E lectrical R atings :
E nvironmental R atings :
Ambient Temperature: -40F to 130F
Humidity: 0-95% non-condensing
Wiring C onnec tions :
Screw clamp terminals for #22AWG up to #8AWG wire.
Use #8 AWG wire with 90C rating for 40A loads.
Use #10 AWG wire with 90C rating for 30A loads.
E nclos ures :
Plastic NE MA 3R R aintight Indoor/Outdoor
Metal NEMA 1 Indoor
L E D Indic ation: G reen LED when in refrigeration mode
Red LE D when in defrost mode
The DTSX Defrost Timer is identical in function, terminal identifi-
cation, and wiring to the Paragon 8140 and Prec ision 6140
series Defrost Timers. The DTSX may also be used to replace
Paragon 8040 and Precision 6040 series time terminated defrost
timers. With the addition of a remote pressure switch, the DTSX
can replace the Paragon 8240 series and Precision 6240 series
pressure terminated defrost timers.
Defrosts will be initiated at the times set on the timer, which will
accept from 1 to over 24 defrost initiation settings per day at 15
minute intervals (8:00AM, 8:15AM, 8:30AM, etc .) Defrost dura-
tion is settable in 15 minute intervals from a minimum of 15 min-
utes up to several hours (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1
hour, 1 hour-15 minutes, etc.) The defrost duration determines
the termination time.
In standard c onfiguration, the c ontacts between terminals 1 and
3 are normally open and close during a defrost to energize
defrost heaters; the contacts between terminals 2 and 4 are nor-
mally closed (when timer is energized) and open during a
defrost to de-energize refrigeration and fans.
DTS X Time Initiated, R emote T emperature, P res s ure or
Time Terminated: Is used in electric or hot gas defrost applica-
tions where the defrost is terminated when the coil is frost free,
as sensed by a temperature or pressure switch, even though
the defrost programmed termination time has not been reached.
The time termination functions as a fail-safe and will terminate
the defrost if the temperature or pressure switch fails to do so.
The temperature or pressure switch on the refrigeration coil
have contacts which c lose on a temperature or pressure rise to
above the freezing level, indicating that frost and ice have melt-
ed from the coil. Typically a wide differential S PDT temperature
switch is used, with it's normally closed contacts wired to the
fans, so that the fans are delayed from turning on after defrost
termination, until the coil temperature has dropped back to
below freezing. In most applications, the c ontacts at terminals
2-4 are normally c losed (when timer is energized) and control
the fans and refrigeration equipment or compressor. For hot gas
defrost, or for double pole switching, the 2-4 c ontacts may be
configured as normally open by moving jumper S 1 to the "B "
position. R efer to wiring diagrams 1 thru 12.
ÒFÓ Terminal: The DTSX contains a normally closed contact
between terminals 1-F. This terminal may be used for switching
the fans off during a defrost rather than the 2-4 terminals. For
hot gas defrost applications, with S1 in the "B " pos ition, the fans
may be connected to the "F" terminal.
Note: For outdoor locations, R aintight
, or wet location conduit
hubs that c omply with requirements of UL 514B (s tandard for fit-
tings for conduit and outlet boxes) are to be used.
1. Remove 2 screws retaining the interior cover panel and
remove panel by prying out with a thin blade (NE MA3R ).
2. Select knockouts to be used. R emove the inner (1/2") knock-
out by inserting a sc rewdriver in the slot and c arefully punch
knockout loose. Remove slug. If the 3/4" knoc kout is
required, remove the outer ring with pliers after removing the
1/2" knockout. S mooth edges with knife if necessary.
3. Place enclosure in desired mounting loc ation and mark the
three mounting holes.
4. Drill holes for #10 screws, start screws in holes.
5. Place enclosure over screws and tighten screws.
6. C onnect c onduit hubs to c onduit before c onnecting the hubs
to the enclosure. After inserting hubs into enc losure, carefully
tighten hub lock nut. Do not over-torque.
7. If us ing NE MA1 Metal E nclos ure connec t ground wires
to ground lug on bottom of enclos ure.
(Not applicable for NE MA3R plas tic enclos ure).
8. Wire in ac cordance with National and Local C odes.
9. Replace interior cover panel and 2 sc rews (NE MA3R ).
G rounding: NEMA 3R enclosure is of plastic construction
and does not require a ground c onnection or bonding.
N E MA 3 R e n c los ure do e s no t pr o vide gro u nding be tw e e n
c o ndu its . W he n u s ing no n -m e t a llic c o n du it o r c a ble ,
c onne c t th e g r o un d w ire s o f a ll c a ble s t o g e the r w ith
a w ir e nut. W he n m e ta llic c onduit is us e d, us e
groun ding t y pe bus hin g s a nd a jum pe r w ir e be tw e e n
e a c h c onduit .
C A U T I O N : Do no t c he c k c irc u it s by Òs pa r k ingÓ w ire s
to te rm ina ls . Da m a ge to the de fro s t t im e r m a y r e s ult.
DT S X T im e I nitia te d, T e m pe ra ture , P re s s ure or
T im e Te r m ina te d 4 0 A De fr os t T im e rs