I. Read In_tructi_ ns • All the salety and opef,tting mstrucnons
_hould be _ad be_ the appliance _ opcraled.
_, Rctahl lil_trtlCtiOll_- "]'hc _ill'e_y arid operating ]n.,lltlC_ions
_holi]d bc I_iltirlgd _)r [_.ltL]_c Icfei_ricc.
3 llced W_mdngs , All wandng_ on the appliar_ce aud in the
opolatil_g h_strtlctionx should be adhered to.
J,, [4olh)w [i15trticih)lls - All t)p_l'a/htg a_ld il_e illt, il'ilglh)n_
should be 174io_ed.
5 Cleani_g - [ nplug this vMeo product h'otl/ 1he wall oudet
bel_re dcanirig ].)o DOt USe [iqtdd cleai_e[* or aczosol vlcaIi-
C[-,< WblL' {I d_1]]1[) c!oth i_31" dg4niDg,
EXCEPTION: ,'\ plodtlct thai is re:ant Jot tminlcmlpled ser
v[Cc aBd, thai f_)r some _pccdic i'camu, snch as die poss{bil
hy ol: the loss of an audtolizalion code Ioi" a CATV converl
el', J, not i itended _o be unplugged by tht: use! for cleaning
Or aIly i!Ihef iNlrpO<_e, nlay oxcJudc' tJ31.: [gl'_.]-e[ic(3 [o tlllplu_
ghlg th<' a?plkm_e in fi3e cleaning dc,cripnon ofl3crv, ise
required hi [iem 5.
6. A.L[aC[IIIIC_ItS = [)o i/or U',_ att_tC]llrlellt_ riot rccorlltllcrK[ed by
tht: video producl i]/alluftcturel a_ they l!i;ly _tiu>e hazmd_,
7. Watel 4t!d Moisture Do i3_}1 use thie; video ptodtlcl I/NIl
x_.,atcr. 101 e*,anlplc, near a bath tub. _2,iP, h bowl k i([ heli Si+lk,
ol laUil(_f_ [lib ill it wel baxcnF2rlt> oi near a swJnllllmg p<lo].
and fl_e !ike,
_\(Ccq',( ies - DO 1101 p LtCtD [_1i> V deo PORT'_SLECAFffWAftNIR_
..... iSvmb_p,_vd_dby_E_AC
prodlic[ DII _111_]I_MLiL'_](t C_ti'[. M_llld. (f'[po,d, ,
brackcl. O] [able. "tilt? vi_k_o prodtw[ 111a_
];i11. l;ausin!_ seliotl_ h@lrv lo 4 child or
alhLit, arff[ %'rh)u_ daITia_x? It) 11;¢ app]i_
ilFICL" I,]>lg 011])' Wi[il i_ CilH, M_tlld, [lipod,
bl'ii<kCL Oi lablc recOlillllendcd b} the
D2;lllUi':lCiUl'_i. Ol ",o]d _z][]l J]l_! v]d_o 83125A
producl. _n} nio_iniill! 2 o{ f13o ;.'pp]iani:c should IO[[(P,_ the
lllallui'_.ltli'e¢s ]!/strttctii!115 aild _,]loLi]d U_C a rllOill/t]llg
iiCt'csgor!_ ri'cOl_ll_K'Ddcd ]ly lib: [II31IUIILLliI[Cr. ?\11 3tlpli;_t!Ck'
aI1d call colnl;hlatioll should be l_lovcd wkh cai'c. (.hiJck
SlHps. e_C_'ssive _OI'C_% il!ld ii!lC_'ll SUI'['liix'S [11a} C iUSI." []1_'
upplifmcc 4rid c;xr! _2otllbhiation I0 o_,l.'r_tlr_.
_). _./cnt)la!{orl SlOt_ and opttlmlgS irl die cabille! ar_" prm;ided
iol vcmilatkm and lo cnsme rdiabh: opcnJ_Mn o[ ihc _ideo
ploduct alld [0 ]lrolcx'l it fio!ll ov_lJl_.-iltd!g, a$ld t[ic_¢ opon
m:.!_ nul_I not be blocked or covered. '[hc op_'ni_3g, _Jlouid
_le_cr bc blocked by plating the video pmduci on a bed<
SOJa, ]'U_, Of Other SiBli]al sill [aCe, Th] _, video prodtlcI :,hoLlld
HOt bc placed ill it bo]lL.ill igl_[idJi:t](!_/ _C]I its a bookcil'_t' tK
IiRk thqles_ Ol'O_Ci" VC!lli[;t[ioI1 iS pri_vidcd o_ [11(" IlKtl/llfi/C
[ilrcr S i!lSlrucliorl_ hav_.' been 4dh_l_..d io.
