User Action System Response
Say “Phone Pairing”
“Pair Phone or Delete the Current Phone.” BEEP
Say “Delete”
“Are you sure you want to delete the current
phone.” BEEP
Say “Yes”
“Phone deleted.”
“Returning to Main Menu, Ready.” BEEP
2.0 UConnect Phonebook Functions
To Add Names and Numbers to Your
UConnect Phonebook
To add names and numbers to your UConnect Phonebook, follow these steps:
User Action System Response
“Ready.” BEEP
Say “Phonebook”
“Select one of the following: New Entry, Edit, List
Names, Delete, or Erase All.” BEEP
Say “New Entry”
“Phonebook new entry name, please.” BEEP
Say “[Person’s Name]”
“Repeat Name Please” BEEP
Repeat “[Person’s Name]”
The system will pause as name is stored followed
by the prompt, “Please say ‘Home, Work, Cellular,
or Pager.” BEEP
Say “Home,”“Work,”“Cellular,” or “Pager”
“Adding [Name and Location]. Is this correct?”
Say “Yes” or “No”
If you say, “Yes,” the system will ask, “New
Number Please” [If you say “No” the system will
return to the previous sequence]. BEEP
Say the number you wish to enter, either:
• All at once, or
• In segments (block dialing)
“Complete the number, say Clear or say Save
Entry” BEEP
Select one of the following three options:
• Say the next group of digits in the number
(e.g. “454”, “1212” etc.)
• Or Say “Clear”
• Or Say, “Save entry”
The system will add the new digits to the number
and prompt “Complete the number, say Clear or
say Save Entry” followed by a BEEP
The last series of digits you entered will be erased.
The system will respond, “Block Cleared” followed
by a BEEP and you can then enter more digits.
System will repeat number, “Is this Correct?”
User Action System Response
Answer “No” or “Yes.”
• If you answer “No,” the system will return you
to the previous sequence.
• If you answer “Yes,” the number will be saved
and the system will respond, “Number stored.
Would you like to add another location?” BEEP.
Answer “No” or “Yes.”
• If you respond “No,” the system will ask,
“Would you like to add another name?” BEEP.
• If you respond “Yes” the system will prepare
you to add another name.
Answer “No” or “Yes.”
• If you respond “No,” the system will return to
the main menu.
• If you respond “Yes,” the system will restart
the sequence.
Editing Phonebook Entries
To edit a phonebook entry, follow these steps:
User Action System Response
“Ready.” BEEP
Say “Phonebook”
“Select one of the following: New Entry, Edit, List
Names, Delete, or Erase All.” BEEP
Say “Edit”
“Phonebook edit name, please.” BEEP
Say “[Name]”
“[Name] is this correct?” BEEP
Say “No”
Say “Yes”
“Phonebook edit name, please.” BEEP
“Please say “Home”, “ Work”, “Cellular”, or
“Pager.” BEEP
Say “Home,”“Work,”“Cellular,” or “Pager”
“Editing [Name and Location]. Is this correct?”
Say “No” or “Yes”
• If you say “No” the system will return to the
previous sequence. BEEP
• If you say “Yes” and a number is already
stored, the system will respond, “The current
number is [number]. New number please.” If
a number has not been stored, the system will
respond, “Number please?”