Before wm begin--Read these instructions completely and careflllly.
IMPORTANT: Sine these instructions for local inspector's use.
NOTE TO INSTALLER: Be sure to leave these instructions with tile Constm_er.
NOTE TO CONSUMER: Keep these instructions _dth your Use and Care Book for
ftlture reference.
If vou hme questions concerning tile
installation of this product, call tile GE
Answer Center ® (;onsumer hfformation
Serxice at 800.626.2000, 24 horn's a day
7 days a week.
If vou receix ed a damaged cooking center,
VOtl should contact VOIII" dealer.
Installation of this cooking center requires
basic mechanical skills, Proper installation is
the responsibility of the installer,
For Monogram local serxice in your area
For Monogram serxice in Canada,
For Monogram Parts and Accessories, call
Do not use cooking center in a space where
gasoline or other liquids hming flammable
xapors are stored or used.
• For outdoor use only. Use this cooking center
only in the manner intended b} the man utacturer.
• This outdoor cooking gas appliance is not
intended to be installed in or on recreational
vehicles arLd/or boats.
• I)o not use the grill in an explosive atmosphere.
Keep the grill awa)/i:om areas where gasoline or
other tlammable liquids and vapors are stored or
being used.
• ()bser_e proper clearances to combustible
materials at all times.
• I)o not use a rusty or damaged I_Ptank.
• Never substitute gases (natural/or LP or I P tor
natural). These grills are tacto D set/or I_Por
natural gas. ()rder the model/or your installation
• When storing the grill indoors, disconnect the I_P
tank. Store the tank outdoors in a well ventilated
• I)o not store additional I_Ptanks in or near the gas
• Follow tile guidelines on tile I_Ptank tor proper
storage, transport and handling.
• I,P models are supplied with a 20 lb. LP tank
(shipped separately) equipped with a Type 1 Acme
connector. The supplied regulator has a mating
• The supplied I _Ptank is equipped with an overfill
protection device. If }_)u utilize a tank exchange
s}stem, be sm:e to exchange this tank tor a tank
with the smn e de_ice.
IF "_g)/_5SMELL GAS:
• Slmt off gas to appliance.
• Extinguish any open flame.
• Open lid.
• If odor continues, immediately call vom"
gas supplier.
• Tested in accordance with ANSI Z21.58 latest
edition standard tor outdoor cooking gas
appliances. This grill is tor outdoor use only.
Check local building codes tot the proper method
of installation in the absence of local codes, this
trait should be installed in accordance with the
National Fuel Gas Code No. Z223 latest edition
and the National Electrical Code ANSI!NFPA
no. 70, latest edition.
Tile burning of gas cooking fuel generates some by
products that are on the list of substances which
are known by the State of Cali/ornia to cause
cancer or reproductive harm. Cali/ornia law
requires businesses to warn customers of potential
exposure to such substances. To minimize expo-
sure to these substances, always operate this unit
according to the use and care manual, ensuring
you provide good ventilation when cooking with
Spiders and insects can nest in the burners of this
and any other grill, and cause the gas to flow/i'om
tile ti:ont of tile burner. This is a very dangerous
condition which can cause a fire to occtlr behind
the valve panel, thereb} damaging the grill and
making it unsatz "to operate. Inspect the grill twice
a year or immediately if any symptoms appear.
Models Axailable .................................................. 3
Accessories ............................................................ 3
Product Dimensions &-Clearances ..................... 4
Advance Planning ................................................ .5
Choosing the Ix)cation ........................................ 5
Tools & Materials Required ................................ .5
Step 1: Remove the Packaging ............................ 6
Step 2: Provide Support ....................................... 7
guilt-hi Installations ..................................... 7, 8
Step 3: Provide Gas & Electrical Supply ............. 9
LP Gas Models .................................................. 9
Natural Gas Models .......................................... 9
Ele_ trk al Supply ............................................. 10
Step 4: Test tor Leaks ......................................... 10
Step 5: (:he_k Burners,
Replace Drip Trays and (;rates ..................... 11
Step 6: I_ighting the Grill .................................. 12
Step 7: Adjusting the Burners ........................... 13
Install Rotisserie ................................................. 14
In stall Access Doors ........................................... 15