Reference Manual
Part # 97404, Rev 0
June 2005
CSI 9210 Machinery Health Transmitter
By focusing on this specific application, the entire analysis process has been
tailored to the specific needs of motor-pump machine trains. An embedded
analysis engine, along with analysis rules that are particular to motor-pump
machine trains, identifies problems developing in the machine and derives
values representing the health of the individual machine components and the
machine train as a whole.
The analysis results are sent to the process automation system in the form of
OUNDATION fieldbus block alarms and can be interpreted by Emerson
Process Management host systems as PlantWeb Alerts. Machinery Health
values are delivered to the process automation system using standard Analog
Input (AI) or Multiple Analog Input (MAI) F
OUNDATION fieldbus function blocks.
The Machinery Health values are related to the ability of the machine train to
continue performing at its expected capacity. As the health degrades, action
on the part of operations or maintenance should be taken to restore the
machine train to optimum condition.
Changes in health may be related to subtle variations in the process, and a
benefit of the CSI 9210 is the opportunity to correlate changes in process
conditions to changes in machinery health. Trending the health values over
time and comparing the changes in health with changes in other process
variables supports awareness of the true impact of the process on the rotating
To facilitate this optimized solution, the CSI 9210 comes fully factory
configured. The factory settings provide for a specific installation procedure,
which ensures that the CSI 9210's monitoring of the machine train will be
successful. The sensors which are installed on the machine train have been
selected by the factory for optimum analytical benefit and should not be
altered in the field. The success of the analysis logic depends on the sensors
being installed correctly.
CSI 9210 Machinery
Health Transmitter:
Operation & Use
The next six sections will answer the following questions:
1. Why should I monitor the condition of my rotating process machinery?
2. What is a CSI 9210 Machinery Health Transmitter?
3. How does the CSI 9210 fit in with the PlantWeb architecture?
4. How can CSI 9210s help keep my plant running, and running better?
5. What is the CSI 9210 actually doing?
6. Why do CSI 9210s report more slowly than some other devices?
1) The condition of the rotating process machinery is an integral part of
the overall process.
Down time is lost production time, and unscheduled stoppage is particularly
expensive. It may be relatively easy to replace an electric motor, but if it
happens to fail unexpectedly, it can still result in lost production and revenue.
Rotating machinery, such as pumps, fans, and compressors, are the
backbone of almost every process. Often 60 - 80% or more of the operating
equipment in a given plant falls into this category.
The individual pieces of equipment may not be considered expensive enough
on their own to make monitoring worthwhile, but their true value is related to
where they are located in the production process - i.e., what depends on their
uninterrupted operation.