WAGO Power Supply User manual

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Product manual | Version 1.1.0
Power Supplies
Power Supply Pro 2; 1-phase, 24VDC, 5A, 120W
2787-2144Legal Information
© 2021 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved.
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Hansastraße 27
D - 32423 Minden
Phone: +49 571/887 – 0
Fax: +49 571/887 – 844169
E-Mail: * info@wago.com
Internet: ü www.wago.com
Technical Support
Phone: +49 571/887 – 44555
Fax: +49 571/887 – 844555
E-Mail: * support@wago.com
Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of
this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully excluded, we always appreci-
ate any information or suggestions for improving the documentation.
E-Mail: * documentation@wago.com
We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the trademarks of
companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are generally protected by
trademark or patent.
WAGO is a registered trademark of WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
2787-2144 Table of Contents
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 iii
Power Supply Pro 2
Table of Contents
1 Provisions.........................................................................................................................6
1.1 Intended Use........................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Typographical Conventions..................................................................................... 7
1.3 Legal Information .................................................................................................... 9
2 Security...........................................................................................................................10
2.1 General Safety Rules ............................................................................................ 10
2.2 Electrical Safety..................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Mechanical Safety................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Thermal Safety...................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Indirect Safety ....................................................................................................... 11
3 Properties .......................................................................................................................12
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 12
3.2 View....................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Type label.............................................................................................................. 13
3.4 Label...................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Connections .......................................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Connectors ...................................................................................................14
3.5.2 Input .............................................................................................................15
3.5.3 Output...........................................................................................................15
3.5.4 Signal ...........................................................................................................16
3.6 Indicators............................................................................................................... 16
3.7 Control elements ................................................................................................... 17
3.7.1 Buttons ......................................................................................................... 17
3.8 Communication interface....................................................................................... 17
3.9 Technical data....................................................................................................... 18
3.9.1 Product .........................................................................................................18
3.9.2 Input .............................................................................................................19
3.9.3 Output...........................................................................................................19
3.9.4 Efficiency/Power Loss .................................................................................. 21
3.9.5 Signal ...........................................................................................................22
3.9.6 Communication ............................................................................................22
3.9.7 MTBF/Lifespan .............................................................................................22
3.9.8 Environmental Conditions ............................................................................23
3.9.9 Product Protection........................................................................................23
3.9.10 Security ........................................................................................................23
3.10 Guidelines, approvals and standards.................................................................... 24
3.10.1 Guidelines ....................................................................................................24
3.10.2 Approvals .....................................................................................................24
3.10.3 Standards .....................................................................................................25
3.10.4 Special Requirements .................................................................................. 27
2787-2144Table of Contents
iv Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
4 Functions........................................................................................................................28
4.1 Functions............................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Overvoltage protection .......................................................................................... 28
5 Transport and Storage...................................................................................................29
6 Installation and Removal...............................................................................................30
7 Connection .....................................................................................................................33
7.1 Connection ............................................................................................................ 33
7.2 Connect Conductor to CAGE CLAMP® ................................................................ 33
8 Operation ........................................................................................................................35
8.1 Operation via Buttons............................................................................................ 35
9 Diagnostics.....................................................................................................................36
9.1 Diagnostics via Indicators...................................................................................... 36
10 Configuration..................................................................................................................37
10.1 Requirements........................................................................................................ 37
10.1.1 System Requirements ..................................................................................37
10.1.2 Install WAGO Interface Configuration Software ...........................................37
10.1.3 Configure Product ........................................................................................37
10.2 First Steps ............................................................................................................. 38
10.2.1 Starting the Software....................................................................................38
10.3 Overview ............................................................................................................... 41
10.3.1 Menu Bar......................................................................................................42 “Backstage” Tab ..................................................................................42 “Device” Tab ........................................................................................42 Dialog: Settings.......................................................................... 42
10.3.2 Main Menu....................................................................................................52
10.3.3 Display Section.............................................................................................52 Display Section: Measurements ..........................................................52 Display Section: Measurement Recording ..........................................54 Display Section: Information................................................................55
11 Notes on Operation........................................................................................................56
11.1 Insulation Testing .................................................................................................. 56
11.2 Disable/Enable Overvoltage Protection ................................................................ 56
11.2.1 Disable/Enable Output-Side Overvoltage Protection ...................................56
11.3 Inrush Current ....................................................................................................... 56
11.4 Derating................................................................................................................. 56
11.4.1 Derating (Temperature-Dependent) .............................................................57
11.4.2 Derating (Location-Dependent) ....................................................................57
11.5 Parallel Connection ............................................................................................... 58
11.6 Short-Circuit and Overload Behavior .................................................................... 58
11.6.1 “Constant Current” Mode..............................................................................59
11.6.2 “Constant Current with Latching Shutdown” Mode.......................................59
11.6.3 “Hiccup” Mode ..............................................................................................60
2787-2144 Table of Contents
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Power Supply Pro 2
11.6.4 “Electronic Circuit Breaker” Mode ................................................................60
11.6.5 “Latching Shutdown on Thermal Overload” Mode........................................61
11.6.6 “Power Boost” Mode.....................................................................................61
11.6.7 “Top Boost” Mode.........................................................................................62
11.7 Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 63
12 Decommissioning ..........................................................................................................64
12.1 Entsorgung und Recycling .................................................................................... 64
13 Appendix.........................................................................................................................65
13.1 Application Notes .................................................................................................. 65
13.1.1 AC Operation................................................................................................65
13.2 Accessories........................................................................................................... 66
13.3 Protected Rights.................................................................................................... 67
6 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
This documentation applies to the WAGO Power Supply Pro 2 (2787-2144).
