Page 18 AN-X4-ABDHRIO Remote I/O Drive Interface April 2023
Configuring the AN-X
The AN-X drive configuration consists of:
• the main configuration file (AnxAbRioDrvCfg.txt)
• Ethernet drive template files, generally EthDef*.csv, which contain the properties of the
Ethernet drives
• remote I/O template files, generally RioDef*.csv, which contain the mappings between
remote I/O data and Ethernet data for the drives
Zip up the main configuration file, the Ethernet drive template files, the remote I/O template files into
a single zip file, then send the zip file to the ANX. The name of the zip file doesn't matter. The order
of the individual files in the zip file doesn't matter. There can be no paths in the zip file.
Create a working directory into which you place the main configuration file and any
required remote I/O and Ethernet drive template files.
Make any necessary changes to the template files in the working directory.
When you are have created and edited all the necessary files, zip up the files in the
working directory and use the AN-X web interface to download the zip file and
configure the AN-X.
TIP Get each drive (up to 4) working separately, then put them all together
TIP Ethernet template files can be downloaded from
Main Configuration File
The main configuration file is a text file. The file name must be AnxAbRioDrvCfg.txt
The main configuration file consists of:
• baud rate
• options
• definitions for up to four drives
Within the configuration data, anything after a semicolon is treated as a comment. A comment can be
inserted at the end of a line or on a separate line.
The file can also contain blank lines.
You download the configuration to the AN-X using the web interface (see page 37)
To view the current main configuration file, select Automation Networks/Configuration View in the
web interface.