[/I. J)OWCl _O(Ir¢_- q,']lis vidlo pr_Khl(.[ should bc OpCF IK'd only
_'r¢lrl_ _l_le ijpe o! pol\'e[ _ource itldk'aled ori i]lC markill_
]abel. If pm ale z_ot_mc of !ira type ol'pm_l _upply Io yore
}10[11(', O)IIMI][ yOtlr :JppliilllC.: dealer (}l ]oc41 po_3,cl coI]lpa
ny, For pH)ducis illk'ndcd Io opel'at< Irom baik'r} po_c-r, or
OI]lCF _O[liCC',. l'e[_'l" [o _IIC O[)_ERiII_! II_MrlIL'Ii_H15
II. Groundi_l? or Polarizatiori Jhi_ video product i_ equipped
with a pularizcd ai_crnalillg ctlmm_ lirtc phlg (a p]!l_ havil.lg
one b]a(k_ v.idei fl3an tt!_ ,:)ther_ "]'ilb. phl!: ;_ill hi into tl3c
f)owci ou{]/l O_11_' Olle W4V. I"hP. is it 54Jt.'Q. _('aiUl_'. I_ :yOU aw
ilr, iibJt: to h3scrl the plug I'ullv hlto die oulk_A, lry rcv.'rxlll_
the p]ug. If'lh_' ph,t] should still fad to ill, contact yore c!cc-
tl'JciltH !0 replace !,'o)az o[Y, olcIc OalJei DO I/(!i de[eat die
saL'B, purpose _fthc polarized plug
12 [20"J'eF _'OId PTO[CCliO_] _>og,_:r sii]?l)]y [.c)Td_. >,hotli_ be HHll.
cd _o that d3c 5 arc slot likcl+v _o Ix" walked on or pim:hqd b_
]Kq/1N pll]lcd UpOll o1" _l_afll_$ 111_[?I, rJ,l:_]li_z pillliCll]i_l. ;ilicl}
tiim (o _ords al pltlgs, con_ _lllCl/CC [c_cplltcJe>. mid l]3L" poilll
_ hcl'C [hey c_Jl i'H!m the ;_pplJatl( ,.'.
] ._.(JLlidOOl" i_Jl[_?[lll_l t.;IrOLiIldi_]g [[ _lr! OLl[xkiL" Ill}[ClllllX OI t'_t[_it'
N_ SiOI!3 j.i i:_ll]/C¢led IO [lip vid_'o pl'odll_'l, 0c St_FL' IlK' alil_'l!
_la tl_" c'abl. 5y',1c111 is _:ro_irldcd st; a:_ ill p_ovklc _l)i[li: plO-
Iv'ctiorl against _,ohagv" _tlf_es il[ld btdli-up _alio ,.ha_g.-s.
AHick. 8!0 of the Nalional Ek'drical ('ode, ANSIiNFPA
No. 70, pmvh.k>s h31ormathm ruth regard to proper grotmd
illg of" the: 111as[ 4lid stlppOltlllg ",tltlCltll'e, glOtlildil/g ol th€
lead in v_,irclo im antenna disdlargc unil. size o1"grounding
i'olidtlCiOlg, IoC2RkH1 oi' itlllCl11Ia-dixch;_rgg Ilrll[, t?(!llllCCl]oll
m groundhlg electmdcs_ und requi_emculs ior the groundirlg
electrode (Fig. Ai
_ _NTENN;,
'NEG5E_;r (2N_T02,_1
,__ {NECS_C ION8102_1
p;_c Ar-r250 _m _
14.LiLqlmiiv.t For added prolccthm tbl thi_ video product din-
ing a li_hlnin_ _torri_, _l" when il is left unattended and
_irmscd l"{_rlong pciiod,> of _imc_unplug h lWcri the wall oul-
]Cl and discOlll_oct tilt" al1[t>ll]ta or cable _ySlCm< [his wdl pre.
