OTC Instructions For Use (IFU) INST019 Rev. A4
Summary and Explanation of the Test
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic respiratory illness caused by a novel human
coronavirus, rst isolated in China and named SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus-2) by the World Health Organization.1-3 SARS-CoV-2 has spread globally and can
cause mild to severe respiratory illness including death.
The Lucira CHECKIT COVID-19 Test kit is a single use molecular diagnostic test kit for the
qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from nasal swab samples and can be used by individuals
with or without COVID-19 symptoms. Each test kit contains all the components required to
perform one (1) COVID-19 test.
Principles of the Procedures
The Lucira CHECKIT COVID-19 Test Kit utilizes RT-LAMP technology to detect RNA of the N
gene for SARS-CoV-2. RT-LAMP is a molecular amplication technology similar to PCR. This
technology can create a signal from a few copies of RNA in less than 30 minutes. The RT-LAMP
amplication reaction occurs in two phases, a non-cyclic phase followed by a cyclic phase. During
the non-cyclic phase, reverse transcriptase, with RNase H activity, converts the RNA target into
cDNA. A DNA polymerase with strand displacement activity then amplies the cDNA. A successful
amplication reaction creates a pH change and subsequently a color change of the halochromic
agents within the reaction mixture.
The Sample Vial contains an elution buer that allows the swab contents to be eluted and lysed at
room temperature, releasing viral and human RNA for downstream detection. Upon engagement
of the Sample Vial and Test Unit, this eluant enters a uidic module, contained within the Test
Unit that has several individual reaction chambers. The eluant resolubilizes lyophilized reagents,
contained within these chambers, which are needed to perform the RT-LAMP reaction. An internal
electronic heating element detects this chamber lling and automatically turns on, initiating
amplication within the reaction chambers. The reactions are conned within the uidic unit and
no other part of the Test Unit has contact with the sample during amplication. The Test Unit
contains chambers that target SARS-CoV-2 RNA (two non-overlapping regions of the N gene), a
positive internal control (PIC), and a lysis internal control (LIC).
The color change of the reaction mixture is detected in real time using optical and electronic
elements contained within the Test Unit. An on-board microprocessor analyzes the color change
data to detect the presence of amplication, and hence the target RNA, in each chamber. A
diagnostic algorithm, included in the device rmware, is then used to determine patient infectivity
status and the results are shown via LED indicators. Results for the test are displayed as either
positive, negative, or invalid. A positive result may show in as few as 11 minutes; a negative or
invalid result will display in 30 minutes. The result display persists for a minimum of 1 hour after
the test has nished running.