IBA ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat user manual, which details how to use this software to import and analyze data from various external file formats. The manual covers configuration for formats like ASCII, TDMS and Parquet files and explains how to set up signal IDs, time stamps, and info fields. I'm ready to answer your questions about using ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat and its supported file formats.
  • What file formats does ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat support?
    How are signal IDs structured in ASCII files?
    What is the purpose of Info fields?
Import Interface for External Data File Formats
Issue 2.1
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
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The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
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on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
2.1 04-2023 Formang text signals RM 7.1.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
2.1 3
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Content
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................5
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 5
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............6
2 ibaAnalyzer import interface .............................................................................................7
2.1 Supported le formats ............................................................................................. . 7
2.2 ASCII les .................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Generang an appropriate ASCII le ...................................................................... 10
2.2.2 General le structure ............................................................................................ ..10
2.2.3 Notes on formang ............................................................................................... 11 Signal IDs and me column idencaon (row 0) ............................................... 11 Signal names ....................... ................................................................................. 14 Signal units .......................................................................................................... 14 Info elds ............................................................................................................. 14 Data rows ............................................................................................................. 16 Time stamp .......................................................................................................... 16 Notes on the use of decimal separators .............................................................. 19
2.3 TDMS les ............................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Apache Parquet ...................................................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Files created by ibaAnalyzer ................................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Open generic parquet les ..................................................................................... 22
2.4.3 Metadata interpreted by ibaAnalyzer ..................................................................... 24 File-level meta data ............................................................................................. 24 Module-level meta data ...................................................................................... 24 Signal-level meta data ......................................................................................... 25
2.5 Matlab .................................................................................................................... 26
2.5.1 Data structure ............................................................................................ .............26 Struct "lename" ................................................................................................. 27 Struct "leinfo" .................................................................................................... 27 Struct "module_name" ....................... ................................................................. 27 Struct "moduleinfo" ............................................................................................. 27 Struct "signal_name" ........................................................................................... 27
4 2.1
Content ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
2.5.2 Metadata interpreted by ibaAnalyzer ..................................................................... 28 File-level meta data ............................................................................................. 28 Module-level meta data ...................................................................................... 28 Signal-level meta data ......................................................................................... 29
3 Appendix: Examples for working with spread sheet programs ......................................... 30
3.1 Measurement value table with signal names and units without me ................... 31
3.2 Measurement value table with me, signal names and units ................................ 33
3.3 Measurement value table with me, signal names, units and Info elds .............. 35
4 Support and contact ........................................................................................................38
2.1 5
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat About this documentaon
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge
This manual is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical and
electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is regard-
ed as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible consequenc-
es and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and know-
ledge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
6 2.1
About this documentaon ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
injury or material damage!
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
2.1 7
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
2 ibaAnalyzer import interface
2.1 Supportedleformats
Usually, data les can only be opened and analyzed with ibaAnalyzer, if they have iba’s propri-
etary format and the le extension .dat.
With the ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat addional license which has to be enabled in the dongle, more le
formats can be read.
ibaAnalyzer supports the import and the analysis for the following le formats, provided there is
an acve ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat license.
■ ASCII (.txt, .csv)
■ COMTRADE CFF (*.c)
■ NI TDMS (.tdm, .tdms)1
■ Vista Control (*.varc)
■ Apache Parquet
■ FDA (*.das)
■ Matlab (.mat)
1 For more informaon about processing TDMS les, please consider the separate notes in the
chapter TDMS les, Page ì TDMS les, page 21.
For detailed informaon about the general funcons of ibaAnalyzer, please see
the ibaAnalyzer manual.
The "Open data le” dialog only shows les with the extensions .dat, .hdq, .pdc, .zip, .rar etc. as
well as .txt, .csv, .tdm, .tdms, .das, .parquet or .mat. Separate lters are availaible for the corre-
sponding extensions. Depending on the le type, dierent sengs are available in order to read
the data.
2.2 ASCIIles
These les can be created using dierent tools, e.g. a text editor, MS Excel or other programs
which can export data as text le.
