4 U, Utility Corner) dks pykus ds
fy, uhps fn;s x;s pj.kksa dk vuqlj.k djsaA
Press “+” / “–” to select weight
While cooking you can extend the cooking time at any point by pressing increase/decrease button. There is no need to stop the cooking process.
tc vki Hkkstu idk jgs gksa] rks dsoy increase/decrease cVu nck dj gh le; esa ifjorZu fd;k tk ldrk gSA Hkkstu idkus dh izfØ;k dks jksdus
dh dksbZ vko';drk ugha gSA
Note / %
Various Cook Functions
fofHkUu dqd dk;Ziz.kkfy;ka
Press Start