Issue 2.0 11
ibaDatCoordinator Applicaon examples
6 Applicaonexamples
In this chapter you will nd several examples for dierent applicaons.
The sample scripts and sample analysis les as well as some tesng data of the
examples can be found on the DVD “iba Soware & Manuals”, which is part of
each soware delivery.
6.1 Product-orientedanalysisinahotrollingmill
The process chain consists of the plants Roughing Mill, Finishing Line and Coiler, each using its
own ibaPDA system. The data les of the three ibaPDA systems are stored in the folders Record-
ing 1, Recording2 and Recording3.
The product ID (coil number) remains the same throughout the enre process chain. The mate-
rial tracking system provides for transmission of the correct product ID to each ibaPDA system,
enabling each ibaPDA system to write the product ID into the data lenames.
The purpose of this applicaon is to merge the measured values of the enre process chain into
one new data le. Therefore, all data les belonging to one product will be loaded into ibaAna-
lyzer together with the analysis le “mulle.pdo” and extracted into one new data le. In order
to avoid duplicated module numbers in the resulng data le, a module oset is applied during
Sample data on DVD
Basic folder
ibaDatCoordinator Mulle applicaon samples
Applicaon hot rolling mill
Folder for storing the resulng les
Source data folder
Data les from roughing mill
Data les from nishing line
Data led from coiler
ibaDatCoordinator conguraon le
VB script
Analysis le for loading and extracng