For ibaAnalyzer being able to import the les and display the data contained properly, the user
has to observe some general condions when formang the ASCII les. Nevertheless, when
conguring the import interface, dierent opons provide for a certain exibility.
The dialog for conguring the import interface opens automacally, as soon as you open an
ASCII le via the "Open Data File" dialog or drag it from the Windows Explorer via Drag&Drop to
the ibaAnalyzer signal tree window.
8 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
In case you want to import ASCII measurement les in ibaAnalyzer, you should
assign the endings .txt or .csv. Then, the les can be displayed in the browser of
the "Open Data File" dialog.
Please do not assign the .dat ending, as ibaAnalyzer expects and accepts only
original iba measurement les with this ending.
Other le endings than the ones menoned above, are not accepted.
Fig. 1: Dialog for opening measurement les
The advanced le preview in the “Open data le” dialog is not supported for
most of the external formats. You will be noed when you open a text le while
“Show advanced” is selected.
Acknowledge the message by clicking <OK> and connue to open the le. You
can avoid the message by disabling the advanced preview.
If you select a le with the .txt or .csv ending, and click on <OK>, the dialog for conguring the
import interface will be opened:
2.1 9
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
Fig. 2: Dialog for imporng measurement les in ASCII format
In this dialog, you can do the sengs according to the format of the source le.
The presets are taken from the sengs of the recent successful import in the current or in a
previous ibaAnalyzer session.
Tab, Space, Semicolon,...
Please choose the delimiter which separates in the source le parameters and series of mea-
surement values. When exporng into an ASCII le, ibaAnalyzer uses by default the Tab for
separaon and hence rather generates TSV les (tab separated values) than CSV les (comma
separated values). For exporng as well as for imporng, you can also use real CSV les with
a comma as delimiter. This only works if for the (analog) measurement values not a comma is
used as decimal separator. Other delimiters like space, semicolon or user dened signs are also
accepted. It goes without saying, that in the case of spaces as separator neither signal names
nor Info elds or Technostrings may contain spaces.
If this opon is disabled (Default) and in the source le there are two or more consecuve de-
limiters (e.g. "Value1;Value2;;Value4;…"), then empty signals will be created in the ibaAnalyzer
signal tree.
In case this opon is enabled, the consecuve delimiters are treated as one, so that no empty
signals or gaps are created.
10 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
Acvang this opon might be useful, when data from a spreadsheet program,
e.g. MS Excel are imported into a CSV le for analyzing it with ibaAnalyzer. For
programs like these, it is customary that empty columns are inserted, e.g. for
creave reasons. Empty columns generally create consecuve delimiters in the
ASCII export.
2.2.1 GeneranganappropriateASCIIle
In the preceding chapter, we have described the essenal parameters ibaAnalyzer needs for
reading ASCII les.
In the following, you nd detailed notes on formang the les and the contents.
If you have iba measurement les at hand (e.g. created by ibaPDA), you can
generate an ASCII template in an easy manner, by opening the iba measurement
le with ibaAnalyzer and subsequently using the export funcon (Menu File -
Export). If you can format your own ASCII les according to that scheme, the im-
port should run without any problems.
2.2.2 Generallestructure
Row Descripon
ID Time column (Time) and/or Signal-IDs ([M:K])
ID 'time' and/or signal names
ID 'sec' and/or signal units
> Section for Info elds/Technostrings
First data row (= rst Samples), with time stamp where re-
Measured values up to le end (each cell one sample per sig-
with time stamp where required
2.1 11
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
Informaon like signal IDs, signal names, signal units and Info elds is oponal, however, it is
useful for a clear representaon of the measured values in ibaAnalyzer.
In case the informaon is available in the le, but you do not want to use it, you have to deac-
vate the opon in the import dialog.
For separang the individual informaon units within the rows, you should use only one com-
mon separator. A good choice is the TAB character (<TAB>, resp. < >) because this character is
usually not part of the informaon. Also the semicolon (;) is a common delimiter. If you want to
use comma or space as delimiter, you have to pay aenon that these signs are not used in the
data (e.g. space in signal names). The same is true for user dened delimiters.
