Pall Kleenpak™ Nova Filter Capsules Validation Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Validation Guide for Pall 'Kleenpak' Nova Filter Capsules and I'm ready to assist you. This document details the comprehensive testing performed to ensure the strength and suitability of these capsules for pharmaceutical filtration. It includes information on burst pressure, creep rupture, pressure fatigue, environmental, and biological safety tests. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the document or the capsules.
  • What is the maximum recommended operating pressure for Kleenpak Nova filter capsules?
    Can Kleenpak Nova filter capsules withstand repeated pressurization cycles?
    What safety ratio do these capsules fulfill between burst pressure and maximum operating pressure?
    Are Kleenpak Nova filter capsules suitable for gamma-irradiation?
    What is the non-volatile residue level for Kleenpak Nova filter capsules?
Validation Guide
Validation Guide for
Pall 'Kleenpak' Nova Filter Capsules
USTR 2099
1. Validation Overview 2
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Summary of conclusions 2
2. Burst testing 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Summary of methods 4
2.3 Results 4
2.4 Conclusions 6
3. Creep-rupture testing 6
3.1 Introduction 6
3.2 Summary of methods 6
3.3 Results 7
3.4 Conclusions 7
4. Pressure fatigue testing 8
4.1 Introduction 8
4.2 Summary of methods 8
4.3 Results 8
4.4 Conclusions 8
5. Environmental testing 9
5.1 Introduction 9
5.2 Summary of methods 9
5.3 Results 9
5.4 Conclusions 9
6. Filter/capsule seal testing 10
6.1 Introduction 10
6.2 Summary of methods 10
6.3 Results 11
6.4 Conclusions 12
7. Determination of water flow characteristics 13
7.1 Introduction 13
7.2 Summary of methods 13
7.3 Results 13
7.4 Conclusions 13
8. Extractables testing 14
8.1 Introduction 14
8.2 Summary of methods 14
8.3 Results 14
8.4 Conclusions
9. Shelf life studies 15
9.1 Introduction 15
9.2 Summary of methods 15
9.3 Results 15
9.4 Conclusions
10. Biological safety tests 18
10.1 Introduction 18
10.2 Summary of methods 18
10.3 Results 19
10.4 Conclusions 19
Appendix 1. Copy of Biological Safety test report 20
1. Validation Overview
1.1 Introduction
This report contains data applicable to ‘Pall’ ‘Kleenpak’ Nova filter capsules. These filter capsules have
integrally moulded inlet and outlet connections and precision-moulded vent and drain fittings.
The purpose of this report is to document the testing that has been performed to demonstrate the
strength and suitability of the capsules for use in pharmaceutical filtration applications.
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules incorporate standard 25cm (10") Pall filter cartridges and are available
with a number of different membrane types. Information about the validation of the different Pall
filter membranes is available in separate validation guides.
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules with a G designation in the part number are provided non-sterile.
Depending on the filter membrane incorporated in the filter capsules, some versions are suitable for
gamma-irradiation by the user. Further details about the tolerance of different Pall membranes to
gamma-irradiation are available from your local Pall Sales company or distributor.
1.2 Summary of conclusions
Burst testing
Forty-nine Kleenpak Nova capsules were burst pressure tested and in all cases the burst pressures were
16.6 bar (240 psi), thereby fulfilling the required 5:1 safety ratio between burst pressure and the
maximum recommended operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi). This testing included untreated
samples, samples that had been exposed to repeated autoclave cycles at 125OC and samples that had been
exposed to gamma-irradiation at doses of approximately 35 and 50 kGy.
Creep rupture testing
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules have been designed to be capable of operating at up to 3 bar (43.5 psi) for
168 hours (1 week) in continuous use. In order to allow for integrity testing the capsules have also been
designed to be capable of operating at up to 5.9 bar (85 psi) for a maximum of 10 hours.
The creep-rupture data presented using typical Kleenpak Nova capsules demonstrates the very large
safety margins that have been incorporated into these pressure claims.
