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Tattoo™ Clusia Princess Rosea - Autograph Tree
For optimal performance, keep at 60-85°F (15-29°C).
Prefers higher humidity to prevent leaf edges from browning.
Feed once per month at half strength when plant is actively growing.
Protect furniture when watering.
This is a versatile plant that can grow to as much as 25 feet tall in the wild. In your
home, you can have windowsill-sized plants up to six feet tall. Do not expect to
see flowers on indoor plants.
It will grow best with bright light and will benefit from direct sun indoors so
provide an eastern or western exposure window, or even southern.
Keep the soil moist, but allow the soil to dry to 1 to 2 inches deep into the soil
before watering again. They like to be moist, but not wet.
It can withstand some mild drought stress once established, but keeping it evenly
moist would be ideal. The soil must be well-drained.
Plant Care Information