The secon between the rst row and the beginning of the measurement value rows is not a
xed seng. However, we recommend the structure shown in table 1. Spaces, i.e. empty rows
are allowed, but there must not be any empty rows within the data blocks with Info elds or
measured values. As empty rows also must not contain delimiters, we recommend avoiding
empty rows.
2.2.3 Notesonformang SignalIDsandmecolumnidencaon(row0)
The rst row in the le should be reserved for the idencaon of a me row and the signal IDs.
Signal IDs
With the signal IDs, you can structure the measured values, according to the module-channel
structure of ibaAnalyzer. Hence, you have access to a structured representaon of the mea-
sured signals in the signal tree. If you do not use the signal ID, all signals in the signal tree are
listed under the "0" module. Moreover, only by means of signal IDs, analog and digital signals
can be disnguished.
The signal ID consists of the following components:
■ [Module number:Channel number] for analog signals
■ [Module number.Channel number] for digital signals
■ [Module number:Channel number]_text for text signals
For an example illustrang the eect of the signal ID, please see the end of this chapter.
In the signal id, only the module’s number is used for their idencaon. Module names can
addionally be provided as info elds.
See chapter ì Info elds, page 14.
If you want to use a me stamp for the measured values in the le, the me informaon always
has to be the rst informaon in the measurement value rows. Please enter in this case "Time"
in the rst line and only thereaer - separated by delimiter - the signal IDs. This is necessary for
maintaining the correct assignment of the signal IDs and measurement value rows.
12 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
Hence, you enter "me" as rst informaon in the row with the signal name and "sec" as rst
informaon in the row with the units.
Fig. 3: ASCII le with me column (yellow) and signal IDs (green)
Fig. 4: Representaon in ibaAnalyzer with starng me read out and computed mebase.
2.1 13
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
Result aer import:
In the signal tree, signals are on one level. The digital signal "Dig_Signal D" is displayed like an
analog signal.
Result aer import:
Signals structured in the signal tree. Digital signal"Dig_Signal D" is displayed like a digital
14 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Signal names
If you want to transfer signal names to ibaAnalyzer, all signal names have to be in a row, pref-
erably in the second row, but in any case in a row before the measurement value rows. In case
there is no me column, the row begins with the rst signal name. If there is a me column, the
row begins with "me", followed by a delimiter and the signal names, also separated by a de-
For the signal name you can use leers and numbers as well as hyphen, underscore and space.
The selected delimiter should not be used in the signal name.
The signal names are displayed in ibaAnalyzer in the signal tree and the legend. They also serve
as alternave reference in analysis funcons (instead of the signal ID). Signal units
If you want to transfer the physical signal units to ibaAnalyzer, all signal units have to be in one
row, preferably in the third row, but in any case in a row previous to the rows for the measure-
ment values.
In case there is no me column, the row begins with the rst unit symbol. If there is a me col-
umn, the row begins with "sec", followed by a delimiter and the unit symbols, also separated by
a delimiter.
The signal units are used in ibaAnalyzer for labeling the axes and in the legend. Digital signals do
not have a unit, hence the respecve posion in the row remains empty. The number of delim-
iters has to equal the number of columns.
Fig. 5: Signal names (red) and signal units (blue) Infoelds
You can transfer addional informaon to ibaAnalyzer which is not part of the measurement
samples. This informaon can consist of numbers as well as texts. You use the funcons of the
Infoeld assignments and Technostrings in ibaAnalyzer. This addional informaon then is dis-
played in the "Info" branch in the signal tree and can be used in the analyses with appropriate
funcons, e.g. as text channel.
You can enter any number of Info elds. In one row, only one Info eld may be dened. The Info
elds should be placed coherently aer the rows we have described above and prior to the be-
ginning of the measurement value rows.
As rst informaon (rst column) the name of the Info eld is found in the row. Aer a delimit-
er, in the second column, the content of the Info eld can be found (numbers, text or alphanu-
meric string).
2.1 15
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
Fig. 6: Example for 3 Info elds
Fig. 7: Display of the Info elds in ibaAnalyzer
Another important purpose of the info eld secon is the possibility to name the modules.