Pressure fatigue testing
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules can withstand repeated pressurisation cycles, as demonstrated by fatigue
testing where typical capsules were exposed to 100,000 pressure cycles from 0 to 3 barg (43.5 psi) and
back to 0 barg again.
Environmental testing
The data presented provide assurance that Kleenpak Nova filter capsules will not be damaged by
extremes in temperature that they could potentially be subjected to during storage or transit.
Filter/capsule seal testing
The integrity of the filter/housing seal of Kleenpak Nova filter capsules has been demonstrated
by performing Forward Flow integrity tests and liquid bacterial challenge tests on filter samples that
have been exposed to either autoclave sterilisation or gamma-irradiation at doses of approximately
35 or 50 kGy.
Water flow characteristics
The water flow / pressure drop data presented for empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules can be used in
conjunction with the pressure drop characteristics of standard 25cm (10") Pall filter cartridges to form
the basis for sizing filter systems employing Kleenpak Nova filter capsules.
Extractables testing
The level of aqueous and ethanol extractables for empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules, irradiated with
doses of up to 53.0 kGy were found to be extremely low. Out of 12 extraction tests performed the
non-volatile residue extracted was 1 mg when water was used as the extraction fluid and 6 mg when
96% ethanol was used as the extraction fluid.
Actual service life may impose different conditions, such as different exposure times, temperature,
liquid purity etc. Evaluation under actual process conditions is therefore also recommended.
Shelf life studies
Burst pressure tests performed on irradiated Kleenpak Nova filter capsules that had been stored for up
to six months demonstrated that a high safety factor was maintained between the burst strength and the
maximum recommended operating pressure.
Microbial challenge tests demonstrated that irradiated filter cartridges incorporating Ultipor N66
NFZ-grade membrane and Fluorodyne II DFL-grade gave sterile effluent following four months
storage at room temperature (20 ± 5°C). Longer terms tests are in progress at time of writing.
Biological reactivity tests
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules were found to meet the requirements of the current United States
Pharmacopoeia for Class VI-121OC Plastics.
2. Burst testing
2.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to demonstrate that Kleenpak Nova capsules withstand the maximum
pressure rating of 3 bar (43.5 psi) with an appropriate safety margin. Burst tests were performed on
empty untreated Kleenpak Nova capsules and also on samples that had been autoclaved and gamma-
irradiated at doses of approximately 35 and 50 kGy.
2.2 Summary of methods
Standard empty Kleenpak Nova capsules from production were used for these tests. Prior to the burst
testing samples of the capsules were pre-treated with one of the conditions shown below:
Six one-hour autoclave cycles at 125OC
Gamma irradiated at a dose of approximately 35 kGy
Gamma irradiated at a dose of approximately 50 kGy
Before the burst tests were performed the vent and drain valves were removed and replaced with
blanking plugs. The whole assembly was placed in a water bath at 40OC. The empty capsules were filled
with water and the outlet was blanked off. Prior to starting the burst tests the capsules were held
within the water for a minimum of 15 minutes to ensure that they had equilibrated with the water bath
temperature. The inlet of the water-filled capsule was then connected to a pressure source and the
upstream pressure was gradually increased until the filter capsule burst.
2.3 Results
The results of the burst pressure tests are shown in Tables 2-1 to 2-4. The average burst pressure of the
non-treated Kleenpak Nova capsules was found to be 22.3 bar (324 psi). After exposure to six one-hour
autoclave cycles at 125OC the average burst pressure fell slightly to 20.8 bar (301 psi). Exposure to
gamma-irradiation was also found to have an effect on the burst pressures of the Kleenpak Nova filter
capsules. The average burst pressure of samples exposed to approximately 35 kGy was 18.5 bar (269 psi)
and the average burst pressure after exposure to approximately 50 kGy was 18.8 bar (272 psi).
In all cases the measured burst pressures far exceeded the 5:1 ratio between burst pressure and the 3 bar
(43.5 psi) maximum recommended operating pressure that is the design requirement for the Kleenpak
Nova capsule.
