,'y :
FIGURE 29. ':'
1., Adj_is.{the depth stat<e bY pullJ.ng: the depth
stake atJjiJstment pin, Release the depth
2, Lower the depth stake for transpdrtlng the
3. Engage wheel engagement lever, select gear
on handle panel and ti!let will propel itself:
A, For tilling !n sod, raise the depth stalke so
the depth bar is one to two inches above
tt_e ti:nes.
Ti_is sett!ng {s _ised for breaking up the
sod .and shallow Cultivation. For further
depth ra}se theedepth stake and -make one
or two more passes over the area,
B_ For fitting loose and sandy soil, further
depth tn tilling can be achieved by raising
the depth stake to its higllest setting.
When tilling, if a hard spot or rock is
encountered, the tines may lift the
back Of the tiller out Of the ground
and start to walk across tlle ground,
To correct this problem raise up on
the handles,
Soil conditions a_e imp.ortaht for proper tilling.
The t!nes will not. readily penetrate dry, hard s0tl,
This may con.tribute to ex6essive bounce and
dill!out| handling of.the tiflei. Hard'soii should be
moistened prior to tilling,
ExtremelY Wet soi! wilt cause .soil 1o ball up or
When tilllhg in the Fall, all vines and long gt_ass
should be removedo This will preveht vibes from
wrapl_:lng around _he fine sh_ft Whlcl_ slows ttl!ing
The best method will be determined by the soil
condition, In some soils, the desired depth "is
obtained the first time over the garden, tn other
so.ils, the desired depth Is obtained by going over
the garclen two or three times_ In the latter' t_ase,
the depth stake should be raised (raising the
depth stake increases diggliqg depth) before each
suc.oeeding pass over the garden, and passes
st'io!jtd be made across the ierigth and width of the
garden alternately,. Rocks' which Are turned up
should be removed from thega¢dei_ area.
Handle Pressure: Eurther O0nt#ol of ttll!ng depth
and,t_:avet speed can be ol_tained by variation of
p_es_.ure on t_he handles.
When .using the depth stake e(downward pressure
onthe, handles Will increase the working depth
ahd 're.duce the' f0cwai'd_ speed. An upward
ptes.sti.r.e o,n tlie handleswill reduce the working
deistic:and tncrease the fo_ard speed, The type of
sotl arid wi_kt_qg conditioris Wilt determine the
actual se.t.t;!ng Ofthe;.deptl_ _J!ake,
_o not use a'n off:the-shelf belt.
If belt replacemer_t is required, ordei" belt or belts
by part number from your nearest Sears Service
Part No. 754-0220 Part No. 754-022t
5/8" x27" Short Belt 5/8" x52" Long Beh