Here, you can adjust the following values:
- switch on WiFi ("on")
- switch off WiFi ("off")
- perform a reset of the WiFi module ("reset")
- set the studio address
- activate automatic firmware updates ("Auto update") or disable them ("off")
Furthermore, the respective SSID the lamp is currently connected to, is being displayed here as well.
The studio address can have a value between 1 and 99.
Adjusting the display orientation is the purpose of this submenu:
- "Auto": Thanks to a sensor, the display will rotate by 180 degrees as soon as the lamp is upside down
- "0°": Now, the display will no longer rotate automatically (intended for stand mount)
- "180°": Now, the display will no longer rotate automatically (intended for ceiling installation)
After 10 minutes without user action, the display switches off ("Sleep Mode"). It can be woken up again by pressing or turning the central
Control button/knob.
To ensure perfect light quality, the diffusion attachment mounted on the LED F160 must always match the diffusion attachment type
selected in the submenu. The original diffusion attachment (silver ring; plastic; 33.172.00) can still be used. However, the optionally
available new diffusion attachment (black ring; glass; 33.174.00) brings with it an increase in brightness of typically 15%.
LED F160 lamps ordered from June 22, 2021 are already equipped with the new, black diffusion attachment as standard.
Here, you can read the firmware version currently installed on the device.
If a device malfunction occurs, the two cognition lights will permanently light up red. The cause of the malfunction is shown as plain text on
the display.