Table 2-1. Burst pressures of non-sterilised Kleenpak Nova capsules
Table 2-2. Burst pressures of Kleenpak Nova capsules autoclaved
for 6 one-hour cycles at 125°C
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB550001 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB550002 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB550003 23.4 bar / 340 psi
PB550004 23.4 bar / 340 psi
PB554001 22.8 bar / 330 psi
PB554002 22.8 bar / 330 psi
PB554003 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB554004 24.1 bar / 350 psi
PB554005 23.4 bar / 340 psi
PB555001 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB555002 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB555003 21.4 bar / 310 psi
PB555004 24.1 bar / 350 psi
PB555005 24.1 bar / 350 psi
PB556001 22.8 bar / 330 psi
PB556002 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB556003 21.4 bar / 310 psi
PB556004 23.4 bar / 340 psi
PB556005 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB557001 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB557002 22.8 bar / 330 psi
PB557003 24.1 bar / 350 psi
PB557004 22.8 bar / 330 psi
PB557005 16.6 bar / 240 psi
Average burst pressure 22.3 bar / 324 psi
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB550010 20.3 bar / 295 psi
PB550015 20.0 bar / 290 psi
PB550018 21.0 bar / 305 psi
PB550027 22.1 bar / 320 psi
PB555045 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB551001 21.4 bar / 310 psi
PB551011 21.0 bar / 305 psi
PB551010 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB551009 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB551002 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB552006 21.4 bar / 310 psi
PB552002 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB552007 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB552005 20.0 bar / 290 psi
PB552008 20.0 bar / 290 psi
Average burst pressure 20.8 bar / 301 psi
2.4 Conclusions
Forty-nine Kleenpak Nova capsules were burst pressure tested and in all cases the burst pressures were
16.6 bar (240 psi), thereby fulfilling the required 5:1 safety ratio between burst pressure and the
maximum recommended operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi). This testing included untreated
samples, samples that had been exposed to repeated autoclave cycles at 125OC and samples that had been
exposed to gamma-irradiation at doses of approximately 35 and 50 kGy.
3. Creep-rupture testing
3.1 Introduction
Creep testing was performed in order to demonstrate the strength and stability of Kleenpak Nova
capsule bodies over extended periods of time whilst under pressure.
3.2 Summary of methods
Typical Kleenpak Nova empty filter capsules were used for the tests. Prior to the creep-rupture testing
the capsules were autoclaved for six one-hour cycles at 125°C.
For the creep-rupture tests the capsules were immersed in a water bath held at 40°C. The capsules were
filled with the warm water and connected to a creep-rupture rig designed to maintain set pressures
within the inside of the capsule until failure of the capsule occurred. At this end point, the failure time
and mode was noted.
Table 2-3. Burst pressures of Kleenpak Nova capsules
gamma irradiated with a dose of 35.6 37.2 kGy
Table 2-4. Burst pressures of Kleenpak Nova capsules
gamma irradiated with a dose of 50.1 53.0 kGy
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB554016 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB554021 18.3 bar / 265 psi
PB554008 17.2 bar / 250 psi
PB554009 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB554010 18.6 bar / 270 psi
Average burst pressure 18.5 bar / 269 psi
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB554026 19.0 bar / 275 psi
PB554025 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB554023 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB554024 19.0 bar / 275 psi
PB554037 18.6 bar / 270 psi
Average burst pressure 18.8 bar / 272 psi
3.3 Results
The results are shown in Figure 3-1. The points on the graph represent the average values obtained from
testing a minimum of two empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules at each pressure. The data has been
extrapolated to predict the creep-rupture of samples maintained at constant pressure for up to 10,000
hours (416 days). Based on this extrapolation, it can be expected that Kleenpak Nova filter capsules will
withstand approximately 1,000 hours (41 days) at 8.6 bar (125 psi) and 10,000 hours (416 days) at 6.9
bar (100 psi).
