machine (max. 30°C -85° F). Never use chemical cleaning products or solvents.
STORAGE: When not in use, the helmet should be stored away rom direct
sunlight and sources oheat, and we recommend putting it back in the original
MODIFICATIONS AND REPAIRS: Do not apply adhesives, solvents, stickers,
or paint that does not comply with the manuacturer’s specications. Do
not modiy the helmet in any way unless the modications are specically
authorized by KASK. An unauthorized modication can reduce the product’s
eectiveness and invalidate its certication. Repairs made outside oKASK
acilities are prohibited.
TRANSPORT: Given the type odevice (helmet), no particular instructions are
necessary or its transport. During transport do not pack the helmet too tightly.
LIFE: The actual lifetime of a product ends when it meets one of the retirement
criteria listed below (see “When to retire your equipment”), or when it is judged
obsolete (see “Product Obsolescence”). The actual lietime is infuenced by a
variety of factors such as: the intensity, frequency, and environment of use, the
competence of the user, how well the product is stored and maintained, etc.
ATTENTION: in extreme cases, the lietime othe product can be reduced to
one single use through exposure to far example any of the following: chemicals,
extreme temperatures, sharp edges, major fall or load, etc. lnspect the helmet
regularly to check or any damage! Cracks, detached parts, warping, faking,
and changes in color are signicant elements or veriying the helmet’s state o
deterioration; in any case, we advise replacing it alter approximately 5 years,
because over time its capacity or protection decreases due to the aging othe
materials. The manufacturing date is shown on the inside of the helmet.
INSPECTION: lnspect equipment periodically for damage and/or deterioration.
lyou nd any minor cuts, abrasions, or other visible damage, make sure
the helmet is inspected beore urther use. In addition to the inspection
beore and during use, a periodic in-depth inspection must be carried out
by a competent inspector at least once every 12 months. The requency o
the in-depth inspection must be governed by the type and the intensity o
use. To keep better track oyour equipment, it is preerable to assign each
piece oequipment to a unique user so that he/she will know its history. The
results oinspections should be documented in an “inspection record”. This
document must allow recording of the following details: type of equipment,
model, name and contact inormation othe manuacturer or distributor,