Proprietary & Confidential
TRUE Fitness Technology, Inc.
Proprietary & Confidential
TRUE Fitness Technology, Inc.
WRONG CONFIG: Smart card not compatible with configuration.
Check configuration of upper console.
SMART CARD COM: Lost communication between smart card
and upper control board. Check main data cables for continuity and
proper connections. Check status LEDS on smart card.
MOTOR MISMATCH: Motor type (AC vs DC) doesn’t match
smart card type (AC vs DC).
INCLINE REV ERROR: Elevation direction is reversed. Most likely
cause is incorrectly installed separate potentiometer cable on TPS style
incline systems. .
INCLINE OPEN: Elevation motor is disconnected. Check all
elevation connections. Check continuity on elevation and data cables
RPM MISMATCH: Belts moving speed from RS232 cable does
not match RPM detected by smart card. Most likely caused by
improper model configuration
CONSOLES BD LOST: Console’s communication is lost. Check
continuity of data cable and connections.
MOTOR BD COMM (AC ONLY): The motor controller’s
communication is lost between controller and smart card. Check
connections and cable continuity between smart card and lower control
board. Make sure RS232 cable is orientated correctly.
Tread Service Manual - July 2011