dropped, inspect for damage or install an un-
amaged accessory. After inspecting andin-
stalling an accessory, position yourself and
bystanders away from the plane of the rotating
accessory and runthe power tool at maximum
no-load speed for one minute. Damaged acces-
sorieswill normallybreak apart during this test time.
i) Wear personal protective equipment. Depending
on application, use face shield, safety goggles or
safety glasses. As appropriate, weardust mask,
hearing protectors, gloves and workshop apron
capable of stoppingsmallabrasive or workpiece
fragments. The eyeprotection must be capable of
stopping flying debris generated by various opera-
tions. The dust mask or respirator mustbecapable
of filtrating particles generatedbyyour operation.
Prolonged exposuretohigh intensity noise may
cause hearing loss.
j) Keepbystandersasafe distance away from
work area.Anyone enteringthework areamust
wearpersonal protective equipment. Fragments
of workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away
and cause injury beyond immediate areaofopera-
k) Hold power toolbyinsulated grippingsurfaces
only,whenperforming an operation where the
cutting accessory may contacthiddenwiring or
its own cord. Cutting accessorycontactinga“live”
wire may makeexposed metal parts of the power
tool “live” and could give the operatoranelectric
l) Always holdthetool firmlyinyour hand(s)
duringthestart-up. The reaction torque of the
motor, as it acceleratestofullspeed,cancause the
m) Use clamps to supportworkpiece whenever
practical. Never holdasmallworkpiece in one
hand andthetoolintheother handwhileinuse.
Clampingasmall workpiece allowsyoutouseyour
hand(s)tocontrol the tool.Round materialsuchas
dowel rods, pipesortubing have a tendencytoroll
while beingcut, and maycause the bittobindor
jump toward you.
n) Position the cord clearofthespinning acces-
sory. If you lose control, thecordmaybe cutor
snagged andyour handorarmmaybepulled into
hespinning accessory.
o) Never laythepower tooldownuntil the acces-
sory has come to a complete stop. The spinning
accessory may grab thesurface and pull the power
tool outofyour control.
p) Afterchanging the bits or makinganyadjust-
ments, makesurethecollet nut, chuck or any
other adjustmentdevices are securely tight-
ened. Loose adjustment devices can unexpectedly
shift,causing lossofcontrol, looserotating compo-
nents willbeviolently thrown.
q) Do not runthepower toolwhile carryingitat
your side. Accidentalcontactwith the spinning ac-
cessorycould snagyourclothing, pulling the acces-
sory intoyour body.
r) Regularly cleanthepower tool’s air vents. The
motor’s fanwilldrawthe dust inside the housing
and excessive accumulationofpowdered metal may
cause electrical hazards.
s) Do notoperate the power tool near flammable
materials. Sparks could ignite these materials.
t) Do notuseaccessories that require liquid
coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may
Further safety instructions for all operations
Kickback and related warnings
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged
rotating wheel,sanding band, brush or any other acces-
sory. Pinchingorsnaggingcausesrapid stallingofthe
rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncon-
trolledpower tooltobeforced in the direction opposite
of the accessory’s rotation.
Forexample,ifanabrasive wheelissnaggedorpinched
by the workpiece, the edgeofthe wheel thatisentering
into the pinch point can dig into thesurface of thema-
terial causing the wheeltoclimb outorkickout.The
wheelmayeitherjumptoward or away from the oper-
ator, dependingondirectionofthe wheel’smovement
at the pointofpinching. Abrasive wheels may also break
under theseconditions.
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