
Much depends upon the density of growth, type of grass, cleanliness and sharpness of blades, but
under average conditions the shear will cut for approximately 30 minutes without recharging.
1. Be sure that you have read carefully the safety rules. Use shear only for trimming grass and
2. For the best results you should trim only on a dry day, but water or moisture in the grass or
on the ground does not create an electric shock hazard with this tool. Just be sure not to cut
through any electric cords which may be in the area.
3. Keep your other hand well away from the blade, and maintain a stable working position so
that you don't slip. Don't overreach.
4. Feed the blade into the grass at a rate that allows it to keep up cutting speed. Feed slower if
the blade slows down. Watch out for foreign objects in the grass.
Modele GS500
It is easy to remove sap and dirt deposits when they are fresh and moist, but difficult after they
become dry. Therefore, it is recommended that you wash the blades in water after each use. Hold
the BLADES under a running faucet (Figure 6a) or in a pan of water (Figure 6b) and turn the tool
"ON" to help dislodge the deposits. (There is no electric shock hazard from the shear's Iowwoltage
power supply.) Ifthe buildup of sap is difficult to remove, it may be necessary (with the motor
"OFF") to scrub the blades with soap and a stiff bristle brush.
After cleaning, wipe the blades with a cloth and allow them to dry. Then, with a rag, apply a thin
film of light engine oil to the top and bottom of the blades. Do not over oil. Turn the shear "ON" for
a few seconds to work the lubricant between the blades.
Under normal usage and proper cleaning, shear blades should last approximately one season.
When blades become worn and will not cut, they must be replaced. During the overall life of the
shear, blades should be replaced before each cutting season. Sharp blades help to maintain
consistent cutting time. Blades are available, at extra cost, at your local Black & Decker Service
Center.( RB-O01)
Remove three screws from bottom of shear (Figure 7a). Lift worn blades off. Be sure washer
remains on its post on the gear (Figure 7b). Clean out any grass or dirt. The teeth on the new
blades should be evenly spaced--shift the moving blade, if necessary to accomplish this. Move
gear to line up washer with slot in moving blade (Figure 7b). Slot in moving blade must fit over
washer when blade is placed on shear. Replace three screws to fasten blades to shear.
No periodic relubrication ofthe bearingsor mechanismisrequired.
Use only warm water and mild soap to clean the plastic parts. Many household cleaners contain
chemicals which could seriously damage the plastic. Never use gasoline, turpentine, lacquer or
paint thinner, dry cleaning fluids, or similar products.
The best storage place is one that is cool and dry. Store the tool away from direct sunlight, heating
pipes and ducts, furnaces, etc. The best storage temperature is about +50°F. Do not store where
temperatures go below +40°F or above 120°F. Avoid storage in outside metal buildings where
temperature can exceed 120°F in summer.
For off-season storage you should first recharge the shear for 1 6 hours. Unplug the charger from
the wall socket and then disconnect charger from the shear. (Fig. 1) Clean and lightly oil the blades
as described in this manual and store the shear and charger away.
The blades are made from high quality, heat treated steel and they will hold a sharp edge for a
long period of time. However, if you accidentally hit a wire fence, stones, glass or other hard
objects, you may put a nick in the blade. There is no need to remove this nick as long as it does not
interfere with the movement of the blade. If itdoes interfere, use a fine toothed file or sharpening
stone to remove it. A replacement blade set is available from your Black & Decker service center
when blades become worn.
If you drop the shear, carefully inspect it for damage, if the blades are bent, replace them with a
new set of blades from your dealer. If the housing is cracked, or handle broken, contact your local
Black & Decker Service Center for repairs before putting the tool back into use.
When they reach the end of their useful life, the batteries in your tool will no longer accept a
charge. Before discarding the old tool, the nickel cadmium batteries must be removed and recycled
or disposed of properly. Cadmium is a highly toxic form of waste and is extremely harmful to the
environment. Contact your local municipality to find out how to properly recycle or dispose of the
batteries. Alternately, you can take or send the complete tool to your local Black & Decker service
center. If battery replacement is required they will, at your direction, replace the batteries and
properly recycle or dispose of the old ones. If you choose to replace the tool at this time, they will
be glad to take the old one and see to its proper recycling or disposal.