ve_lt damage _) the video prodoct clue _o lighti_hig _md
power lille surges¸
15. P_wt:r Ld_e,> - All otl[:.h[e U[l{e[i[ta -,y_[ei/_ <dlot!id riot bc
hJcatcd in ihe vicinity <ffoverhead powcl lir!es or other dec
[rlc light or power circuils, <,] where _t can I_]1 into such
power litic <,t)r c'i_t_il.,. Whel_ hi_l_dl{l_: Jill Olli<,idc iUlle,qrla
:.yxicul, t2xlre]Tic cal'c _dlotdd b_ [akell io kot:[/!iOlri iol3ci]ill_
:.uch p_!wi:r line,, oi ¸ CirLUilS a_ COIllliCi W}t]l thelri I_ni_hl be
I_. Ov_rloadill[! Dr) nol o_cr]oad wall otlllcts and exlellsiorl
cord<_ a<, diP: Call rcb;idl ill a risk or _i]-_ t!l ¸ elcctric _hogk,
17 Object a_id i.iq_3id EnnT Ntver push ob,jecls of any kind
irlh! dli'- video pt'odtl0L lhroilg]l ally ope_i]il_ _, a _, _lleV ITi_ly
tot!ch dalLgel'Otl'_ vO][_igc pOilll_ Of¸ 5]lOIbOUt pal'l_ [I/ill c_auld
_u{f h3a fi_ or electric _;hock. Never spill liquid oi' any
bcind oli Ih_: video pl_dt_/;i,
I g. _crvich_g - Do rlol _ltlc_31pl to _crvico lhis video producl
yt)tLr:_tqJ" 4:40p_llirig oi ¸ iClllo_,hig t'ovt_l_, rl}tiy cxpo,>e you to
dangemu_ vokagc ol olhcr hazards. Rek:_ ai] servicing io
qu;,diiied scrvicc pc']_mnel
19 Damage Requirin.L' Solvice - ! il_plug thi_ video pr_dt_cl 1_3_n3
the w_lll ouilct arid rel'er _crvicing Io qualified service per
solu_el under _hc iol]owing coi_ditio_ls:
a. When the po_cr-supldy cord or plug is da(nagcd.
13. li liquid ha. been spilled, or _l_jects have iTdlel_ it_to Ih¢
video pl_dtlct.
.'2 If !h_ video prodl!ct has beOll oxpo<,ed Io laill o_ wal_l_
d. IF/he video pmd!Lcl doe_/!,:_t opcrale r_lrrll_lll3 by _]lowing
ih¢ opeia_h)g ulstmctions Adiust only those _:olltn_is thai
i!r_ c(iv0l=od by [he opela[lllg Ii1MlilCliOlD, is!_ _!13 itllprop0_
4diusll)le!lt o[ !tlhc:i gol_llol "- 1_};_3' resull ill danl_lI!t_ al/d will
oilcrl iCqlLiie eXli'AIXi\'C _/)rl_ by _1 qltaldi_d leC]lrlidan Io
reglo[c tile vii[co prodtl_t It) il _, _lor_ila[ ope_u[h_ll.
e. Jl¸thc video ptodtlct ]la., l_ot:ll drooped _r da[)i_t_cd h} 4ny
i" When the vktco ploduct exhibils ;i dh_iinct change h_perlbl ¸
IriallCC Ibis irldicale', il need I_)r SClViCe.
20. _cp]4/ellletlt l_arP, Whcl_ Icphiccnlelll ptlrt'_ ap2 requilcd,
be xtirc tllv" _.cr\'ic¢ _::Chllician hg<; tl'.cd l'cpiace113_!i[ p;tr[s
_.pc_:i{h_d by the (l!4nul_lCltlter or haYe lhe salllc ch4rnCtCFiS
[k:_ 4s lhc orighlal part. [h31m[horizcd s_ib_IdtLiic, ll_ nl_ly
i'c?>,t!ll irl ihe, ei0cllic !_h!)ck or odlcr hazald:_,
21. Saicly Ch_ck • Upon compIc'don ol _n" _crvicc <_rl_p_dis io
_his ','idc+) pt'odtlct, a_k the xcr\'iCc techi]ician [_) per|bin3
safely checks to dclclmh3_' d3at lhe video producl is h3 prop
t;r (iperat]ilg uo, ndhion.
_. Ilcat Tld_ video product _hould b_ _ilu_ile_t away ii_m heat
:.oufces such i;_ l:ldi4tol:., heat [cgisltDr:.. ",lovc_. o_¸ ,lihci
producls (includhlg amplilicrs) _ha_pl,_duce heat¸