Observe the applicable documentation!
This product must only be installed and operated according to the instructions of the com-
plete Instructions for use. Knowledge of the complete Instructions for use is required for
proper use.
1. Carefully read the Product Manual.
2. Before commissioning, follow the instructions in section 8Safety [}10].
Table1: Complete instructions for use
Document Type Contents
& Product Manual Contains all the product-specific information for a product.
& Instruction leaflet Is included with each product. Contains initial information on safe handling of
the product.
All the documentation is available at: üwww.wago.com.
1.1 Intended Use
The 2787 Series WAGO Power Supply Pro 2 provides DC voltage to electrical or elec-
tronic devices, such as industrial control systems or display, communication and measur-
ing devices.
The product is an open system and is designed for installation in a additional enclosure.
This product fulfills the requirements of protection type IP20 and is designed for use in
dry indoor spaces.
Operation of the products in Industrial area is permitted.
The product meets the EMC requirements for Residential, businesses and commercial
areas; small businesses too. if the product used complies with the emission of interfer-
ence requirements (emission limits).
Operation of the product in other application areas is only permitted when correspond-
ing approvals and labeling are present.
Improper Use
Improper use of the product is not permitted. Improper use occurs especially in the follow-
ing cases:
Non-observance of the intended use.
Use without protective measures in an environment in which moisture, salt water, salt
spray mist, dust, corrosive fumes, gases, direct sunlight or ionizing radiation can occur.
Use of the product in areas with special risk that require continuous fault-free operation
and in which failure of or operation of the product can result in an imminent risk to life,
limb or health or cause serious damage to property or the environment (such as the
operation of nuclear power plants, weapons systems, aircraft and motor vehicles).
2787-2144 Provisions
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 7
Power Supply Pro 2
Warranty and Liability
The terms set forth in the General Business & Contract Conditions for Delivery and Ser-
vice of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG and the terms for software products and
products with integrated software stated in the WAGO Software License Contract – both
available at üwww.wago.com – shall apply. In particular, the warranty is void if:
The product is improperly used.
The deficiency (hardware and software configurations) is due to special instructions.
The hardware or software has been modified by the user or a third party.
Individual agreements always have priority.
Obligations of Installers/Operators
The installers and operators bear responsibility for the safety of an installation or a sys-
tem assembled with the products. The installer/operator is responsible for proper installa-
tion and safety of the system. All laws, standards, guidelines, local regulations and ac-
cepted technology standards and practices applicable at the time of installation, and the
instructions in the the products’ Instructions for Use, must be complied with. In addition,
the Installation regulations specified by Approvals must be observed. In the event of non-
compliance, the products may not be operated within the scope of the approval.
1.2 Typographical Conventions
Number Notation
100 Decimals: Normal notation
0x64 Hexadecimals: C-notation
Binary: In single quotation marks
Nibbles separated by a period
Text Formatting
italic Names of paths or files
bold Menu items, entry or selection fields, emphasis
Code Sections of program code
> Selection of a menu point from a menu
“Value” Value entries
[F5] Identification of buttons or keys
Cross References / Links
Cross reference / link to a section in a document
Cross reference / link to a separate document
Cross reference / link to a website
Cross reference / link to an email address
Action Instructions
ü This symbol identifies a precondition.
1. Action step
8 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
2. Action step
ð This symbol identifies an intermediate result.
