en – Instructions for Use – Axiom® plural definitive abutments
Anthogyr implants and prosthec components are
available in a wide variety of conguraons. Only
Anthogyr par ts that are compable with the implant
connecon are suitable for use. For more informa-
on, please refer to the manuals listed in the “Further
informaon” secon.
An Axiom® BL implant can be made compable with
an Axiom® TL implant through the use of an InLink®
CoCr casng alloy used must always have a lower
melng point than the CoCr used for the CoCr coping.
10. Cleaning and disinfecon
Sterile components:
Anthogyr sterile prosthec components are supplied
sterile (GAMMA sterilisaon) in blue packaging and
are idened with a S logo. They are intended
for single use. Do not clean or sterilise the prosthec
components. Cleaning, disinfecon and sterilisaon
can compromise the essenal material and design
features of the prosthec components and result
in device failure.
Non-sterile components:
Anthogyr non-sterile prosthec components are
supplied in white packaging and are idened with
a F logo. Before treatment, remove the compo-
nents from their packaging. Do not use the compo-
nents if the packaging is opened or damaged. They
must be cleaned and decontaminated before use and
aer each use for reusable components. Anthogyr
recommends following the protocol described in the
“cleaning and sterilizaon” manual available at ifu.
anthogyr.com or on request from Anthogyr at the
above address.
For sterilisaon, see the “Sterilisaon” secon.
Specic CoCr copings cleaning:
For the CoCr copings, please use the manual cleaning
protocol as described in the “cleaning and steriliza-
on” manual available at ifu.anthogyr.com or on
request from Anthogyr at the above address.
11. Sterilisaon
Sterile components:
For sterile prosthec components, check that the
enre packaging of the device is undamaged before
opening. Prosthec components with a damaged
packaging must not be used. It is recommended to
have a replacement component readily available for
use. The intact blister pack protects the sterilised
prosthec component against any external inuence
and, if stored properly, guarantees sterility unl the
expiry date. The blister pack must not be opened
before use of the prosthec component. When re-
moving the prosthec component from the sterile
packaging, asepsis rules must be followed.
Anthogyr declines all responsibility for re-sterilised
components, regardless of who carried out the
re-sterilisaon or the method used. Under no cir-
cumstances should a previously used or non-sterile
prosthec component be placed in the paent’s
mouth. If the original packaging is damaged, Anth-
ogyr will not accept the return of the content.
Non-sterile components:
Anthogyr prosthec components delivered non-sterile
must be sterilised before use. Anthogyr recommends
following the protocol described in the cleaning and
sterilisaon manual available at ifu.anthogyr.com or
on request from Anthogyr at the above address.
Aer the sterilisaon was done, asepsis rules must
be followed.
12. Protocol for use
Refer to the brochures listed in the “Further informa-
on” secon for detailed step-by-step instrucons.
A. Mul-unit
Step A1: Place the Mul-Unit abutment
Before screwing the abutment, ensure that the con-
necon is free of any uid or other substance that
may compromise the proper t of the prosthec
component in the implant.
Ensure that the Mul-Unit pre-assembled gripper is
correctly placed on the Mul-Unit abutment before
placing it in the mouth.
If the mouth opening is narrow, remove the pre-as-
sembled gripper from the Mul-Unit abutment and
use the short gripper instead.
Over-ghtening the abutment can deteriorate the
implant connecon and/or break the abutment.
Insucient ghtening of the abutment may result in
the abutment falling into the paent’s mouth.
▪Straight Multi-Unit abutment
▪Pre-screw the Multi-Unit abutment into the im-
plant with the gripper.
▪Remove the gripper from the Multi-Unit abut-
Tighten the Multi-Unit abutment to 25 N.cm with
the Multi-Unit wrench and the prosthetic dyna-
mometric wrench or with the Multi-Unit mandrel
and the TORQ CONTROL®.
▪Angulated Multi-Unit abutment
▪Place the Multi-Unit abutment into the implant
with the gripper.
▪Tighten the Multi-Unit M1.6 screw to 25 N.cm
with the hexagonal wrench and the prosthetic
dynamometric wrench or with the hexagonal
mandrel and the TORQ CONTROL®.
▪Remove the gripper from the Multi-Unit abut-
Step A2: Protect the Mul-Unit abutments during
healing phase
▪Clean the Multi-Unit abutment coronary parts
▪Tighten manually <10 N.cm without forcing the
protective caps onto the Multi-Unit abutment
coronary parts with the manual surgical wrench.
▪Suture around the protective caps to begin the
healing phase.
▪After the healing phase, connect the manual sur-
gical wrench to the protective caps.
▪Unscrew them from the Multi-Unit abutments.
Step A3: Prosthesis construcon
(dental laboratory)
To perform the prosthesis work, use the laboratory
screws and keep denive screws for clinical use.
Build the denive prosthesis:
▪By using castable copings
▪Use the castable copings as support for making
the wax restoration on the master model.
▪Make the metallic restoration according to cur-
rent casting and finishing protocols.
▪By using CoCr copings
▪Use the castable parts (fixed on the copings) as
support for making the wax restoration on the
master model. The wax should be applied across
the entire surface of the CoCr copings in order
to overcast correctly the CoCr copings. The CoCr
casting alloys used must comply with NF EN ISO
▪Make the metallic restoration according to cur-
rent overcasting and finishing protocols. The
CoCr copings alloy characteristics are available
in §1.
▪By using PACIFIC copings
▪Use the castable parts (fixed on the copings) as
support for making the wax restoration on the
master model.
▪Make the metallic restoration according to cur-
rent casting and finishing protocols.
▪Glue the copings into the restoration.
▪Reposition and screw the restoration onto the
master model and let it dry.
Step A4: Place the prosthesis onto the Mul-Unit
Before screwing the prosthesis, ensure that the
Mul-Unit abutments are free of any uid or other
substance that may compromise the proper t of the
prosthec component on the Mul-Unit abutments.
Over-ghtening the screw can deteriorate the abut-
ment connecon and/or break the screw.
Insucient ghtening of the screw may result in the
screw and/or the prosthesis falling into the paent ’s
▪Prosthesis with straight screw channels
▪Clean and sterilise (See §Cleaning and disinfec-
tion and §Sterilisation) the prosthesis and defin-
itive M1.4 screws.
▪Position the prosthesis in the mouth.
▪Tighten the definitive M1.4 screws to 15 N.cm
with the hexagonal wrench and the prosthetic
dynamometric wrench or with the hexagonal
mandrel and the TORQ CONTROL®.
Perform a control X-ray to check the passive fit of
the prosthesis on Multi-Unit abutments.
▪Close the screw channels.
▪Prosthesis with angulated screw channels
▪Reception of the Simeda machined prosthesis.
▪Clean and sterilise (See §Cleaning and disinfec-
tion and §Sterilisation) the prosthesis and defin-
itive M1.4 AA screws.
▪Position the prosthesis in the mouth.