X6MR Manual Rev5 MexAir RC PH: 315.532.6826
several platforms. Leave the excess of rods protruding out of the uppermost and lowest
platform. The rods may be secured at the ends by any of several methods, including CA (AGAIN
silicon cement, or silicon tubing. Trim excess rod, if desired, with a high speed cut-off wheel or
fine tooth hobby saw – only after completing step 20.
17. Mount the motors using the appropriate length fasteners. For example motors shown in the
accompanying pictures, 2mmX12mm screws are used. The motor mount is 9mm thick so this
leaves 3mm for attachment into the motor housing. Any longer and the screw may damage the
inner motor plate. For kits designed for larger motors, the motor mount will be sized for 3mm
screws and may need a slightly longer screw – depending on your choice of motor.
18. Complete all wiring and secure wires to frame as appropriate to your configuration.
19. If using the supplied GPS platform and mast, the mast should be glued to the round platform. It
may not be necessary to glue the mast to the GPS mount platform (the rectangular platform
below the mast). The mast can then be removed for more compact storage or transportation, if
20. Upon installation of all electronics, GPS (if installed), and any peripheral sensors and/or
cameras, including flight battery - the entire assembly center of mass (CM) or center of gravity
(CG) should be checked and balanced if necessary. The intent is to have each motor carry an
equal weight when in a stable horizontal attitude. This balances the load on each motor
resulting in the most efficient power distribution.
a. The distribution of the CM is normally not as important as the CG. The typical attitude
of most flights keeps the orientation on a generally level plane. The CG is simply
determined by balancing the entire assembly at a single point somewhere toward the
middle of the craft.
b. The CM is the point in the center of mass distribution, located at an “imaginary” point
centrally located in the platform stack. The latter is usually only considered where
dynamic forces of rolls and tight maneuvers must be performed in small volumes of
space. The ideal location of the CM would be exactly where the flight control board
accelerometers are located.
c. RECOMMENDED: To adjust the weight distribution for the CG, simply slide the centrally
located platform assembly stack in either or both the X-Y planes along the CF rods in the
direction of the measured CG until it balances at the center of the stack.
d. OPTIONAL: To adjust the mass distribution for the CM, a combination of both X-Y and Z
axis balancing is necessary. This process is more complex, but a good estimate is
generally achieved by:
i. Adjusting for the proper CG (step (c) above; then
ii. Slide the platforms up or down (Z axis) estimating where the total weight of the
craft, if turned sideways at 90 degrees, would balance in line with the flight
controller (accelerometers).
CAUTION: When securing motors to the motor mounts, do not insert the screws
too far into your motor housing or damage may occur to the motor. “Blue” thread
lock should be used to prevent screws from backing out.