Figure 3-1. Mean creep rupture pressures for empty
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules
3.4 Conclusions
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules have been designed to be capable of operating at up to 3 bar (43.5 psi) for
168 hours (1 week) in continuous use. In order to allow for integrity testing the capsules have also been
designed to be capable of operating at up to 5.9 bar (85 psi) for a maximum of 10 hours.
The creep-rupture data presented using typical Kleenpak Nova capsules demonstrates the very large
safety margins that have been incorporated into these pressure claims.
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (hours)
Pressure (psi)
Pressure (bar)
4. Pressure fatigue testing
4.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to demonstrate that Kleenpak Nova filter capsules can withstand repeat-
ed cycles of pressurisation up to the maximum recommended operating pressure of 3 bar (43.5 psi).
4.2 Summary of methods
Typical Kleenpak Nova empty capsules were used for the tests. Six samples with triclover inlet and
outlet connections were used (P1-option) and six samples with hosetail inlet and outlet connections were
used (P6-option).
The tests were performed using a hydraulic test stand specially designed to produce controlled and
repeated pressure pulses. The vent and drain valves of the capsules were closed and the capsule outlets
blanked off. Prior to fatigue testing the capsules were filled with mineral oil and connected to the
hydraulic test stand. The pressure of the oil within the capsules was cycled from 0 barg to 3 barg
(43.5 psi) and back to 0 barg in 4 seconds. The pressure cycles were repeated 100,000 times on each
Kleenpak Nova capsule tested.
On completion of the fatigue testing the Kleenpak Nova capsules were carefully examined to determine
if there was any visible evidence of leaks or damage.
4.3 Results
The fatigue test results are shown in Table 4-1. Twelve Kleenpak Nova capsules were tested and none
of them showed any visible signs of leak paths or damage after 100,000 pressure cycles of 0 to 3 barg
(43.5 psi).
Table 4-1. Results of fatigue testing for Kleenpak Nova capsules
4.4 Conclusions
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules can withstand repeated pressurisation cycles, as demonstrated by fatigue
testing where typical capsules were exposed to 100,000 pressure cycles from 0 to 3 barg (43.5psi) and
back to 0 barg again.
Pall Kleenpak Nova Signs of leak paths/damage following
capsule serial number exposure to 100,000 pressure
cycles from 0 to 3 barg (43.5 psi)
PB557011 None
PB557017 None
PB551006 None
PB551007 None
PB557018 None
PB551005 None
PB580002 None
PB586032 None
PB586033 None
PB586034 None
PB586023 None
PB586035 None
Triclover inlet/outlet
Hosetail inlet/outlet
connection option
5. Environmental testing
5.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to demonstrate that Kleenpak Nova filter capsules could withstand
extremes in temperature that they could potentially be exposed to during storage or transit.
5.2 Summary of methods
Typical Kleenpak Nova empty capsules were used for the tests. Three samples with triclover inlet and
outlet connections were used (P1-option) and three samples with hosetail inlet and outlet connections
were used (P6-option).
All of the samples were carefully examined for visual defects prior to leak testing. The leak tests were
performed by immersing the assemblies in water and pressurising the internal capsules with 3 bar
(45 psi) air pressure for one minute. The capsules were then dried and placed in an environmental
chamber where they were exposed to 25 cycles of the following conditions:
Heated from ambient to 60°C
Temperature held at 60°C for one hour
Cooled from 60°C to 40°C
Temperature held at 40°C for one hour
Heated from 40°C to 30°C
On completion of the 25 temperature cycles, the filter capsules were inspected, diameter measurements
were made and then they were leak tested again using compressed air at 3 bar (45 psi).
5.3 Results
All of the capsules passed the leak testing before and after exposure to the thermal cycling (Table 5-1).
The capsules were carefully inspected and no signs of deformation, degradation or stress cracking were
Table 5-1. Results of environmental chamber testing
5.4 Conclusions
The data presented provide assurance that Kleenpak Nova filter capsules will not be damaged by
extremes in temperature that they could potentially be subjected to during storage or transit.
