FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote Temperature Transmitter Installation Guide8
Setup and Adjustments
The FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote
Temperature Transmitter and TE-6300 Series
Temperature Sensor combination is configured as a
NetZoneSensor (also identified as Zone NetSensor) in
the CCT software.
The following steps describe how to define the
hardware setting, as well as how to adjust the default
temperature limits. This adjustment allows the
FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote Temperature
Transmitter to properly report the temperature to the
To define the hardware setting in CCT:
1. Click Define Hardware. The Hardware Definition
Wizard opens with the Controller Selection screen
Note: You can also use the Define Hardware option of
the Operations menu to open the Hardware Definition
2. Click Select next to the Field Device box. The
Controller Device Selection dialog box appears.
3. Select the desired field device and click OK. The
Add Device dialog box appears.
4. Enter the device name and click OK. The device
name appears in the Field Device box.
5. In the SA Bus Devices box of the Controller
Selection screen, verify that the Zone NetSensor
option appears. The Zone NetSensor option
applies to the FX-WRZRMT10K-0. If this option
appears, skip to Step 9. If this option does not
appear, continue with Step 6.
6. Click Add Device next to the SA Bus Devices box.
The SA Bus Device Selection dialog box appears.
7. Select the NetZoneSensor option and click OK.
The Add NetSensor Devices dialog box appears.
8. Select the check box next to the application (Zone)
and click OK. The Hardware Definition Wizard -
Controller Selection screen re-appears with the
Zone NetSensor device in the SA Bus Devices
9. Click Next. The Hardware Definition Wizard - Point
Assignment screen appears.
Note: CCT automatically assigns the points based on
the selections made in the Controller Selection screen.
The Zone temperature input point does not appear on
the Point Assignment screen because this point is
assigned to the SA Bus.
10. Assign your points if needed. Use the right arrow
to assign a point to an object. Use the left arrow
to unassign a point from an object. Use
drag-and-drop functionality to move a point up
and down the Assigned Points list.
11. Click Next. The Network Settings screen appears.
12. Review and modify the settings, if needed.
Note: The default address of the Zone NetSensor is
199 (appears in the SA Bus Device Settings section of
the screen). Be aware that this address is not the same
as the Device Address (appears in the Field Device &
Bus Settings section of the screen).
13. Click Finish. The hardware settings for the
FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote Temperature
Transmitter and TE-6300 Series Temperature
Sensor combination are defined.
To adjust the default temperature limits in CCT:
Note: The FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote
Temperature Transmitter and TE-6300 Series
Temperature Sensor combination uses the
Zone (ZN-T) temperature input point. All other points
associated with temperature (for example, setpoint,
occupancy mode, and fan status) are not applicable to
the FX-WRZRMT10K-0 Wireless Remote Temperature
Transmitter and TE-6300 Series Temperature Sensor
combination. The Min Value on an engine must be set
to greater than or equal to -9°F (-23°C) to prevent
unreliable status indicators.
1. With the Control tab active, right-click the
ZN-T input and select View Details. The Details
dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. Change the Max Value setting to 158.0 deg F
(70 deg C) and verify that the Min Value setting is
32.0 deg F (0 deg C).
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close. The default temperature limits are
6. Save the application (File > Save), and download
the application to the device (Operations > Load).
For more information on how to use CCT, refer to the
User Interface and Defining Hardware chapters of the
Controller Tool Help (LIT-12011147).