Installing the TSI 2 and TSI 2-C interface installation ...................................20
Alternative mounting
HPRA wiring diagram with TSI 2
HPRA wiring diagram with TSI 2-C
TSI 2 interface connections
TSI 2-C interface connections
Probe trigger delay
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HPRA with a TSI 2 interface
HPRA with a TSI 2-C interface
Standard wiring congurations
HPRA and TSI 2 wiring conguration
HPRA and TSI 2-C wiring conguration
Probe inhibits
Probe inhibits with TSI 2
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Probe inhibits with TSI 2-C
Inhibit inputs
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TSI 2 interface inputs
TSI 2-C interface inputs
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Probe inputs/outputs
Probe select inputs
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Input specication with TSI 2
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Output specication with TSI 2
Input specication with TSI 2-C
Output specication with TSI 2-C
Base removal
RP3 probe removal
Stylus and break stem removal
Break stem and stylus tting
RP3 probe maintenance
HPRA maintenance
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