For this funcon the syntax of the info elds is dened:
Module_name_ Index;My modul name
Index is the number of the module as it has been dened in the signal id (e.g. 0, 1, ...). Aer a
delimiter (e.g. TAB or semicolon) follows the desired clear text name of the module.
The following picture shows as example a text le with 2 modules (No. 0 and 1), represented in
ibaAnalyzer. The inset shows the text le with the module name denion. The module names
are displayed in the signal tree accordingly.
16 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
Fig. 8: Denion of module names in the text le and the result in the signal tree of ibaAnalyzer Data rows
The data rows contain the me stamps and measurement values.
If there is no me column, the row begins with the measurement value of the rst signal. If
there is a me column, the row begins with a me stamp (date, me) followed by a delimiter
and the measurement values of all signals at this point of me, also separated by a delimiter.
As decimal sign for oang point values you have to use the sign which is set in
the Windows Control Panel Regional Sengs - Formats - Addional Sengs -
Decimal Symbol Time stamp
In case there is a me stamp for the measurement values, it has to be placed at the beginning
of each data row.
When formang the me informaon, you should pay aenon that it either corresponds to
the ibaAnalyzer me format (dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss.s) or the sengs in the Windows control
In case you select the me column opon "Non equidistant samples/ ibaAnalyzer me format",
the me informaon has to be formaed according to the sengs in the Windows control pan-
2.1 17
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface
el. If this is not the case, ibaAnalyzer cannot interpret the me informaon and does not display
the measurement values.
The extension for the microseconds made up of 6 digits can be added to the
me informaon following a decimal separator. For the ibaAnalyzer me format
this separator has to be a dot, for the local me format it can be a dot or a com-
Fig. 9: Windows control panel, Region and Language, Format Germany
Fig. 10: Template ASCII File, German
18 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
Fig. 11: Windows Control Panel, Region and Language, Format English (United States)
Fig. 12: Template ASCII File, English
2.1 19
ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat ibaAnalyzer import interface Notes on the use of decimal separators
Using the correct decimal separators is essenal for imporng numerical data correctly. The
data is interpreted depending on the type, the system sengs and parally on the kind of im-
For the import, we dierenate between three dierent types of data or secons:
1Info eld assignments and Technostrings
(Technostrings only available in data les created by ibaPDA <v7.0)
2Time informaon with microseconds
3Measurement values (analog values)
Depending on the secon, you have to pay aenon to the following points when using decimal
Informaon in Info elds and Technostrings are generally interpreted as text (string) by
ibaAnalyzer. For displaying the content of these values in ibaAnalyzer, special funcons are
■ InfoField: Generates a numeric signal
■ InfoFieldText: Generates a text channel
If you want to assign a numerical value (oang point) to an Info eld, you always have to use a
dot as decimal separator independentlyoftheWindowsregionalsengs.
If you use a comma instead, the content of the info eld is always interpreted and displayed as
text (text channel).
You can easily understand it by dragging in ibaAnalyzer an Info eld from the signal tree to the
trend graph or by double-clicking it. If there is a number with a decimal point in the Info eld,
the InfoField funcon will be applied automacally. If it is a number with a decimal comma, the
InfoFieldText funcon will be used automacally.
In case you use the InfoField funcon on purpose, only the digit before the comma is interpret-
ed as value.
20 2.1
ibaAnalyzer import interface ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat
If you want to import a highly precise me stamp with the measurement values, you can add
aer the common me informaon hh:mm:ss up to 6 posions (microseconds) aer a decimal
It only depends on the desired me format and/or the me column opon, which decimal sep-
arator you have to use. The regional Windows sengs are irrelevant.
Timecolumnopon(Importdialog) Decimal separator
None None
ibaAnalyzer export (equidistant values) Dot
Non equidistant values, ibaAnalyzer date and me format Dot
Non equidistant samples, local me format: Dot or comma
Measurement values
For analog values in the oang point format, you always have to use the decimal separator
which is preselected in the Windows regional sengs.