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Smith-Victor • Photogenic • Dot Line
Quantum • Radiopopper • Photoflex • Cool-Lux
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Smith-Victor is a division of PromarkBRANDS
1268 Humbracht Circle, Bartlett, IL 60103 U.S.A.
800-348-9862 or 630-830-9200
sales@smithvictor.com | www.smithvictor.com
# 999615 Manual for Acies Strip Lights 401670 & 401672_12-2018
Item: 401670
32” Pro LED Strip Light with Barndoors
• High quality, soft, even light.
• Evenly illuminates a wide area.
• Barndoors can be adjusted to illuminate a narrow strip.
• Multiple mounting options allow adjustment to any angle.
• Great for interviews, groups, product photos and videos.
• Perfect for illuminating backgrounds, especially green
Item: 401672
48” Pro LED Strip Light with Barndoors