
Owner's Manual
To operatethistool,readthisinstructionmanualandallthe labelsaffixedtothe benchgrindercarefully
beforeusing.Keepthismanualavailablefor futurereference.Safetyisacombinationofcommonsense,
staying alertandknowing howyour benchgrinder works.
Keepthe work areacleanandwell lit. Clutteredbenchesanddarkareasinviteaccidents.Donot use
the tool inexplosiveatmospheres,such asin the presenceofflammable liquids, gases,or dust.
Powertools createsparkswhich mayignitethe dust or fumes.Keepbystanders,visitors, andchildren
awaywhile operatingapowertool. Distractions cancauseyou to losecontrol.
Groundedtools mustbe pluggedinto an outletproperly installedand groundedin accordancewith
all codesandordinances.Neverremovethe grounding prongor modifythe plug inanyway. Donot
useanyadapterplugs. Checkwith a qualifiedelectricianifyou arein doubtas to whetherthe outlet
is properlygrounded. Ifthetool electricallymalfunctionsor breaksdown,groundingprovidesa low
resistancepathto carry electricityawayfrom the user. Avoid contactwith groundedsurfacessuch
aspipes,radiators, ranges,andrefrigerators.There isan increasedriskof electricalshock ifyour
body isgrounded.Donot exposepowertools to rain or wetconditions. Waterenteringa powertool
will increasethe risk of electricshock.
Do not abusethe cord. Never usethe cord to carry the tool or pull the plug from an outlet. Keep
the cord awayfrom heat,oil, sharp edgesor moving parts. Replacedamagedcords immediately.
Damagedcords increasethe riskof electric shock.
Whenoperating a powertool outside, usean outdoor extension cord marked"W-A"or "W'. These
cords areratedfor outdoor useandreducethe riskof electric shock.
Stayalert, watchwhat you aredoing, andusecommon sensewhen operatinga powertool. Do not
usethe tool whenyou aretired or underthe influenceof drugs, alcohol, or medication.A moment
of inattention while operating powertools may resultin seriouspersonalinjury Dressproperly. Do
not wear looseclothing or jewelry.Wear protectivehair nettingto contain longhair.Keepyour hair,
clothing,and glovesawayfrom movingparts.Rubberglovesandnon-skidfootweararerecommended
when working outdoors.
Avoid accidentalstarting. Makesurethe switch is off before plugging in. Carryingtools with your
finger on the switch or plugging in tools that havethe switch on invitesaccidents.
Removeadjustingkeysor switchesbeforeturningthe tool on. A wrenchor akeythat isleftattached
to arotating part of thetool mayresult in personalinjury. Do not overreach.Keepproper footing
andbalanceatall times.Properfooting andbalanceenablesbetter control ofthe tool in unexpected
situations. Usesafety equipment.Alwaysweareyeprotection. Dustmask, non-skid safetyshoes,
hard hat,or hearingprotection must beusedfor appropriateconditions.
Do not forcethe tool. Usethe correcttool for yourapplication.Donot usethe tool ifthe switch does
not turn it onor off. Any tool thatcannot be controlledwith the switch is dangerousand mustbe
repaired.Disconnectthe plugfrom the power source beforemakinganyadjustments, changing
accessoriesor storing the tool. Such preventivesafety measuresreducethe riskof starting the tool
accidentally.Store idletools out of reachof children andother untrainedpersons.
Owner's Manual
Toolsaredangerousinthe handsof untrained users. Maintaintools with care.Keepcutting tools
sharpandclean. Properlymaintainedtools with sharp cutting edgesareless likelyto bind andare
easierto control.Checkfor misalignmentor jamming of movingparts, breakageof partsandany
other conditionthat mayaffectthetools operation.If damaged,havethetool servicedbeforeusing.
Manyaccidentsare causedby poorly maintainedtools.
Useonly accessoriesthat arerecommendedbythe manufacturerfor your model. Accessoriesthat
may besuitablefor onetool, maybecomehazardouswhenused on anothertool.
Toolservicemust beperformedonlyby qualifiedrepairpersonnel.Serviceor maintenanceperformed
by unqualified personnel could result in a risk of injury. When servicing atool, useonly identical
replacementpartsFollowinstructions inthe Maintenancesectionof thismanual.Useof unauthorized
partsor failureto follow maintenanceinstructionsmay createa risk of electricshockor injury.Some
dust createdbypower grindingcontains chemicalsthat may causecancer,birth defects, or other
reproductiveharm.Someexamplesofthesechemicalsare: Leadfrom lead-basedpaintCrystalline
silicafrom bricks, cement,and other masonry products Arsenic and chromium from chemically
treated lumber To reduceyour exposure to these chemicals: work in a well-ventilated area, use
approvedsafetyequipment,andusedust masksthat arespeciallydesignedto filter out microscopic
Alwaysusethe eyeshields,sparkarrestorsandwearsafetygoggleswithsideshields.Useof unauthorized
parts or failuretofollow maintenanceinstructions may createa riskof electricshockor injury. Replace
acrackedgrinding wheel immediately.Handlethe grindingwheels carefully.When replacing,do not
tighten thespindle nut too tightly, the strain candamagethe wheel.Thewheeldiameter decreases
with use. Adjustthe tool rests whenever necessaryto maintain a distance of 1/8" or lessfrom the
grindingsurface.Adjustthesparkarrestorsto maintaina1/16"distanceor lessfrom thewheel's surface.
Piecesof stonemay bethrown off the rotating wheelwhen first starting the grinder.Always standto
onesideof the grinder wheelwhen turning it on, and wait atthe side until the wheel isatfull speed.
Makesurethere is no flammablematerial nearthe exhaustchutes.Thechutewill channel outsparks
anddebris.Neverapply pressureto the workpiecewhenthe grindingwheel is cold. Allow the wheelto
warm up byapplyingthe workpiecegradually.Neverusethe grinder without thewheelguards. Keep
fingers awayfrom the wheel. Donot try to cut anythingwith the grinding wheel.Whenthe wheel is
worn out of round,usea wheeldressingtool to resurface it.
_ tAUT!ON IWarnsabouthazardsthatmaycauseminorpersonalinjuryorpropertydamage
if ignored.
_WARN!NG IWarnsabouthazardsthatcancauseseverepersonalinJury,death,ormajor
propertydamageif ignored.
_ Warnsabouthazardsthatwillcauseseriouspersonalinjury,death,or major
propertydamageif ignored.