Pall Kleenpak Nova Signs of leak paths/damage following
capsule serial number exposure to 25 cycles
of thermal cycling
PB557010 None
PB557016 None
PB557012 None
PB586042 None
PB586009 None
PB586010 None
Triclover inlet/outlet
Hosetail inlet/outlet
connection option
6. Filter/capsule seal testing
6.1 Introduction
The purpose of this series of tests was to confirm that the seal between the filter and the outer capsule
of Kleenpak Nova filters is integral. The testing of the seal was achieved by performing integrity and
bacterial challenge tests on typical Kleenpak Nova filter capsules. The testing was performed
on untreated samples and also on samples that had been exposed to gamma-irradiation at doses of
approximately 35 and 50 kGy.
6.2 Summary of methods
Standard Kleenpak Nova filter capsules incorporating 0.2m-rated Ulitpor N66 Posidyne filter
membrane were used for the tests (part number NP6NFZP1G). Prior to challenge testing, six samples
were each subjected to one of the following conditions:
One hour autoclave cycle at 125OC
Gamma irradiation at a dose of approximately 35 kGy
Gamma irradiation at a dose of approximately 50 kGy
The filter capsules were aseptically connected to the challenge apparatus shown schematically in
Figure 6-1 and subjected to a liquid bacterial challenge test using Brevundimonas diminuta (ATCC
19146) at a minimum challenge level of 1x107colony forming units per cm2of effective filtration area.
Figure 6-1. Bacterial challenge apparatus
Regulated air inlet
Pressure vessel with
aqueous suspension of
Challenge filter
membrane filter
During the challenge test, the entire filter effluent was passed through a 0.2µm-rated analysis disc on the
downstream side of the test filter assembly. The filter disc was incubated on agar and, following
incubation, the disc was examined to determine if bacteria had passed through the test filter during the
challenge. The titre reduction (TR) for each filter was determined as follows:
TR = Total number of organisms influent to the filter
Number of colonies recorded on the
downstream analysis disc
When no colonies were detected downstream, the titre reduction was expressed as:
>Total number of organisms influent to the filter (e.g. > 1 x 1011)
On completion of the challenge test the filter capsules were Forward Flow integrity tested.
6.3 Results
The results are shown in Tables 6-1 to 6-3. Each of the filters tested passed the Forward Flow integrity
test and gave sterile effluent when challenge tested with an aqueous suspension of B. diminuta.
Table 6-1. Forward Flow and bacterial challenge results for autoclaved Kleenpak
Nova filter capsules (part number NP6NFZP1G)
* Tested water wet, air test pressure 2760 mbar (40 psi), maximum allowable limit 12 ml/min
Table 6-2. Forward Flow and bacterial challenge results for Kleenpak Nova filter
capsules gamma-irradiated at 37.0 38.9 kGy (part number NP6NFZP1G)
* Tested water wet, air test pressure 2760 mbar (40 psi), maximum allowable limit 12 ml/min
Pall capsule Forward Flow* Sterile effluent Titre reduction
serial number (ml/min)
PB58301 2.7 Yes > 2.2 x 1011
PB583016 2.6 Yes > 2.4 x 1011
PB583017 3.4 Yes > 2.0 x 1011
PB583018 2.4 Yes > 2.3 x 1011
PB583021 1.8 Yes > 2.6 x 1011
PB583022 3.0 Yes > 2.6 x 1011
Pall capsule Forward Flow* Sterile effluent Titre reduction
serial number (ml/min)
PB583001 2.3 Yes > 2.8 x 1011
PB583004 2.1 Yes > 3.6 x 1011
PB583007 1.5 Yes > 3.7 x 1011
PB583008 2.0 Yes > 3.3 x 1011
PB583014 2.1 Yes > 3.3 x 1011
PB583025 1.8 Yes > 4.0 x 1011
Table 6-3. Forward Flow and bacterial challenge results for Kleenpak Nova filter
capsules gamma-irradiated at 52.7 53.5 kGy (part number NP6NFZP1G)
* Tested water wet, air test pressure 2760 mbar (40 psi), maximum allowable limit 12 ml/min
6.4 Conclusions
The integrity of the filter/housing seal of Kleenpak Nova filter capsules has been demonstrated by
performing Forward Flow integrity tests and liquid bacterial challenge tests on filter samples that
have been exposed to either autoclave sterilisation or gamma-irradiation at doses of approximately
35 or 50 kGy.
