The IO_Module function block enables communication with the IOX024-x20 expansion module so that
additional inputs and outputs can be used.
Configure CAN
Set up CAN so that CAN messages can be transmitted to and from the I/O module.
Input Type Range Description
CAN Bus —— In the GUIDE template, identify the CAN bus that contains CAN messages to and from the I/O
module. Route this bus to the CAN input on this function block.
CAN messages sent from the I/O module to the function block contain information about the
I/O modules’ inputs, outputs and configuration. CAN messages sent to the I/O module from the
function block set outputs and configurations.
Baudrate U32 50000–1000000 The Baudrate is the speed of the CAN Port.
Port Port —— Assigns the hardware CAN port that transmits the data.
AddrMode U8 0–2 I/O module addressing mode.
0: Variable ID addressing mode. The I/O module Tx and Rx message identifiers are determined
by the I/O module measuring the voltage on its CAN shield input and matching that value with a
predefined range and matching identifiers in the I/O Module CAN Message Identifiers table. The
CAN messages use 11 bit identifiers in this mode.
1: Predefined ID addressing mode. The I/O module Tx and Rx message identifiers are
determined by Node/N1. These identifiers are selected by matching to the N1 value in the I/O
Module CAN Message Identifiers table. The CAN messages use 11 bit identifiers in this mode.
2: Fixed ID addressing mode. The I/O module Tx and Rx message identifiers are determined
directly by setting Tx ID and Rx ID. The CAN messages use either 11 bit or 29 bit identifiers in
this mode, as determined by Frame.
Tx ID U32 0x00–0x1FFFFFFF Tx ID is the CAN message identifier used by the function block for sending messages to the I/O
module when using the Fixed ID addressing mode.
When using the service tool to configure the I/O module, this value corresponds to the Rx
parameter saved on the I/O module.
Rx ID U32 0x00–0x1FFFFFFF Rx ID is the CAN message identifier used by the function block for receiving messages from the
I/O module when using the Fixed ID addressing mode.
When using the service tool to configure the I/O module, this value corresponds to the Tx
parameter saved on the I/O module.
Frame U8 0–1 Sets CAN message identifier length when using the Fixed ID addressing mode.
0: 11 bit ID
1: 29 bit ID
Node/N1 U8 0–15 The KWP2000 node address used for communications between the I/O module and the PLUS+1
Service Tool is Node/N1 x 8. For Variable ID addressing mode and Predefined addressing mode
this value also determines the CAN.
Net U8 0–255 KWP2000 network used for communications between the I/O module and the PLUS+1
Enable BOOL —— Enables the function block to send CAN messages to the I/O module. An F/T transition or T at
power up starts initialization.
Enbl_RecheckCRC BOOL —— Determines if the I/O module CRC is periodically checked to ensure the device’s configuration
matches the function block’s configuration.
T: The CRC is requested from the I/O module and compared every 5 seconds.
F: The CRC is only requested from the I/O module during initialization.
User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant IOX024-x20 Function Block
IOX024-x20 Function Block
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Danfoss | July 2018 11063393 | AQ00000102en-US0101