Installing the New Belt
Keeper and Belt
Parts needed for this step:
Belt keeper
Flange locknut
1. Locate the screw and spacer -style belt k ee per
on the tensioning idler brac k et ( Figure 4 ).
Figure 4
1. Hairpin clip 2. Screw and spacer
2. Use a 3/8-inc h soc k et and ratc het to remo v e
and discard the screw and spacer ( Figure 4 ).
3. Use a 1/2-inc h soc k et and ratc het to remo v e
both belt co v ers from the left and right
spindles .
4. R emo v e the old belt and install the new belt.
Note: Ensure that the belt is cor rectly routed.
5. R e place the belt co v ers .
6. Use the 9/16-inc h soc k et and rac het and a
9/16-inc h bo x wrenc h to remo v e the screw ,
w asher , and n ut that secure the tensioning idler
pulley .
7. R etain the screw and the w asher .
8. Install the new belt k ee per onto the pulley
( Figure 5 ).
Figure 5
1. New belt keeper
9. Discard the loc kn ut.
10. T he ring end of the new belt k ee per g oes
betw een the screw hex head and the w asher
( Figure 5 ).
Note: T he end of the belt k ee per sets in the
threaded hole v acated b y the screw and spacer
remo v ed in ste p 1 . Ensure that the new belt is
betw een the pulley and belt k ee per ( Figure 5 ).
11. Secure the idler pulley using the new flang e
loc kn ut and tighten it securely .
12. T o install the dec k, rev erse the ste ps in
R emo ving the Mo w er Dec k.