Pall capsule Forward Flow* Sterile effluent Titre reduction
serial number (ml/min)
PB583005 2.8 Yes > 1.7 x 1011
PB583006 3.8 Yes > 2.2 x 1011
PB583009 2.4 Yes > 2.4 x 1011
PB583010 2.5 Yes > 2.2 x 1011
PB583011 3.2 Yes > 2.5 x 1011
PB583027 2.0 Yes > 2.7 x 1011
7. Determination of water flow characteristics
7.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to determine the pressure differential characteristics of Kleenpak Nova
filter capsules when subjected to different inlet water flow rates.
7.2 Summary of methods
The tests were performed on standard empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules. Deionised water was
pumped through the filter capsules in the normal flow direction. Pressure transducers on the upstream
and downstream side of the assembly were monitored in order to calculate the differential pressure at
different water flow rates.
All of the data were corrected to a standard temperature of 20OC.
7.3 Results
The water flow/differential pressure characteristics of empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules are shown in
Figure 7-1. Kleenpak Nova filter capsules are available with a range of different membrane types,
incorporating standard Pall 25cm (10) filter cartridges. The water flow/differential pressure data
presented here can be used to provide guidance on filter sizing.
Figure 7-1. Water flow/differential pressure characteristics for empty
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules
7.4 Conclusions
The water flow / pressure drop data presented for empty Kleenpak Nova filter capsules can be used in
conjunction with the pressure drop characteristics of standard 25cm (10) Pall filter cartridges to form
the basis for sizing filter systems employing Kleenpak Nova filter capsules.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Water flow (litres/min)
Differential Pressure (mbar)
Differential Pressure (psi)
P6 option
hosetail inlet/outlet
P1 option
Triclover inlet/outlet
8. Extractables testing
8.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to determine the amount of material that can be extracted from
irradiated typical Kleenpak Nova filter capsules by water and ethanol at ambient temperature.
8.2 Summary of methods
Typical Kleenpak Nova empty filter capsules were used for the tests. Prior to the extraction tests the
capsule samples were gamma-irradiated at doses of either approximately 35 or 50 kGy.
The extraction tests were performed by recirculating the extraction fluid (deionised water or 96%
ethanol) through the filter capsule for four hours. In order to minimise any background residues a
diaphragm pump with PTFE liquid contact parts and tubing was used. The non-volatile residue (NVR)
was determined by evaporating the extraction fluid to dryness. The material extracted from the
Kleenpak Nova filter capsules was compared with control samples of water and ethanol that had been
recirculated through the same extraction system but without the filter capsule installed.
8.3 Results
The results (Table 8-1) show the typical quantities of non-volatile residue extracted per Kleenpak Nova
capsule using deionised water and 96% ethanol at ambient temperature. The results reported are
typical for standard production capsules.
Table 8-1. Aqueous and ethanol extractables for Kleenpak Nova filter capsules
8.4 Conclusions
The level of aqueous and ethanol extractables for Kleenpak Nova filter capsules, irradiated with doses of
up to 53.0 kGy are extremely low. Out of 12 extraction tests performed the non-volatile residue
extracted was 1 mg when water was used as the extraction fluid and 6 mg when 96% ethanol was
used as the extraction fluid.
Actual service life may impose different conditions, such as different exposure times, temperature,
liquid purity etc. Evaluation under actual process conditions is therefore also recommended.
