
Congratulations on your purchase of a
new Can-Am®3-wheel vehicle. It is
backed by the Bombardier Recrea-
tional Products Inc. (BRP) warranty
and a large network of authorized
dealers ready to provide the parts,
service or accessories you may
Your dealer is committed to your satis-
faction. He has taken training to pre-
pare, inspect and performed the final
adjustment of your new vehicle before
you took possession of it.
If you need more information concern-
ing the servicing of your vehicle,
please ask your dealer.
At delivery, you were informed about
the warranty coverage and also, you
signed the
to ensure your new vehicle was
prepared to your entire satisfaction.
KKnnooww BBeeffoorree yyoouu GGoo
For your safety and the safety of pas-
sengers and bystanders, read the fol-
lowing sections before you operate
this vehicle:
General Precautions
Vehicle Information
Safe Operating Instructions
Pre-ride Inspection
Experienced motorcyclists should pay
special attention to
What's Different
From Other Vehicles
SSaaffeettyy MMeessssaaggeess
The types of safety messages, what
they look like and how they are used
in this guide are explained as follows:
The safety alert symbol indicates a
potential injury hazard.
IInnddiiccaatteess aa ppootteennttiiaall hhaazzaarrdd
wwhhiicchh,, iiff nnoott aavvooiiddeedd,, ccoouulldd rreessuulltt
iinn sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh..
IInnddiiccaatteess aa hhaazzaarrddoouuss ssiittuuaattiioonn
wwhhiicchh,, iiff nnoott aavvooiiddeedd,, ccoouulldd rreessuulltt
iinn mmiinnoorr oorr mmooddeerraattee iinnjjuurryy..
IInnddiiccaatteess aann iinnssttrruuccttiioonn wwhhiicchh,, iiff
nnoott ffoolllloowweedd,, ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn ssee--
vveerreellyy ddaammaaggeedd vveehhiiccllee ccoommppoo--
nneennttss oorr ootthheerr pprrooppeerrttyy..
AAbboouutt tthhiiss OOppeerraattoorr’’ss GGuuiiddee
This Operator's Guide was written in
North America in a right-lane driving
environment. Please adapt your appli-
cation of these maneuvers to your ju-
risdiction and rules of the road.
In this Operator's Guide, the word mo-
torcycle typically refers to a
two-wheeled motorcycle.
Keep this Operator's Guide in the ve-
hicle at all time so that you can refer to
it for things such as maintenance,
road side repairs and instructing
If you want to view and/or print an ex-
tra copy of your Operator's Guide,
simply visit the following web site:.
The informations contained in this
document are correct at the time of
publication. BRP, however, maintains
a policy of continuous improvement of
its products without imposing upon it-
self any obligation to install them on
products previously manufactured.