chamber,you will be able to collect the meat juices.These
can be used at a later time to make a stock,gravy or sauce.
4.5 Steaming
Temperature from 48°C to 130°C
Steam 100%
The use of ventilated steam is one of the most delicate
ways of cooking food. With this kind of cooking the food
does not lose any liquid; therefore the nutritional con-
tents, the appearance and the weight of the food remain
Suitable for :
Low temperature steaming: Vegetables, Fruit,
Fish,Terrines, Soufflés, Pâtés, Vacuum-Cooking.
Steaming: Vegetables, Fruit, Eggs, Meat, Fish,Seafood.
Intensive steaming: Potatoes,Root Vegetables
Chef’s Suggestions:
To cook leaf vegetables with steam, it is suggested to initially slightly
moisten the food, in order to avoid the drying out of the leaves.
In addition, to avoid the dispersion of the food, inside the
chamber due to air flow, you can use two baskets (No Fry,
one as a base and another, turned upside down, as a cover).
4.6 Convection Baking
Temperature from 30°C to 260°C
Convection baking is done by hot dry air that circulates
around the oven chamber. This allows the heat to be per-
fectly distributed, consequently, it is possible to have even
baking results at all the points of a single pan and on all
the pans. Even baking is also guaranteed when the oven
is fully loaded.
Pastry is perfectly baked both on the surface, with a gold-
en crust, and in the internally, with a uniform structure
and a constant residual humidity.
Suitable for:
Baking of Short Pastry, Puff Pastry, Tart Pastry,
Ccream-puff Pastry
Baking of Sponge cake
Baking of Cookies
Chef’s suggestions:
To obtain the best results in pastry it is necessary to have
a higher distance between the trays, and a higher distance
between the products on the trays.
For products with a light mass ie; meringues it is preferable
to use the air reduction kit, in order to prevent their move-
ment on the trays.
4.7 Convection + Humidity Baking
Temperature from 30°C to 260°C
Humidity from 10% to 20%
The baking is made by hot air with the addition of a varia-
ble percentage of humidity, according to the type of food
that has to be baked.
Suitable for:
Baking of leavened dough, such as bread
Baking of sponge cakes, panettone, croissants ,pain au
Chef’s suggestions:
The use of the humidity at the beginning of the baking makes
leavening easier; subsequently, the humidity should be re-
duced, or even completely eliminated, to obtain the final
crispness and golden surface.
4.8 Convection + Dry Air Baking
“DRY.Maxi™” System (UNOX Worldwide Patent)
Temperatures from 30°C to 260°C
Dry air from 10% to 100%
This is an innovative system that allows the humidity, gen-
erated by the product when baking, to be extracted from
the chamber, thus maintaining a dry environment.
The product, thanks to its dry and even internal struc-
ture, appears crispy and crumbly.
Suitable for:
Baking of Croissants
Baking of Cookies
Baking of Bread
4.9 Cooking with Core Probe + Chamber Temperature
Temperatures from 0°C to 100°C
With this kind of cooking, the core temperature and the
chamber temperature have to be set.
The core probe measures the rise of the temperature
inside the product during the cooking process, the end
of the probe has to be inserted in the thickest part of the
food in the centre.With this system, it is no longer neces-
sary to set the time, the oven, will automatically turn off
when the set core temperature is reached, or it will pass
to the following programmed step.
Core Probe cooking is useful to optimise the cooking of
different foods and avoid to continuously checking the
food during its various cooking stages.
Core probe + 100°C ∆T
Sonda al cuore + ∆T a 100°C
Core probe + Cavity temperature
Set core temperature
Time in minutes