Step 3: Take chicken wire, enough to cover the distance between the first two corner stakes, and
bend the bottom at a 90-degree angle, creating a 12-inch lip. This 12-inch flap will cover the
ground on the outside of your fence, ensuring the rabbits can’t tunnel under it.
Step 4: Secure the portion of the fence with zip ties to the corner post, ensuring the flap is on the
Step 5: Do the same for the other sides of the fence.
Step 6: Using zip ties, secure the chicken wire to the posts. Stretch the wire tight against the
post and use the zip ties on the top, middle and bottom of the fence to attach it tightly to the
Step 7: Using landscape garden staples, secure the flap to the ground. Staple right at the 90-
degree angle and also at the outside edge of the lip. Do this every two feet.
Step 8: Remove any excess wire using wire cutters. For best rabbit-proofing results, check for
any gaps in the fencing.
Step 9: Layer 2-3 inches of mulch over the outside flap to hide it.
Instructions taken from http://www.havahart.com/articles/rabbit-proof-garden