Extraction fluid Gamma irradiation
Kleenpak Nova Non-volatile
serial number residue (mg)
PB554006 0
PB554007 1
PB554022 1
PB554028 0
PB554036 0
PB554029 1
PB554012 0
PB554013 0
PB554019 0
PB554026 6
PB554034 5
PB554038 6
96% ethanol
Extraction fluid Gamma irradiation Pall Kleenpak Nova Non-volatile
(kGy) capsule serial number residue (mg)
35.6 - 37.2
50.1 - 53.0
35.6 - 37.2
50.1 - 53.0
9. Shelf life studies
9.1 Introduction
There were two aims for this series of tests:
To demonstrate that an adequate safety margin is maintained for the burst pressures of
gamma-irradiated Kleenpak Nova filter capsules following storage at room temperature for up to
six months
To demonstrate that Pall N66 Posidyne and Fluorodyne II sterilising-grade membranes provide
sterile filtrate following storage for four months after exposure to gamma irradiation
9.2 Summary of methods
Burst pressure testing
Samples of typical Kleenpak Nova empty filter capsules were irradiated at a dose of approximately 35 or
50 kGy and then stored at ambient temperature for up to six months. On completion of the storage
interval, the burst pressures of the filter capsules were determined according to the method described
previously in Section 2.
Bacterial challenge testing
Typical AB1-style (25 cm) filter cartridges incorporating N66 Posidyne NFZ-grade membrane
and Fluorodyne II DFL-grade membrane (part numbers AB1NFZ7PH4 and AB1DFL7PH4) were
irradiated with doses of approximately 35 or 50 kGy. The filter cartridges were then stored in their
original packaging for four months at room temperature and then subjected to microbial challenge
testing according to the method described previously in Section 6.
9.3 Results
The results of the burst pressure tests performed on Kleenpak Nova filter capsules stored for up to 6
months following irradiation with doses of approximately 35 and 50 kGy are shown in Tables 9-1 and
9-2. In all cases the burst pressure measurements were 15.2 bar / 220 psi, thereby fulfilling the
required 5:1 safety ratio between burst pressure and the maximum recommended operating pressure of
3 bar (43.5 psi).
The results of the bacterial challenge tests performed on irradiated AB1-style filter elements in
corporating N66 Posidyne NFZ-grade membrane and Fluorodyne II DFL-grade that had been stored
for four months are shown in Tables 9-3 and 9-4. All of the filters tested produced sterile effluent
when challenged.
Table 9-1. Burst pressures of Kleenpak Nova capsules irradiated
at 35.6 37.2 kGy and then stored for up to 6 months
Table 9-2. Burst pressures of Kleenpak Nova capsules irradiated at
50.1 53.0 kGy then stored for up to 6 months
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB556014 20.0 bar / 290 psi
PB556018 17.2 bar / 250 psi
PB556022 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB556020 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB556015 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB556019 16.6 bar / 240 psi
Average burst pressure 18.5 bar / 268 psi
PB556010 17.2 bar / 250 psi
PB556017 19.0 bar / 275 psi
PB556006 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB556012 20.7 bar / 300 psi
PB556016 20.7 bar / 300 psi
Average burst pressure 19.4 bar / 281 psi
3 months
6 months
Storage time
Pall Kleenpak Nova Burst pressure
capsule serial number
PB556030 17.9 bar / 260 psi
PB556031 16.6 bar / 240 psi
PB556034 15.9 bar / 230 psi
PB556025 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB556032 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB556023 17.2 bar / 250 psi
Average burst pressure 17.4 bar / 253 psi
PB555032 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB555023 18.6 bar / 270 psi
PB555026 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB555027 19.3 bar / 280 psi
PB555029 15.2 bar / 220 psi
Average burst pressure 18.3 bar / 266 psi
3 months
6 months
Storage time
Table 9-3. Bacterial challenge results for N66 Posidyne grade NFZ filters
(part number AB1NFZ7PH4) stored for four months following irradiation
* Tested water wet, air test pressure 2760 mbar (40 psi), maximum allowable limit 12 ml/min
Table 9-4. Bacterial challenge results for Fluorodyne II grade DFL filters
(part number AB1DFL7PH4) stored for four months following irradiation
* Tested water wet, air test pressure 2760 mbar (40 psi), maximum allowable limit 12 ml/min
9.4 Conclusions
Burst pressure tests performed on irradiated Kleenpak Nova filter capsules that had been stored for up
to six months demonstrated that a high safety factor was maintained between the burst strength and the
maximum recommended operating pressure.