ð This symbol identifies the result of an action.
Lists, first level
Lists, second level
Type and source of hazard
Possible consequences of hazard that also include death or irreversible injury
Action step to reduce risk
Type and source of hazard
Possible consequences of hazard that also include severe injury
Action step to reduce risk
Type and source of hazard
Possible consequences of hazard that include at least slight injury
Action step to reduce risk
Type and source of malfunction (property damage only)
Possible malfunctions that may restrict the product’s scope of functions or ergonomics,
but do not lead to foreseeable risks to persons
Action step to reduce risk
Notes and information
Indicates information, clarifications, recommendations, referrals, etc.
Figures in this documentation are for better understanding and may differ from the actual
product design.
2787-2144 Provisions
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 9
Power Supply Pro 2
1.3 Legal Information
Intellectual Property
Unless barred by applicable legal provisions, unauthorized copying and distribution of this
document, as well as the use and communication of its content are strictly prohibited un-
less expressly authorized by prior agreement. Third-party products are always mentioned
without any reference to patent rights. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, or for
third-party products, their manufacturer, retain all rights regarding patent, utility model or
design registration.
Third-party trademarks are referred to in the product documentation. The “
” and “
symbols are omitted hereinafter. The trademarks are listed in the Appendix (8Protected
Rights [}67]).
Subject to Change
The instructions, guidelines, standards, etc., in this manual correspond to state of the art
at the time the documentation was created and are not subject to updating service. The
installer and operator bear sole responsibility to ensure they are complied with in their
currently applicable form. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG retains the right to
carry out technical changes and improvements of the products and the data, specifica-
tions and illustrations of this manual. All claims for change or improvement of products
that have already been delivered – excepting change or improvement performed under
guarantee agreement – are excluded.
The products may contain open-source software. The requisite license information is
saved in the products. This information is also available under üwww.wago.com.
10 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
This section contains safety rules that must be followed for hazard-free use of the prod-
This section is aimed at the following target groups:
Planners and installers
Qualified assembly personnel
Qualified installation personnel (electrical installation, technician network installation
Qualified operating personnel
Qualified service and maintenance personnel
Obey the following safety rules:
2.1 General Safety Rules
This documentation is part of the product. Therefore, retain the documentation during
the entire service life of the product. Pass on the documentation to any subsequent
user of the product. In addition, ensure that any supplement to this documentation is
included, if necessary.
The product must only be installed and put into operation by qualified electrical special-
ists per EN 50110‑1/-2 and IEC 60364.
Comply with the laws, standards, guidelines, local regulations and accepted technol-
ogy standards and practices applicable at the time of installation.
2.2 Electrical Safety
High voltage can cause electric shock or burns! Disconnect all power sources from the
product before performing any installation, repair or maintenance.
Make sure the product does not carry any voltage before starting work.
Power Supply
Connecting impermissible current or frequency values may destroy the product.
Provide suitable disconnect and overcurrent protection on the system side. The protec-
tion device must be located near the product where it can be operated. The OFF posi-
tion must be clearly marked on the protection device.
Ground / Protection / Overcurrent Protection
When handling the product, please ensure that environmental factors (personnel, work
space and packaging) are properly equalized. Do not touch any conducting parts.
Establish sufficient grounding. Make sure there is a flawless electrical connection be-
tween the DIN-rail and frame / additional enclosure.
Only operate the product when the ground conductor is connected.
Protect the product with an appropriate overcurrent protection device.
Only use conductor cross-sections sufficient for the current load.
Observe permissible temperature range of connecting cables.
2787-2144 Security
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 11
Power Supply Pro 2
Only clamp one conductor to each connection terminal. If several conductors must be
clamped, wire them using an upstream wiring assembly (e.g., WAGO Through Termi-
nal Blocks).
Use appropriate strain relief.
2.3 Mechanical Safety
As the installer of the system, you are responsible for ensuring the necessary touch-
proof protection. Follow the installation guidelines for the specific application.
The surrounding air temperature for operation indicated in the technical data applies to
the nominal mounting position. Different mounting positions may affect the permissible
surrounding air temperature for operation.
Cooling of the product must not be impaired. Ensure air can flow freely and that the
minimum clearances from adjacent products/areas are maintained.
Before startup, please check the product for any damage that may have occurred dur-
ing shipping. Do not put the product into operation in the event of mechanical damage.
Do not open the product housing.
Replace any defective or damaged devices.
The product is an open-type device and is designed for installation in an additional en-
closure, which supplies the following safety aspects:
Restrict access to authorized personnel and may only be opened with tools.
