I166= 7636 ; PWM Scale Factor, normally 15% above PWM clock
I102= $78202 ; Command Output Register. First channel of first ACC-24E2
I182= $78206 ; Current Loop Feedback Address. First channel of first ACC-24E2
I183= $3502 ; Commutation Position Address, from resolver ECT result.
; Same as position address of motor if the same encode is used
I124= $20001 ; Flag control. Over-travel-limits are disabled
Check motor manufacturer specifications and refer to Turbo SRM
I170= 1 ; Commutation Cycles per revolution (Number of pole pairs)
I171= 8192*32 ; Counts per revolution. Measured or provided by manufacturer
; shifted 5 bits (*32) because commutation address from ECT
These are Safety parameters, I2T protection. Check motor manufacturer specifications and refer
to Turbo SRM
I157= 8025 ; Motor#1 Continuous Current Limit
I158= 2167 ; Motor#1 Integrated Current Limit
I169= 24077 ; Motor#1 Output Command Limit
Please note that since the ECT table data is being used for commutation, it is better to have the
Servo clock set to the same frequency as the Phase clock so the data is available for commutation
If you have your Ixx03 and Ixx04 setup properly to point to the correct ECT entry, you should be
able to observe position feedback in the position window when moving the motor by hand.
Using the PMACTuningPro2, you should be able to tune for the Current-Loop gains
I161= 0.05 ; Motor#1 Current-Loop Integral gain
I162= 0.01 ; Motor#1 Current-Loop Forward-path proportional gain
I176= 0.5 ; Motor#1 Current-Loop Back-path proportional gain
Motor Phasing. We suggest using the stepper method for rough phasing
I180= 6 ; Motor#1 Power-up mode
I173= 1200 ; Motor#1 Phase finding output Value
I174= 60 ; Motor#1 Phase finding time
Issue a #1$ from the online command window to phase motor. Completion of phasing routine can
be confirmed by checking the motor status window accessible through View menu in
PEWIN32PRO2 software.
Open Loop Test:
1. Issue a #1hmz to zero the position counter in the position window.
2. Issue a #1o1 from the online command window. This will send a 1% command output
and should move the motor slightly.
3. Issue a K to kill motor. If motor has not moved increase the open loop command output
by increments of one until you see counts change in the position window.
4. Repeat steps 1 thru 3 now issuing a negative open loop command #1o-1