Microbial challenge tests demonstrated that irradiated filter cartridges incorporating N66 Posidyne
NFZ-grade membrane and Fluorodyne II DFL-grade gave sterile effluent following four months
storage at room temperature (20 ± 5°C).
Irradiation Pall filter Foward Flow* Sterile Titre reduction
dose serial number (ml/min) effluent
ID0859185 6.9 Yes > 1.5 x 1011
ID1090244 5.9 Yes > 2.2 x 1011
ID1090409 6.0 Yes > 2.0 x 1011
ID1090238 5.8 Yes > 1.9 x 1011
ID1090240 6.1 Yes > 2.5 x 1011
ID1090250 6.2 Yes > 2.1 x 1011
34.2 - 36.7 kG
45.4 - 49.4 kG
Irradiation Pall filter Foward Flow* Sterile Titre reduction
dose serial number (ml/min) effluent
ID0619124 1.9 Yes > 1.9 x 1011
ID0619650 3.0 Yes > 2.1 x 1011
ID0619131 3.4 Yes > 1.6 x 1011
ID0619565 2.6 Yes > 1.6 x 1011
ID0619663 3.5 Yes > 1.8 x 1011
ID0619618 2.2 Yes > 2.2 x 1011
34.2 - 36.7 kG
45.4 - 49.4 kG
10. Biological safety tests
10.1 Introduction
The purpose of these tests was to evaluate the biological suitability of the materials of construction of
the Kleenpak Nova filter capsules. The materials of construction are as follows :
Capsule components: Polypropylene
Valve and filter element seals: Silicone elastomer
10.2 Summary of methods
The tests were performed in accordance with the Biological Reactivity Tests in vivo for Class VI Plastics
(121°C) as described in the current United States Pharmacopeia. The tests were conducted by Gilbraltar
Laboratories, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
The testing procedures described in the USP include:
Injection of extracts of plastic materials
Implantation of the solid material into animal tissue
The four extracting media listed in the USP simulate parenteral solutions and body fluids.
These include:
Sodium Chloride Injection
1 in 20 Solution of Alcohol in Sodium Chloride Injection
Polyethylene Glycol 400
Vegetable Oil (sesame or cottonseed oil)
The USP states that extracts may be prepared at one of three standard conditions: 50°C for 72 hours,
70°C for 24 hours, or 121°C for 1 hour. The most stringent condition not resulting in physical changes
in the plastic is recommended, therefore the filters were extracted at 121°C.
Acute Systemic Injection Tests
An Acute Systemic Injection Test was performed to evaluate the potential of a single injection of an
extract to produce systemic toxicity. Sodium Chloride Injection and 1 in 20 Solution of Alcohol in
Sodium Chloride Injection were injected intravenously. Vegetable oil extract and Polyethylene Glycol
400 extract were injected intraperitoneally.
Intracutaneous Tests
An Intracutaneous Test was performed to evaluate the potential of a single injection of an extract to
produce tissue irritation. All four of the extracts listed above were used for these tests.
Intracutaneous Tests
An Intracutaneous Test was performed to evaluate the potential of a single injection of an extract to
produce tissue irritation. All four of the extracts listed above were used for these tests.
Implantation Tests
Implantation tests were also performed, in order to subject the materials of construction to the most
stringent conditions included in the USP. Each of the components of the Kleenpak Nova filter capsule
was implanted separately.
10.3 Results
The components of Kleenpak Nova filter capsules passed all of the tests specified. Appendix 1 shows a
copy of the test certificates.
10.4 Conclusions
Components of Kleenpak Nova capsules meet the requirements of the USP for Class VI -121°C Plastics.