• We have designed this cooker for use by pri-
vate individuals in their homes.
- These cookers are intended exclusively for
cooking beverages and foodstuffs and do not
contain any asbestos-based materials.
- All cooking should take place under your
-Your cooker should be disconnected from
the electrical power supply before any repairs.
- When you connect the power cables of any
electrical appliances plugged in close to the
hob, ensure that they are not in contact with
the hot areas.
- Do not let anyone lean against or sit on the
oven door when it is open.
WWhheenn iinn uussee,, tthhee aapppplliiaannccee bbeeccoommeess hhoott.. BBee
ccaarreeffuull nnoott ttoo ttoouucchh tthhee hheeaattiinngg eelleemmeennttss
ooccaatteedd iinnssiiddee tthhee oovveenn..
AAcccceessssiibbllee ppaarrttss aanndd ssuurrffaacceess mmaayy bbee hhoott
wwhheenn iinn uussee.. IItt iiss aaddvviissaabbllee ttoo kkeee
epp ssmmaallll
cchhiillddrreenn aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee aapppplliiaannccee..
DDuurriinngg ccooookkiinngg,, ddoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee ddiisshheess oorr
aacccceessssoorriieess ((g
grriidd,, ttuurrnnssppiitt,, ddrriipp ttrraayy,, ttuurrnnssppiitt
ssuuppppoorrtt,, eettcc..)) wwiitthh yyoouurr bbaarree hhaannddss;; uussee aa
ppootthhoollddeerr oorr hheeaatt--rreessi
issttaanntt mmaatteerriiaall..
It is recommended to avoid placing metal ob-
jects such as knives, forks, spoons and lids on
the cooking surface as they may heat up.
-- VViittrroocceerraammiicc ttoopp::
If a crack appears in the surface of the glass
disconnect your appliance immediately to pre-
vent a risk of electric shock. Contact the After-
Sales Service Department.
-- PPyyrroollyyssiiss cclleeaanniinngg::
Remove all cookware. Major spill residues
should be removed before cleaning. Surfaces
may become hotter than during normal use. It
is advisable to keep small children away from
the appliance.
-- SSttoorraaggee ddrraawweerr::
The interior surfaces may become hot.
-Do not use a steam cleaner.
- The
compliance label is affixed to this
— This appliance’s packing materials are
recyclable. Recycle them and play a role in
protecting the environment by depositing
them in municipal containers provided for
this purpose.
— Your appliance also contains
many recyclable materials. It is
therefore marked with this logo to
indicate that used appliances must
not be mixed with other waste.
Recycling of the appliances
organised by your manufacturer
will thus be undertaken in optimum
conditions, in accordance with European
directive EC/2002/96 relating to electrical
and electronic equipment waste. Consult
your city hall or your retailer to find the drop-
off points for used appliances that is nearest
to your home.
— We thank you for your help in protecting
the environment.