77" 65" 77" 65"
*63.9" *54" 47.2" 39.3"
55" 48"
39.3" 33"
86" 75" 65" 55"
64.2" 56.9" 48" 40.8"
65" 55"
48.1" 40.8"
86" 82 75" 75" 70" 65" 75" 60" 55"
70.2" 65" 60.4" 60.4" 58.9" 52.1" 60.4" 48.6" 44.4"
55" 50" 43" 50"
44.4" 40.9" 32" 40.9"
2020 Home Entertainment
TV Stand Width
* LG - TV Accessory: GX OLED TV Stand & Back Cover
(Sold Seperately)
Model: AN-GXDV77.AUS (77" GX)
Sku: 6415799
Model: AN-GXDV65.AUS (65" GX)
Sku: 6415798
Model: AN-GXDV55.AUS (55" GX)
Sku: 6415797
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