Watlow EZ-ZONE
RME Module • 9 • Chapter 1 Overview
What is an Instance?
The RM system can have many I/O points, in some cases, as described above, I/O can be
placed in remote locations. For example, an RME module can have 24 digital I/O where each
would be numbered from 1 to 24 and each would be considered a unique instance. They are
named Digital I/O 1, 2, 3, etc... These instance numbers are then used when you link inputs,
functions and outputs within a module or when linked to other modules. For example, when
conguring an RME output for heat the control loop instance (1, 2, 3 or 4) and zone (1 to 24)
to drive the output must be dened.
Functions, in simple terms, use input signals (real-world or internal), to calculate a value
and deliver an output. A function may be as simple as conguring the function of the digital
output, e.g., alarm, heat, etc..., or dening a set point for an alarm state to turn on or off.
To set up a function, one of the rst things that must be considered is the function source
and instance. For example, if the control is equipped with Digital Inputs (source) and it was
decided to use DI 9 (instance) it can then be associated with an Action to reset an individual
alarm or all alarms.
To congure a Digital Input as described above:
1. Navigate to the Setup Page and then to the Digital I/O menu.
2. Select the desired instance and set the direction to input voltage or input dry contact.
3. Navigate to the Setup Page and then the Action menu.
4. Set the Action Function to Alarm
5. Select which alarm instance will be reset (0 equals all)
6. Select the Source Function to Digital I/O
7. Select the Source Instance (step 2 above)
8. Select the Source Zone (0 equals the module being congured).
9. Select the Active Level to execute the desired function.
When the selected digital input is active the alarm or all alarms that are latched without a
currently existing alarm condition will be reset. If a specic alarm instance (1 - 8) is selected
(step 5 above), it will be that instance alone that will be reset.
Alarms will reset automatically when the condition that caused the alarm goes back to
a non-alarm state if the alarm latching prompt is set to non-latching (Setup Page, Alarm
Keep in mind that a function is a user-programmed internal process that does not execute
any action outside of the controller. To have any affect outside of the controller, an output
must be congured to respond to a function.
Some functions have a hardware input for which the source/s are preset and cannot be
changed. As an example, CT 1 source function comes not surprisingly, from the CT attached
to it. Most functions can accept more than one input and it would not be uncommon to see
the output of one function (internal) serve as an input to another, as would be the case with
a compare function. The source parameters for the rst input to a function are called Source
Function A, Source Instance A and Source Zone A and the second input, Source Function B,
Source Instance B and Source Zone B and so on.