9.5.4 Continued Speaker Activation
The extension speaker and external siren outputs will normally be silenced at the end of the preprogrammed "bell time".
However, the extension speaker can be programmed to continue until the control panel is disarmed. For continued speaker
operation enter engineer mode, followed by
then for continued speaker operation, or for timed speaker
9.5.5 User / Engineer Reset.
The Octagon II control panel is factory set to "user reset". This means that the users can rearm the system after an alarm
has been generated. It is however possible to prevent the user from operating the system after an alarm activation. In this
instance the Engineer code must be entered before the control panel can be set again.
This is known as "Engineer reset".
To program Engineer reset enter Engineer mode then press
followed by to select Engineer reset, or
to select user reset.
9.5.6 Timed Exit / Final set.
The control panel is factory programmed to suspend the exit timer if any of the zones are open. The panel will set when
the exit time has expired and all zones are closed. In some instances the exit timer may continue for some time after the
exit route has been cleared, requiring the user to wait for the entry / exit tone to stop. To eliminate the need for the user
to wait for the exit time to end the control panel can be programmed to set immediately after an Entry / Exit zone has closed.
This is known as "final set".
To do this enter Engineer mode, press
followed by to select final set , or to select timed exit.
Note: If final set is selected and any other zone remains open when the entry / exit zone closes the control panel will
not set. It will wait until all zones are closed. If a zone opens immediately after the entry / exit zone closes a warning tone
will be heard at the keypad and this tone will end when the zone is closed. The system will then set.
9.5.7 Communicator Set / Unset Polarity.
The Communicator set / unset output can be programmed to operate as switched positive (0 Volts to 12 Volts) or switched
negative (12 Volts to 0 Volts). The factory programmed setting is set positive / unset negative.
In Engineer mode enter
followed by to select set negative, or for set positive.
9.5.8 Communicators Output Polarity Settings, (P.A., Alarm and Fire).
The communicator outputs can be programmed to operate as set positive (0Volts to 12Volts) or set negative (12Volts
to 0Volts) . The factory programmed setting is switched negative.
In Engineer mode enter
followed by to select set negative, or to select set positive.
9.5.9 Setting the Panel when Mains fails.
Under normal operation the panel can be set if the mains supply is disconnected (providing the system is battery backed).
A flashing and tamper LED will be displayed if this occurs.
In Engineer mode enter
followed by not to allow the panel to be set if mains fails, or to allow mains
fail setting.
9.5.10 Setting The Panel With No Battery Or Low Battery .
Under normal operation the panel can be set if there is no battery or the battery voltage is low.
A flashing
and tamper LED will be displayed if the battery voltage is low or is not connected.
In Engineer mode enter
followed by not to allow the panel to be set with no battery / battery low, or
to allow setting.
9.5.11 Keyswitch Options.
Both keyswitch inputs can be programmed to arm the system in full set or part set C. Both inputs may be configured for
use with either momentary action (pulsed) or latching (fixed contact) switches.
These switches require the inputs A1 and A2 to be connected to 0 Volts. Input A1 is programmed as follows:
In Engineer mode press
followed by:
for full arm / disarm with a momentary switch.
for part set C arm / disarm with a momentary switch.
for full arm /disarm with a latching switch.