●Inflate the top ring, if needed. Some Bestway pools have a top ring that can be inflated and
that gives the pool structure. Use an air pump to blow up the ring until it stands up straight and
is hard.
● Connect a yard hose to a water source and start filling the pool with water. Watch the water
level and make sure it gets to the right level without spilling over.
●Treat the water (optional): Depending on where your water comes from, you may need to add
chemicals to keep it clean and keep the pH in balance. Follow the directions that come with the
chemical kit for your pool.
●Install pool accessories (optional): If your Bestway pool came with extra parts, like a ladder
or a filter pump, install them by following the directions.
●Secure the pool area. If you want, you can put a pool fence or gate to keep the area safe,
especially if you have kids or pets.
●Regular maintenance: Clean the pool's water, check and fix the chemical levels, and keep the
area around the pool clear of trash. Specific care instructions can be found in the Bestway pool