This guide is intended for all fi rst time users of LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ for Schools and the ROBOLAB software (versions
2.0 or higher). It is a brief guide that will help you to install the software and try out some of the basic programming prin-
ciples. It is intended as a brief introduction. You will need the ROBLAB User Guide to become fully conversant with the
concept. The guide is based on functions within ROBOLAB 2.0.
We recommend that you carry out this program in two steps—the Pilot Course followed by the Inventor Course. Have fun!
You will need either a RoboTechnology Set or Team Challenge Set to complete this course.
Installing ROBOLAB software and preparing the RCX brick and IR Tower Page 4
Installing Firmware Page 5
PILOT Course (Estimated time needed 1–2 hours)
Pilot levels 1–4
Pilot Level 1 Page 6
Turning a motor on or off
Test Your Skills—Stop the motor on time
Pilot Level 2 Page 8
Introducing lamp, touch sensor and setting power levels
Test Your Skills—Vary power levels and change directions
Pilot Level 3 Page 9
Programming with two steps, introducing light sensor and loops
Test Your Skills—Program a car to respond to light readings
Pilot Level 4 Page 11
Programming with multiple steps
Test Your Skills—Program a car to drive in a rectangle
INVENTOR Course (Estimated time needed 2–3 hours)
Inventor levels 1–4
Inventor Level 1 Page 13
Get to know the basic icons and how to string them together
Program a car to change direction on time
Inventor Level 2 Page 15
Introducing modifi ers, fl ip direction, jump & land and random time functions
Program a car to repeat a program, fl ip direction
of the motor, follow timing and play a sound
Inventor Level 3 Page 18
Introducing music, task split, loop and fork merge options
Program two strings, one driving the motor, the
other playing music. Program a repeated sequence.
Inventor Level 4 Page 20
Introducing container commands
Program two strings using container commands to
repeat a sequence
Ideas for practising your skills
A general introduction Page 23
Building Instructions Page 25