Ensure the required pollution degree in the vicinity of the system.
Offer adequate protection against direct or indirect contact.
Offer adequate protection against UV irradiation.
Prevent fire from spreading outside of the enclosure.
Guarantee mechanical stability.
2.4 Thermal Safety
The surface of the housing heats up during operation. Under special conditions (e.g., in
the event of a fault or increased surrounding air temperature), touching the product
may cause burns. Allow the product to cool down before touching it.
The temperature inside the additional enclosure must not exceed the surrounding air
temperature permitted for the mounted product.
2.5 Indirect Safety
Only use a dry or cloth or a clothed dampened with water to clean the product. Do not
use cleaning agents, e.g., abrasive cleaners, alcohols or acetone.
Clean tools and materials are imperative for handling the product.
Before installation and operation, please read the product documentation thoroughly
and carefully. In addition, note the information on the product housing and further infor-
mation, e.g. at üwww.wago.com/<item number>.
The product contains no parts that can be serviced by the user. Always have all ser-
vice, maintenance and repair work performed by specialists authorized by WAGO.
Observe the different technical specifications for mounting that does not correspond to
the nominal mounting position.
12 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
3.1 Introduction
The 2787 Series WAGO Power Supplies Pro 2 are compact switched-mode
Power supplies with a wide range of uses. The Power supplies can be fitted on a DIN-rail.
The Power supplies can be configured directly via buttons on the product or via the inte-
grated communication interface. For this purpose, the connection is established either via
the WAGO USB configuration cable or via an attached communication module. It is also
possible to record and evaluate various output parameters via the WAGO Interface Con-
figuration software, which is available separately.
The pluggable connection technology uses WAGO pluggable connectors. These allow
pre-wiring for quicker installation, as well as quicker and easier product replacement.
LEDs indicate various diagnostic messages (see section 8Indicators [}16]).
3.2 View
Figure1: View
Table2: Legend for Figure “View”
Position Comment For Details, See Section
a Ventilation openings
b Signal (X3)
8Signal [}16]
2787-2144 Properties
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 13
Power Supply Pro 2
Position Comment For Details, See Section
c Output (X2)
8Output [}15]
d Screw for overvoltage protection (output)
8Overvoltage protection [}28]
e Optical status indication
8Indicators [}16]
f Buttons
8Control elements [}17]
g Communication interface
8Communication interface [}17]
h Type plate
8Type plate [}13]
i Marker carrier
8Marker carrier [}66]
k Input (X1)
8Input [}15]
l Latch for mounting to/removal from DIN rail
3.3 Type label
The type label for the product is attached to the side of the housing. It contains the follow-
ing information:
See installation manual No. 9970-0966/2787-2144
Power Supply Unit Pro 2, 2787-2144
PS | | -PH|24VDC| AU Pro 2 1 5
Ambient Temp.:
Class I Equipment Indoor Use Only; ; IP20
Technical Data:
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Hansastr. 27, 32423 Minden, Germany
WAGO is a registered trademark of WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.
100 ... 240 V ~ ; 1.3 ... 0.6 A ; 50 ... 60 Hz
-25°C ≤ T ≤ +70°C
24 ... 28 V SELV ; 5 ... 4.3 A ; 120 W
-3 %/K (> +55°C and < 230 V ~)
-3 %/K (> +60°C and 230 V ~)
Figure2: Type label
Table3: Legend for Figure “Type label”
Position Comment For Details, See Section
1 Company logo and address
2 Warning notice symbols
8Safety [}10]
3 QR link with link to website
4 Product name and order number
5 Input and output data
8Technical data [}18]
6 Surrounding air temperature
8Environment requirements [}23]
7 Derating information
8Derating [}56]
14 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
Position Comment For Details, See Section
8 Additional technical data
8Technical data [}18]
9 Information on the instruction leaflet
10 Field for guidelines, approvals and standards 8Guidelines, approvals and stan-
dards [}24]
11 Label with product-specific information
8Label [}14]
3.4 Label
An additional label with product-specific information is attached to the type label. It con-
tains the following information:
SN: (37S)
1619 02 02 02
11-05-6000 -137 _03
Figure3: Label
Table4: Legend for Figure “Label”
Position Comment Details
1 2D data matrix code Contains the information from positions 2
… 5
2 Key number Fixed information (37S)
3 ID number per D-U-N-S® Fixed information (WAGO Minden)
4 WAGO item number or internal SAP number Product-specific
5 Consecutive number Product-specific
6 Production date and revision Production date
Revision index (xx yy zz)
7 Internal manufacturer product number Product-specific
Table5: Revision index structure
Software Index Hardware Index Boot Loader Index
xx yy zz
3.5 Connections
3.5.1 Connectors
Observe the maximum permissible conductor cross sections for the signal and power ca-
bles (see section 8Technical Data [}18]).