IMPORTANT: Toassure product SAFETY and RELIABILITY,repairs, maintenance and adjustment
should be performed by Black & Decker Service Centers or other qualified service organizations,
always using identical replacement parts.
Accessories: GSH500 Extension Handle Kit (fig. 8)
RB-O01 Grass Shear Replacement Blade
NOTE! - Accessories sold separately
• /_ WARNING: Only use Shear with Black & Decker approved accessories. Use of non approved
Accessories could be hazardous.
Service Information
Black & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and Authorized Service locations
throughout North America. All Black & Decker Service Centers are staffed with trained personnel
to provide customers with efficient and reliable power tool service.
Whether you need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacement parts, contact the Black
& Decker service location nearest you.
To find your local service location, refer to the yellow page directory under "Tools--Electric" or call:
Full Two-Year Home Use Warranty
Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. warrants this product for two years against any defects in material or
workmanship. The defective product will be replaced or repaired at no charge in either of two
The first, which will result in exchanges only, is to return the product to the retailer from whom it
was purchased (provided that the store is a participating retailer). Returns should be made within
the time period of the retailer's policy for exchanges (usually 30 to 90 days after the sale). Proof of
purchase may be required. Please check with the retailer for their specific return policy regarding
returns that are beyond the time set for exchanges.
The second option is to take or send the product (prepaid) to a Black & Decker owned or
Authorized Service Center for repair or replacement at our option. Proof of purchase may be
required. Black & Decker owned and Authorized Service Centers are listed under "Tools-Electric"
in the yellow pages of the phone directory.
This warranty does not apply to accessories. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you
may have other rights which vary from state to state. Should you have any questions, contact the
manager of your nearest Black & Decker Service Center.
This product is not intended for commercial use.
Imported by
Black & Decker(U.S.)lnc.,
701E. Joppa Rd.
Towson, MD 21286 U.S.A.
See 'Tools-Electric'
- Yellow Pages -
for Service & Sales
• Le chargeur peut emettre un bourdonnement; les piles ou le chargeur peuvent
devenir chauds au toucher pendant le chargement.
• II Taut charger les piles avant la premiere utilisation.
• Enfoncer le bouton de verrouillage avant d'appuyer sur la detente.
Afin de reduire les risques de blessures :
• Avant route utilisation, s'assurer que tous ceux qui se servent de I'outil dejardinage lisent et
comprennent routes les mesures de securite et tout autre renseignement contenu dans le present guide.
• Conserver ces mesures et les relire frequemment avant d'utiliser I'outil et d'en expliquer le
fonctionnement a d'autres personnes.
• z_AVERTISSEMENT Afin de reduire les risques d'incendie, de secousses electriques ou de
blessures Iorsqu'on utilise des outils dejardinage, il Taut toujours respecter
les mesures de securite suivantes.
• Z_AVERTISSEMENT Le produit renferme des produits chimiques, dont du plomb. Selon I'etat de
la Californie, ce produit chimique peut causer le cancer ainsi que des
malformations congenitales, et il presente d'autres dangers au systeme
reproductif humain. Se laver les mains apres I'utilisation.
• z_AVERTISSEMENT Le produit genere de la poussiere qui peut renfermer des produits
chimiques. Selon I'etat de la Californie, ces produits chimiques peuvent
causer le cancer ainsi que des malformations congenitales, et ils presentent
d'autres dangers au systeme reproductif humain. Voici des exemples de tels
produits chimiques :
• les composes d'engrais;
• les composes d'insecticides, d'herbicides et de pesticides;
• I'arsenic et le chrome provenant de bois traite.
Afin de minimiser les risques, porter de I'equipement de securite approuve comme des masques
antipoussieres specialement conqu pour filtrer les particules microscopiques.
Z_ MISE EN GARDE : Porter un dispositif approprie de protection de I'ouYe Iors de I'utilisation du
produit. Dans certaines conditions et durees d'utilisation, le produit peut
emettre un niveau de bruit provoquant la perte de I'ouYe.
• TENIR COMPTE DU MILIEU DE TRAVAIL. Ne pas utiliser I'outil dans un endroit mouille ou humide.
Proteger I'outil de la pluie.
