Rotate the roller to select the desired governor value. Press the roller to access
and adjust the value. Afterwards, press the roller to accept the value.
The displayed value is the corrected governor value. 0% represents
1.500ms or off with most governors.
Repeat this for all desired governor values.
STEP #12
Cyclic-to-throttle mix advances the throttle position with cyclic or rudder control
to maintain rpm. If you advance the stick to full throttle, the system will not
change throttle rate. This prevents overdriving the throttle servo.
When using a governor, Cyclic to throttle mix is not recommended.
In the Function list, press Mixing to access the C-Mix screen. In the C-Mix
functions rotate the roller to highlight the desired box at the bottom of the screen.
Press the roller to darken the box and activate Cyclic Mix in that flight mode
position. You can highlight more than one flight mode position. If you highlight
all boxes, the C-Mix function will always be on. If no boxes are highlighted, the
function will always be off.
N= Normal
1= Stunt 1
2= Stunt 2
H= Hold
M= Mix switch
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired rate then press the roller. Rotate the roller
to adjust the value, then press the roller to accept the value. Note the available
positive + and negative - values. Positive values add throttle while negative values
subtract throttle mix. Adjust the rates for all desired channels.
To verify that Cyclic mix is working properly and in the correct direction, place the
flight mode switch in one of the active positions. Move the
programmed cyclic or rudder channel noting the throttle position. The throttle
position should increase. If it decreases then the opposite value (positive vs.
negative) is needed.
STEP #13
You can use Cyclic Mix to correct swashplate timing issues. This function mixes
Elevator to Aileron to correct any rolling tendencies when elevator is applied and
Aileron to Elevator to correct pitching tendencies when aileron is applied. When
adjusted correctly the Cyclic Mix causes the helicopter to roll and flip accurately
and on axis.
In the Mixing function, rotate the roller to highlight Cyclic Mix then press the
roller. Select Swashplate and press the roller. The Swashplate Mix screen appears.
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired box at the bottom of the screen. Press
the roller to darken the box activating Swash Mix in that flight mode position. You
can highlight more than one flight mode position. If all boxes are highlighted, the
C-Mix function will always be on. If no boxes are highlighted, the function will
always be off.
N= Normal
1= Stunt 1
2= Stunt 2
H= Hold
M= Mix switch
Rotate the roller to highlight the desired rate then press the roller to access the
rate. Rotate the roller to adjust the value and press the roller to accept. You can
reverse the direction of the slave channel with positive + and negative – values.
Adjust the rate for all desired Swashplate values.
Verify that the Swash mix is working properly and in the correct direction by
placing the flight mode switch in one of the active positions. Then, move the
programmed cyclic master channel aileron or elevator to its full travel and hold
this position. Now change the flight mode to a position that the swash mix is
inactive in. Note the movement of the slave channel on the left side of the monitor.