Beams Industries Tri-Lock Passenger Side Seatbelt System, Tri-Lock Driver Side Seatbelt System Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Beam's Tri-Lock seatbelt installation instructions. This document details how to install the seatbelt in your Jeep, switch between on-road and off-road modes, and outlines the mounting locations for each component. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about its installation or usage.
  • How do I switch to off-road mode?
    How do I return to on-road operation?
    Where is the seatbelt retractor and lap belt anchor located?
T r i-L o c k
S e a t b e l t S y s t e m
© Beams Industries 2011.
O n e B e lt O n a n d O f f -R o a d
S w it c h in g S e a t b e l t M o d e s
The Tri-Lock Seatbelt will be in normal on-road mode until you manually make a
change in the locking mechanism.
1. Switching to Off-Road mode:
Pull the seatbelt all the way out, then
gradually let the seatbeltbelt recoil (you should hear a clicking sound)
until you are locked in securely. until you are locked in securely.
2. To Return to On-Road operation:
Unlatch the seatbelt buckle and let
the seatbelt fully rewind.
J e e p T r i-L o c k In s t a l l a t io n
In s t r u c t io n s
1. Unbolt and remove the O .E. buckle. O n YJ jeeps, buckles will mount to the
floor; TJ buckles will mount to the seat.
2. On YJ jeeps, remove the O .E. buckle sleeve and feed the new buckle side
into the sleeve.
3.3. M ount the new seatbelt buckle side to the vehicle using O.E. mounting holes
and hardware.
4. Unbolt and remove the seatbelt retractor and lap belt anchor; located behind
the door opening near the floor. O n most vehicles, one bolt will hold both the
retractor and the lap belt anchor. O n early YJs, they are secured by separate
mounting bolts.
5. Unbolt and remove the shoulder loop mounted high on the roll bars.
The seatbelt may now be completely removed from the vehicle.
6. M ount the new seatbelt retractor and the lap belt anchor using the O.E.
mounting holes and hardware. O n most Jeeps, both of these will mount
in the same hole.
7. M ount the shoulder loop using the O.E. mounting holes and hardware.
8. Inspect the seatbelt path for obstacles that could abrade or damage the webbing.
Note: As you are working, inspect all mounting locations for rust and damage. W here Note: As you are working, inspect all mounting locations for rust and damage. W here
necessary, reinforce the floor or other mounting locations.
The Beams Tri-Lock Seatbelt System is
the answer for Jeep Enthusiasts who
want to drive to work AND to their
favorite remote get-a-ways.
On-Road the Tri-Lock responds to quick stops or
uneven terrain, but Off-Road this belt will lock
you down for even the roughest rides.
The Beams Tri-Lock Seatbelt conveniently The Beams Tri-Lock Seatbelt conveniently
retracts unlike 4-Point restraints that are
always in the way. Just like you, the Tri-Lock
is ready to go O ff-Road anytime!