• ELOIGNER LES ENFANTS. Tousles visiteurs doivent etre tenus a I'ecart de I'aire de travail.
• RANGER LES OUTILS INUTI[ISES A L'INTERIEUR. II Taut ranger les outils dans un endroit sec,
situe en hauteur ou ferme a cle, hors de la portee des enfants.
• NE JAMAIS FORCER L'OUTIL. Afin d'obtenir un rendement suret efficace, utiliser I'outil a son
rendement nominal.
• UTILISER L'OUTIL APPROPRIE. Se servir de I'outil selon I'usage prevu.
• PORTER DES VF'TEMENTS APPROPRIES. Eviter de porter des vetements amples et des bijoux qui
peuvent etre happes par les pieces en mouvement. Porter des gants de caoutchouc et des chaussures
semelle antiderapante pour travailler a I'exterieur. Proteger la chevelure si elle est Iongue.
• NE PAS DEPASSER SA PORTEE. Toujours demeurer dans une position stable et garder son
de protection ou de securite a ecrans lateraux, conformement aux normes de securite
appropriees, et, au besoin, un ecran facial. Porter egalement un masque respiratoire si le travail
de coupe produit de la poussiere. La presente mesure vaut pour toute personne dans la zone de
travail. II faut egalement porter un casque, des protege-tympans, des gants et des chaussures de
securite ainsi qu'utiliser des systemes de depoussierage Iorsque specifie ou exige. Les lunettes de
securite et autre materiel semblable sont vendus separement chez les detaillants et dans les
centres de service Black & Decker.
• PRENDRE SOIN DES OUTILS. Conserver les outils propres et afftites pour qu'ils donnent un
rendement superieur et sur. Suivre les directives concernant la lubrification et le remplacement
des accessoires. S'assurer que les poignees sont toujours propres, seches et libres de toute tache
d'huile ou de graisse.
• EVITER LES DEMARRAGES ACClDENTELS. Ne pas laisser le doigt sur I'interrupteur Iorsqu'on
transporte I'outil. S'assurer que I'interrupteur est a la position hors circuit Iorsqu'on branche
• VERIFIER LES PIECES ENDOMMAGEES. Avant d'utiliser de nouveau I'outil, bien verifier un
protecteur endommage ou toute autre piece defectueuse afin de determiner si elle fonctionnera
de fa(;on appropriee et si elle remplira la fonction prevue. Verifier I'alignement et les attaches
des pieces mobiles, le degre d'usure des pieces et leur montage, ainsi que tout autre facteur
susceptible de nuire au bon fonctionnement de I'outil. Faire reparer ou remplacer tout protecteur
ou toute autre piece endommagee dans un centre de service autorise, saul si le present guide far
mention d'un avis contraire.
• DEMEURER VIGILANT. Travailler avec vigilance et faire preuve de bon sens. Ne pas se servir de
I'outil Iorsqu'on est fatigue.
• REPARATIONS ET ENTRETIEN. Confier les reparations, I'entretien et les rajustements non specifies
dans le present guide au personnel des centres de service Black & Decker n'utilisant que des
pieces de rechange identiques.
• UTILISATION D'AUTRES ACCESSOIRES. L'utilisation de tout accessoire non recommande pour
I'outil peut etre dangereuse.
• NE PAS SAISlR LES LAMES A DECOUVERT ni les aretes tranchantes Iorsqu'on prend I'outil ou
qu'on le tient.
• CORDONS DE RALLONGE. S'assurer que le cordon de rallonge est en bon etat. Lorsqu'on se
sert d'un cordon de rallonge, s'assurer qu'il est de calibre approprie pour la tension necessaire
au fonctionnement de I'outil.
Calibre minimal des cordons de rallonge
Longueur totale du cordon en pieds
240 V
Intensite (A)
Au Au
moins plus
0-25 26-50 51-100 101-150
0-50 51-100 101-200 201-300
6 18 16 16 14
10 18 16 14 12
12 16 16 14 12
16 14 12 Nonrecommande
1. Eloigner les mains des lames.
2. Ne pas charger I'outil sous la pluie ni dans un endroit mouille.
3. Ne passe servir d'un outil alimente par une pile sous la pluie.