To turn set ON, press the button. To turn set OFF, press the button again.
Press TIMER button, for each press, TIMER mode will changes as follows:
Timer on or Timer off mode is used to pre-starl or shut off your unit in
advance, You can program this up to 24 hours in advance. You can use
the Timer in 2 functions i.e. Cool or Fan Only.
Unit must be on to setthe timer. Unit will shut down automatically a_r it
accepts theseltings in 5 seconds. Use Sis mode to pre-setthe slart time oF
the uni124 hours in advance.
a) PressOn, LEDdisplay will show "XX" (time setlast time) when power
is connected first time, LEDdisplay will show "01" •
b) Set desired number o} hours by pressing the (A) pad of the Temp/Time
buttons, one for each hour. I1you passedthe desired time usethe(v) pad
key to lower the selection.
c}AftersetTimerOn, LEDdisplaywill showthetime,This-lime
displayed: unit will staffs afterXhours.
•"llmer Off
Unit must be running to setthe timer off. Usethis to preset the time you
would like the unit to shutoff.
a) PressOff:, LEDdisplay will show "XX" (time setlast time) when power
is conneded Firsttime, LED display w_llshow "01".
b) Set desired number By pressing the (,A)pad oFtheIemp/Time buttons.
One br each hour. I|you passed thedesired time, usethe(',') pod keyto
lower theselection.
c) After set Timer Off, LED display will show the room temperature
about 5 seconds later.
When using the timer lhe unit will use/revert to the last C_l and Fan
seeings when activated. The timer must be reset every time you choose to
use it,
3. FAN
Pressing the FAN button changes between LOW and HIGH SPEED.
Every time you press this button, it will change between COOL and FAN.
Used to set temperature and time.
You will have to press lhe (A) or (v) key on the Ternp/Time to set the
temperature at your desired comfort. You can choose belween
61 'F and 86°F. Once the temperature is set you can raise or lower if
by pressing lhe (A) or Iv) keys, (Only when the unil is cooling,
can the temperature setting be adjusted.)