Check the Cutting Buttons Safety Checks
2-2 Check the Cutting Buttons
In the following steps, if the machine does not
operate as explained “the machine is OK”,
stop the check immediately.
Turn on the power switch.
- When the initialization is completed, the cur-
rent position value (=400.0) appears.
Press only left cutting button contin-
- If the clamp and the knife do not move, the
machine is OK.
Press only right cutting button con-
- If the clamp and the knife do not move, the
machine is OK.
Press left cutting button first and
then press right cutting button more
than 0.5 seconds later.
- If the clamp and the knife do not move, the
machine is OK.
If the knife is not at the upper limit (=
the knife is in the middle position), the
motor reverses when one of the cutting
buttons are pressed and another one is
pressed more than 0.5 seconds later.
- Also press the cutting buttons in the reverse
order and if the clamp and the knife do not
move, the machine is OK.
Press both cutting buttons continu-
- The cutting process is as follows:
1. The clamp lowers.
2. The knife lowers.
3. The knife lifts.
4. The clamp lifts.
- If the clamp and the knife move in this order,
the machine is OK.
Keep pressing both cutting buttons
after the cutting process.
- When the cutting process is completed, the
clamp and the knife stop at the upper limit
and do not move. If the machine does not
start the next cutting process, the machine is
Press both cutting buttons, and
then release one of them when the
cutting process starts.
- If the clamp and the knife stop when releasing
one of your hands, the machine is OK.
- Also check by releasing another hand.
- Press both cutting buttons again. The clamp
and the knife will return to the starting posi-
If the knife is at the lower limit, the
machine does not stop even if releasing
one of your hands.
Instead, the knife lifts and then the
clamp lifts.
Cutting Buttons