2. Know howto stop the unit and disengagethecontrols.
3. Neverplace hands or feet between log and splitting wedge or
between log and end plate during forward or reversestroke. To
do so may result in crushed or amputated fingers or toes, or
worse, you may losean arm or foot.
4. Do not straddlethe splitter when using it. A slip in any position
couldresult in a serious injury.
5. Do not step over your log splitter when the engine is running.
You may trip or accidentallyactivatethe splittingwedgeif you
step over.If you needto getto the other side,walk around.
6, Nevertry to split two logs on top of eachother.Onemayfly out
and injure you,
7. When loading the log splitter, placeyour hands on the side of
the log, not atthe ends.Neverattemptto loadyour splitter while
the splitting wedge is in motion. You may get caught by the
wedgeand injured.
8. Only use your hand to operate the splitting wedgeor control
lever. Never use your foot or a rope or any other extension
device. This could result in your inability to stop your splitter
quickly enoughto avoid injury.
9. Always keepfingers awayfrom any cracks that open in the tog
during splitting operation. Theycan quickly close and pinch or
amputateyour fingers.
10. Neverattempt to split woods across the grain. Sometypes of
woodmay burst or fly out of your splitter and result in injury to
you or a bystander.
11. For logs that are not cut square,the Fongestportion of the log
should berotateddown andthe most squareend pIacedagainst
the splitting wedge.
12. Keep your work area clean. Immediately remove split wood
around your splitterso that you do not stumble over it. Clean
chips and dirt off end plate (wood platform) after each log is
split, or whenever necessaryto maintain flat contact between
wood and end plate(platform).
13. Nevermovethe log splitter whilethe engineisrunning.
14. Never leave your log splitter unattended with the engine
running. Shutoff the engineif you areleavingyour splitter,even
for a short period of time. Someonecould accidentallyactivate
the splitting wedgeand beinjured.
Do not run engine in an enclosedarea. Exhaustgasescontain
carbon monoxide. This odoriess gas can be deadly when
Be careful not to touch the muffler after the engine has been
running. It will beHOT!
If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the
engine and check immediately for the cause. Vibration is
generallya warning of trouble.
Whencleaning, repairingor inspecting, makecertainall moving
parts havestopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire and keep
the wire awayfrom the plug to preventaccidentalstarting.
3. Replaceall damagedor worn parts such ashydraulichosesand
fittings immediately with manufacturer approved replacement
4. Do not change the enginegovernor settings or overspeedthe
engine. This increases the hazard of personal injury. The
maximum engine speed is preset by the manufacturerand is
within safety limits.
5. Donotalteryour splitter in any mannersuch asattachinga rope
or extensionto the control leveror addingto thewidth or height
of the wedge. Such alterations may cause your splitter to be
6. Perform all recommendedmaintenanceproceduresbeforeyou
useyour splitter.
7. Donot serviceor repairyour log splitter without disconnecting
the spark plugwire and moving it awayfrom the sparkplug.
8. Neverstore the equipmentwith gasoline in the tank inside of a
building where ignition sources are present,such as hot water
andspaceheaters,clothes dryers andthe like.Allowthe engine
to cool beforestoring in anyencFosure.
9. Atwaysstore gasoline in an approved, tightly sealedcontainer.
Store the container in a cool, dry place. Do not store in a
buildingwhere ignition sourcesare present.
10. To reducefire hazard,keepenginefree of grass, leaves,wood
chips,and excessivegreaseand oil.
11. The hydraulic system of your log splitter requires careful
inspection,along with the mechanicalparts. Besure to replace
frayed,kinked,or otherwise damagedhydrauliccomponents.
12. Fluid escapingfrom a very small hole can be almost invisible.
Do not check for leaks with your hand. Escapingfluid under
pressure can have sufficient force to penetrateskin. causing
seriouspersonalinjury. Leakscan belocatedby passinga piece
of cardboardor wood over the suspected leakand looking for
13. Should it becomenecessaryto loosen or removeanyhydraulic
fitting or line. besureto relieveall pressure by shutting off the
engineand moving the control handle back and forth several
14. Do not remove the cap from the hydraulic tank or reservoir
while your log splitter is running. Hot oil under pressurecould
15. Thepressurereliefvalveonyour splitter is presetatthefactory.
Do not adjust the valve. Only a qualified service technician
should perform this adjustment.
16. Completelydrainfuel tank prior to storage.This guardsagainst
accumulationof fuel fumes which could result in afire hazard.
17. Neverstore log splitter outsidewithout awaterproofcover.Rain
will causerust onthe insideof the cylinder.
1. DOnot operate your splitter in poor mechanical condition or
when in needof repair.
2. Periodicallycheckthat all nuts, bolts, screws, hoseclamps and
hydraulicfittings aretight to be sure equipment is in safework-
ing condition. Where appropriate, check all safety guards and
shieldsto besurethey arein the proper position. Neveroperate
your splitter with safety guards, shields or other protectivefea-
tures removed.Thesesafetydevicesarefor your protection.
1. This unit should not be towed on any street, highway or public
road without checking the existing federal, local or state vehicle
requirements. Any licensing or modifications such as taillights,
etc., neededto comply with the existing federal, local or state
vehicle requirements is the sole responsibility of the purchaser.
2. Before towing, be certain the log splitter is correctly and
securely attached to the towing vehicle, and the safety chains
are in place. Leaveslack in chains for turning allowance.
3. Do not allow anyone to sit or ride on your splitter. They can
easily fall off and be seriously injured.