Trouble To be checked
Impossible to enter the Local
Display shows KEY
Unlock the local command by pressing STOP during 5s
No possible command from
the remote
Check that ‘local’ signaling light is OFF, else press shortly LO-
CAL/REMOTE key to quit the local mode
Check that S3 switch if in OFF position
If command given by dry contacts, check the 24VDC between
terminal 10 & 11, else check F502 fuse on the power board
(Actuators working with AC) or F505 (Actuators working with
No possible command from
the keypad (local)
Check that ‘local’ signaling light is ON, else presss LOCAL/RE-
MOTE key during 3s to enter the local mode
No operation :
No display, no signaling, no
motor activity
Check the ribbon cable between the keypad and the control
board (check if the cable is not reversed inside the connector)
Check the power supply wiring, if there is a voltage, if this
voltage is the voltage written on the rating plate. Check if the
polarity is not reversed for DC voltage
Check fuse F501 on AC power board or F505 on DC power
board, if no fault found please contact Bernard Controls
Receiving a command, actua-
tor doesn’t operate but cor-
responding light (red or green)
is blinking
Check the motor cable
if Ok, check if the voltage is in accordance with the rating plate
Actuator operate in the
wrong direction
Check switch (S1 , SW400) defining the closing direction
Actuator doesn’t operate
according to 0-20mA analog
input signal
Check if this actuator is equipped with positionner (EZxxxx KL
XX 123 A0)
Check if any fault code is displayed (E04 )
Check the good position of the configuration switches (SW400
S2 = OFF, S3 = ON et SW500 S1 & S2 = mA)
Check the wiring of the 0-20mA proportionnal input signal
Actuator doesn’t operate ac-
cording to 0-10V analog input
Check if this actuator is equipped with positionner (EZxxxx KL
XX 123 A0)
Check if any fault code is displayed
Check the good position of the configuration switches (SW400
S2 = OFF, S3 = ON et SW500 S1 & S2 = V)
Check the wiring of the 0-10V proportionnal input signal
Actuator doesn’t operate
according to 4-20mA analog
input signal
Check if this actuator is equipped with positionner (EZxxxx KL
XX 123 A0)
Check if any fault code is displayed
Check the good position of the configuration switches (SW400
S2 = ON, S3 = ON et SW500 S1 & S2 = mA)
Check the wiring of the 4-20mA proportionnal input signal