Check the associated operating voltage before connecting the equipment (see section
8Technical Data [}18] or section 8Type label [}13]).
2787-2144 Properties
Product manual | Version: 1.1.0 15
Power Supply Pro 2
Additional information on the connection technology is provided in section .8Connec-
tion [}33]
3.5.2 Input
2 3
Figure4: Input X1 Connection
Table6: Legend for Figure “Input X1 Connection”
Position Pin Description
1 1 Contact “L” for input voltage
2 2 Contact “N” for input voltage
3 3 Contact “PE” for input voltage
4 - Test slot
Table7: Details – Input Connection
721 Series (see section 8Accessories [}66])
Connection Technology CAGE CLAMP
3.5.3 Output
1 2 3 4 5
Figure5: Output X2 Connection
Table8: Legend for Figure “Output X2 Connection”
Position Pin Description
1 1 Contact “–” for output voltage
2 2 Contact “–” for output voltage
3 3 Contact “–” for output voltage
4 4 Contact “+” for output voltage
5 5 Contact “+” for output voltage
6 - Test slot
Table9: Details – Output Connection
721 Series (see section 8Accessories [}66])
Connection Technology CAGE CLAMP
16 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
3.5.4 Signal
1 2 3 4
Figure6: Signal X3 Connection
Table10: Legend for Figure “Signal X3 Connection”
Position Pin Description
1 1 Contact “DI−” for input voltage
2 2 Contact “DI+” for input voltage
3 3 Contact “DO−” for output voltage
4 4 Contact “DO+” for output voltage
5 - Test slot
Table11: Details – Signal Connection
721 Series (see section 8Accessories [}66])
Connection Technology CAGE CLAMP
3.6 Indicators
The product has an optical status indicator. This indicator consists of five LEDs.
These LEDs indicate operating states and 8Diagnostics [}36].
Figure7: Optical Status Indicator
Table12: Indication of Operating States – General
Indicator Product is in Standby Mode Latching Shutdown of Out-
Boost Output (Signaled for
> 100% Off Flashing (0.5Hz) Flashing (2Hz)
> 75% Off Off Steady
> 50% Off Off Steady
> 25% Off Off Steady
DC OK Flashing (0.5Hz) Off Steady
In the event of overload or overtemperature, or if electronic circuit breaker trips
Table13: Indication of Operating States – Output Power
Indicator DC OK / Output
Power <25%
Output Power
≥25% … <50%
Output Power
≥50% … <75%
Output Power
≥75% …
Output Power
>100% Off Off Off Off Steady
>75% Off Off Off Steady Steady
2787-2144 Properties
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Power Supply Pro 2
Indicator DC OK / Output
Power <25%
Output Power
≥25% … <50%
Output Power
≥50% … <75%
Output Power
≥75% …
Output Power
>50% Off Off Steady Steady Steady
>25% Off Steady Steady Steady Steady
DC OK Steady Steady Steady Steady Steady
3.7 Control elements
This section describes the control elements.
3.7.1 Buttons
Two buttons are located on the front of the product. These buttons are labeled + and .
Among other functions, these two buttons are used to set or adjust the output voltage.
Figure8: Control elements
Section 8Operation [}35] contains a detailed description of how you can use these
buttons to make settings.
3.8 Communication interface
The communication interface is covered with a cap. Remove this cap to use the commu-
nication interface.
Avoid destruction of the product by electrostatic discharge!
The contacts of the communication interface are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge
(ESD). If the contacts remain open continuously, the product can be destroyed!
Remove the cap only when using the communication interface!
Save cap!
Save the cap so you can re-close the communication interface after use. This prevents
contamination or foreign matter from getting into the open communication interface.
You can communicate with the product through the communication interface. The follow-
ing options are available for this:
Via the WAGO USB Communication Cable (see section 8Accessories [}66])
Via an attachable communication module (see section 8Accessories [}66])
18 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
The WAGO USB Communication Cable is intended exclusively for parameterization and
is not designed for continuous communication. Use a corresponding communication mod-
ule for continuous communication!
If you use a communication module, the corresponding communication module is de-
scribed in the & Product Manual.
