Your Opel GT
is an intelligent combination of forward-
looking technology, impressive safety,
environm ental friendliness and economy.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle
safely and ensure that it performs
perfectly. This Owner's Manual provides
you with all the necessary informa tion to
that end.
Ma ke sure your passeng ers are aware of
th e poss ible risk of acciden t a nd injury
which may result from improper use of the
You must a lways comply with the spec ific
laws of the country that you are travelling
through. Thes e la ws may d iffe r from the
information in this Owner’s Manual.
When instructed to consult a workshop,
we recommend that you consult an Opel
Service Partner.
All Opel Service Partners offer first-c lass
service at reasonable prices.
You will receive quick, reliable and
individual service.
Experienced mecha nics, trained by Opel,
work according to specific Opel
The Owner's Manual should always be kep t
in the vehicle: Ready to hand in the glove
com partment.
Make use of the Owner's Manual:
z Its "In brief" section will give you an initial
z The table of contents at the beginning of
the Owner’s Manual and within the
individ ual chapters will show you where
everything is.
z Its index will help you find what you
z It will familiarise you with the
sophisticated technology.
z It will increase your pleasure in your
z It will help you to handle your vehicle
The Owner’s Ma nual is designed to be
clea rly laid-out and easily und erstood.
This symbol signifies:
6 Continue reading on next page.
3 The asterisk signifies equipment not
fitted to all vehicles (m odel variants,
engine options, m odels specific to one
country , optional eq uipm ent, O pel
genuine parts and accessories).
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as
points of reference or indicate some action
to be performed.
Bla ck arrows in the illustrations ind icate a
reaction or a second action to b e
Directional data, e.g. left or right, or front
or back, in the descriptions always rela tes
to th e d ir ec ti o n o f t r ave l .
We wish you many hours of pleasurable
driv ing
Your O pe l Tea m
9 Warning
Text marked 9 Warning provides
information on risk of accident or injury.
Disregard of the instructions may lead to
injuries or endanger life.
Inform your passengers acc ordingly.