Using your card as ‘Internal Storage’
Insert the card in the device
You should see a “Set Up SD card” Notification
Tap on ‘setup SD card’ in the insertion notification (or go to settings->storage->select card->
menu->format as internal)
Select the ‘internal storage’ option, after have carefully read the warning
If you currently have applications installed on the card, your device will ask you to move these
applications back to internal storage before formatting your card
Your card will be formatted and encrypted, and usable as device storage
Once the card has been formatted, you will be asked whether you want to migrate data
currently on your device to the card. This step will move all media, pictures, and documents to
the SD card.
By selecting where to migrate content, you also select the preferred storage location for all
applications, databases and data.
o If you decide to move that data to the card, the SD card will also become the preferred
storage location for all applications content, data and database and media.
o If you decide to skip this step, your device internal storage will remain the preferred
storage for all content.
Once a card has been formatted as internal storage, both your device internal storage and the
card will show up as “device storage” under storage settings, and you will be able to move
applications which were in internal storage to the card. Moving applications to the card can be
done from application settings (Settings > Apps > select application > Change storage location)
Once a card has been formatted as internal storage, Play Store will install applications on either
storage volume automatically, based on a set of rules provided by the application developer
(you will be able to move applications from one volume to another)