To connect to a PC with the WAGO USB Communication Cable, perform the following
1. Remove the cap.
2. Connect the USB connector of the WAGO USB Communication Cable to your PC.
3. Carefully insert the plug for the communication interface straight into the communi-
cation interface in such a way that the keying tab fits into the lower recess.
ð The plug is seated correctly once it has been inserted into the interface up to the
stop. However, since the contours of the housing and plug differ, the plug does
not sit completely flush with the surface of the housing.
You can now connect to your product with the WAGO Interface Configuration software
and configure it (see section 8Configuration [}37]).
3.9 Technical data
3.9.1 Product
Table14: Technical Data – Product
Property Value
Width 35 mm
Height 130 mm
Depth 130 mm (from the top edge of the DIN-rail)
Weight 700g
Degree of protection IP20
35 mm 130 mm
130 mm
Figure9: Dimensions
2787-2144 Properties
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Power Supply Pro 2
3.9.2 Input
Table15: Technical Data – AC Input
Property Value
Nominal input voltage 100 … 240VAC
Input voltage range 90 ... 264 VAC
130 … 373VDC
Input frequency 50 … 60 Hz
Grounding systems TN, TT and IT networks
Input current (typ.)
110VAC 1.3A
230VAC 0.6 A
Power factor (typ.)
110VAC 0.98
230VAC 0.88
For DC operation, external overcurrent protection must be provided!
At nominal load
Table16: Technical Data – Inrush Current
Property Value
Inrush current (typ.)
230VAC 7.6A
At room temperature of 25°C and after 1ms
Table17: Technical Data – Mains Failure Buffering Time
Property Value
Mains failure buffering time, typ.
110VAC 37 ms
230VAC 38 ms
Holding time, typ.
110VAC 41 ms
230VAC 41 ms
At nominal load
Table18: Technical Data – Input Connection
Property Value
Cross-section Solid 0.08 … 2.5 mm² / 28 … 12 AWG
Fine-stranded 0.08 … 2.5 mm² / 28 … 12 AWG
Insulated ferrule with plastic collar 0.25 … 1.5 mm² / 20 … 16 AWG
Ferrule without plastic collar 0.25 … 2.5 mm² / 20 … 14 AWG
Strip length 8 … 9mm / 0.31 … 0.35inch
Specifications of the conductors used ≥ +75°C / +167°F (ambient air temperature: ≤
+60°C / 140°F)
≥ +90°C / 194°F (ambient air temperature: >
+60°C / 140°F)
Required tools (conductor termination) Operating tool, with a partially insulated shaft,
type 2 (see section 8Accessories [}66])
3.9.3 Output
Table19: Technical Data – Output
Property Value
Nominal output voltage 24VDC SELV
Output voltage range 24 … 28 VDC SELV
Nominal output current
5 A (see section 8Derating [}56])
Output current range 5 … 4.3 A
Output power
120 W
20 Product manual | Version: 1.1.0
Power Supply Pro 2
Property Value
Power Boost 7.5 A (5 s)
Top Boost 30 A (15 ms)
Derating of output power
See section 8Derating [}56]
Line regulation
< 0.02 %
Load regulation
< 2.0 %
Residual ripple/noise
< 70 mV
Overload behavior
5) 6)
“Constant Current” Mode
“Constant Current with Latching Shutdown” Mode
“Hiccup” Mode
“Electronic Circuit Breaker” Mode
“Latching Shutdown on Thermal Overload” Mode
“Power Boost” Mode
“Top Boost” Mode
Switch-on delay (typ.)
6) 7)
230VAC < 2.2 s
Factory setting
Nominal load, in range 90 ... 264 VAC
10% / 90% load step
20MHz bandwidth
See section 8Short-Circuit and Overload Behavior [}58]
Can be set via the WAGO Interface Configuration software
See figure “Turn-on Time”
Turn on Time
Figure10: Turn-on Time
Select conductor cross-sections according to current load!
In the event of a fault, the output current of a power supply can be up to 1.5×I
. Only
use conductor cross-sections sufficient for the current load!
Table20: Technical Data – Output Connection
Property Value
Cross-section Solid 0.08 … 2.5 mm² / 28 … 12 AWG
Fine-stranded 0.08 … 2.5 mm² / 28 … 12 AWG
Insulated ferrule with plastic collar 0.25 … 1.5 mm² / 20 … 16 AWG
Ferrule without plastic collar 0.25 … 2.5 mm² / 20 … 14 AWG
Strip length 8 … 9mm / 0.31 … 0.35inch