
Once a [Tser ID is set up, the computer will list six available tluinh_g program across the top of the display (Manual, User, Watt, Fitness, Progl_gul3_or Target
Heart Rate). The user may select oue of the six pro mmns by pressing the colresponding button ou the fight side of the computer face or sinlply press the
START / STOP button to begin training in a 5 IANITAL Mode. Reth'ence the instructious listed below to set up and activate a desired pro m'am.
M_\TAL MODE - Standard Program
Activation Procedure: 1) Press the :_IANT'AL Pr%manl button. 2) Use the UP / DOV_._ buttous to adjust the resistance level and press the ENTER
buttou to set the desired level (see reference belox_9. 3) Use the UP / DO\\2N" buttons to preset (adjust) indivi&_al target values (time, distance, calories,
etc.) or press the START / STOP buttou to begin trainil_g.
:_Ianual Resistance Adjustment: The display will refbrence 1- 16 levels of trainh_g resistance. Level 16 will be highest resistance setting. [Yse the IF /
DOV_.%"buttons to select a desired resistance setting. The display graph will change as resistance levels are changed (adjusted). Each row (se_nent)
equals one level of resistance. Reference numbm,'s will appear ou left side of the row segments. Once a resistance level is selected, press the ENTER
buttou. Note: It'a target value is preset in Manual mode, the resistance will antomatically adjust to match the preset target values. Resistance levels can
be adjusted anytime &tring training by pressing the IF / DOV_._ buttous.
USER MODE - Set [Tpa Customized Trahfing Grid (Note:This pro_am option cmmotbe used with U0 -User ID Selection)
Activation Procedure: 1) Press the [ SER proD'gun button. 2) Set a enstomized training Profile (referenced below). 3) Hold down the ENTER buttou
for approxlinatdy 2 seconds to preset target values or press the START / STOP buttou to begin txainil_g.
SetNlg a Customized Training ProNe: The lower display will refh'ence 16 il_dividual profile (resistm_ce) columns. Each colimm can be set to an
indMdual resistgu_ce level (1-16). The IF & DOV_.%"buttous will adjust the nttmber resistm_ce bars (semnents) per column. After a colimm has
been preset (adjusted), press the ENTER buttou. This cal_be doue tmtil all 16 colimms have been customized (preset).
WATT (_ONSTAN_f- Resistance Trahling Based on Preprogrammed \_all Settings
Aclivafion Procedure: 1)Press the WAIT CONSTANT prograln buttou. 2) Select a Watt setting (referenced below). 3) Use the IF / DO\\2N"
buttous to preset target values or push the START / STOP button to begin training.
Selecting a Wall setting: The upper left window will reference Watt settings (120 - 350). l ?sethe IF / DO\\2N" buttons to make a selectiou. Settings
will be in inerenaents of 10.Higher Watt settings will eqtkal higher resistance levels. Press the ENTER button to lock in the setting. Note: Resistance
levels cannot be adiusted dttring the WATT training mode. Users must maintain a speed output dmt correspouds with the Watt setting. Resistance levels
will antomatically adjust based on a user' s speed. If the user speed is lower than needed to m,(mtain a Watt setting, the resistance will increase. If'the
user maintains a speed hi_er than the selected Watt setting, the resistance will decrease.
FITNESSTEST - Performance Evaluation Program (Nnte:TNspro_am optinncarguotbeusedwithU0-U_erIDSelection.)
Activation Procedure: 1)Press theFITNESS TEST pro_am button. 2) Pressthe START / STOP buttoutobegin trainhag
Program SummaD,: LYserevaluationis based on apreset 12minute tt'_ahagperiod.The othertarget values will bebased on the initialuser data
(gender & age).Targetvalues andresistmacelevel ca_motbe adjusted. A Fitnessrating(i7l-F5) will appear inthe upper leftof thedisplay, atthe
completionof theWainmgpro_'gun.An F1 reading is thebestpossible rating,wMe F5 would bethe worst. Note: A Hegu'trate readingis used as part of
theevaluation fbmmla.User's nmst maintain _mipcoutact duringthe training_sessiouto receive an accurate performance assessment.
PROGRAX I _JIODE - Preprogrammed Trainh_g Grids
Activation Procedure: 1) Press the PROGRA.\ I buttou 2) 1_Jse the IF / DOV_%_buttous to select one of the preprogrammed trainiug profiles P 1-P9
(ref_'enced below) 3) Press the ENTER buttou to lock in a selected profile. 4) l_Jse the IF / DOV_.%_buttous to preset target values or push the
START / STOP button to begin training.
Selecting a Training ProNe: The computer has 9 programlned tt'aining (resistance) profiles (referenced P1-P9). Use the UP / DOV_._ buttous to
scroll through the training profiles. Once a training profile is selected, press the ENTER button to lock in the profile.
TARGET HE.ARTR_TE MODE -Training Based on TargetHeart Rate Zones (Note:Thispro_am optioncmmotbe usedwithU0-UserII) Selection.)
Activation Procedure: 1)Press HEART RATE Prommnbuttou 2)l_se theIF / DOVe%"buttous to selecta heart ratetrainingzoue (refga'enced
below) 3) Pressthe START / STOP buttou tobegin trainingor use theIF / DOV_ buttous to preset fimctioutargets.
Setting a HR Training Zone: Zone tluiningis basal ou exercisingwithin a setpercentage of'a users maxmmm heart rote.A users maximtma
heart rate isbased on abasic formula; (220BPM - Users Age Maximum HR).After activatingthe HeartRate Mode, usethe IF / DOV_" buttous
to selectoue of the HR trainingpercentagerefh'enced intheupper displayarea (55%, 75%, 90%,).Press theENTER buttou to lockin thedesired
zone setting.Note: Users may alsoset acustomizexlHR target by selectingTAG (target) andusing theUP/DOWN buttous to setzoue paranaeters.
Note: The resistancewill auto-adjustaccording heartratepresets.If a user's heartratesfallstraderthe presettargets,the resistauce auto-adjust up
ouelevel evm'y30-secondstmtiltargetrateis achieved. If'ausers heartrote exceedsthe targetpresets, thecomputer willauto-adjustdox_nthe resistauce
ouelevel tmtiltargetis reached. Fortraining satbty,thecomputer willstop fimclioningand beep, ifa user continuesto exceed a targetheartrate fbr
more than 30-secondsatthe lowestresistance traininglevel.