Maytag MGR5720, MGR5510 User manual

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hq6_ SSIo_D
Gas Range
Self-Cleaning Oven
............. 16
................... 17-18
.......... 19-20
i ...............JR!
1-800-688o2002 CANADA (05-97-00)
Readall instructions beforeusingthis appliance.
Thank You forpurchasingourcooking
appliance.To helpyouobtainthe maximumin cooking WARNING: If the information in this
satisfaction,we offerthesesuggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
IE_ Readthis manual beforeusingtheappliance, damage,personal injury or death.
Reviewall safety andcaution instructions. - Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
Reviewthe TroubleshootingCharton
pages30and 31if servicebecomesnecessary, vicinity of this or any other appliance.
0E_Includethe modelandserial numbersof your - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
Donot try to lightany appliance.
Proofofpurchasesuchas salesreceipt
= Donot touch any electricalswitch; do
Youcancontactusat" notuseanyphone inyour building.
= Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gassupplier's instructions.
If you cannot reachyourgas supplier,
callthe fire department.
In ourcontinuingeffortto improvethe qualityand - Installation and service must be
performanceofour cookingappliances,it maybe performed byaqualifiedinstaller,service
necessaryto makechangesto the appliancewithout agency orthe gas supplier.
WARNING appliancefromabnormalusageorbyexcessiveloading
ofthe oven door,theappliancemustbesecuredby a
ALLRANGESCANTIPAND properlyinstalledanti-tipdevice.
CAUSEINJURIESTOPERSONS. If the rangeismovedfromthewall,besuretheanti-tip
deviceisengagedwhentherangeis replaced.Look
INSTALLANTI-TIPDEVICES underneathrangetoverifythatoneoftherearleveling
PACKEDWITH RANGE. legsisproperlyengagedinthebracketslot.
FOLLOW ALL INSTALLATION Theanti-tipdevicesecurestherearlevelinglegtothe
INSTRUCTIONS. floorwhenproperlyengaged.Also,besuretherangeis
Thefollowinginstructionsarebasedonsafety Turn offapplianceand ventilatinghoodto avoid spreading
considerationsand must bestrictlyfollowedto eliminate theflame. Extinguishflamethen turnon hoodto remove
the potentialrisksoffire, electricshock,or personalinjury, smoke and odor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygroundedby a Usedry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisheror baking
qualifiedinstalleraccordingto theinstallationinstructions, soda to smotherfire orflame. Never usewater on a
Havethe installershow youthe locationofthe gas shutoff greasefire.
valveand howto shutit offin anemergency.
Iffire isin theoven or broilerpan,smotherby closing
Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing, oven door.
Toensureproper operationand avoid possibleinjury or Iffire isin apan onthe surfaceburner,coverpan. Never
damageto unitdo not attemptto adjust,repair,service,or attemptto pick upor movea flamingpan.
replaceanypart ofyour applianceunlessit isspecifically
recommendedin thisbook.All otherservicingshouldbe
referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.
NEVERleave childrenaloneor unsupervisednearthe
appliancewhenit isinuseor isstill hot.NEVERallow
Childrento sit or standon anypartof theappliance.
Besure allpackingmaterialsareremovedfromthe Childrenmustbetaught thatthe \
appliancebeforeoperatingit. applianceand.utensilsin it canbe
hot. Lethot utensilscool in a safe
Keepareaaroundappliance clearandfree from place,out of reachof smallchildren.
combustiblematerials,gasoline,and otherflammable Childrenshould betaught that an
vaporsand materials, applianceis nota toy.Children
shouldnotbeallowedto playwith _=.
Ifappliance isinstalledneara window,proper precautions controlsorother partsof the unit.
should betakento preventcurtainsfromblowingover
burners. CAUTION:NEVERstoreitems of
interestto childrenin cabinetsabove
NEVERleave anyitems onthe cooktop.The hot airfrom an applianceor onthe backguardof /
the vent mayigniteflammableitemsand may increase a range.Childrenclimbingon the /
pressurein closedcontainerswhich maycausethemto applianceor onthe appliancedoor
burst, to reachitemscould beseriouslyinjured.
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.Keepplasticsaway
frompartsofthe appliancethat may becomewarmor hot.
Donot leaveplasticitems onthe cooktopasthey may
meltor softenif lefttoo closeto thevent or a lighted NEVERuseapplianceas _ I__.,,_J,'/_;_--_
surface burner, a space heaterto heator .___O_4, _:
warma roomto prevent __._,_'._'/__ J
Manyaerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potential hazardto the '_-_'_-_'
exposedto heatand may be highlyflammable.Avoid their user anddamagetothe
useorstoragenearan appliance, appliance. Also,do not
usethecooktop oroven
Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingoverhot surface as a storageareafor food
burners,cabinetstorageshouldnot beprovideddirectly orcookingutensils.
abovea unit.If suchstorageisprovided,itshould be
limitedto itemswhichare usedinfrequentlyandwhich are £)onot obstructthe flow of combustionand ventilationair
safelystoredin an areasubjectedto heatfrom an by blockingthe ovenvent or air intakes.Restrictionof air
appliance.Temperaturesmaybe unsafefor some items, flow to the burnerpreventsproper performanceand
suchasvolatileliquids,cleanersor aerosol sprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto unsafelevels.
Avoidtouchingovenventareawhileovenisonandfor NEVERheat anunopenedcontaineronthe surface
severalminutesafterovenisturnedoff.Somepartsofthe burneror inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upmaycause
ventandsurroundingareabecomehotenoughtocause containerto burstresultinginseriouspersonalinjuryor
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,donottouchtheovenvent damagetotheappliance.
cool. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppotholdersmaycause
injury.WARNING:NEVERuse l_ =_:_ .____r_ _\ burnsfromsteam. Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould
appliancedoorordrawer,if J neverbeusedas potholdersbecausetheycantrail
equipped,as a stepstoolor acrosshotsurfaceburnersand igniteorgetcaughton
seatasthismayresultin appliancepans.
appliance,damagetothe Alwaysletquantitiesofhotfat usedfordeepfatfrying
appliance,andserious coolbeforeattemptingto moveorhandle.
Do notletcookinggrease orotherflammablematerials
accumulatein ornearthe appliance,hoodor ventfan.
Do nottouch a hotoven lightbulbwith a dampClothas Cleanhoodfrequentlyto preventgreasefrom
the bulb couldbreak.Shouldthebulbbreak, disconnect accumulatingon hoodorfilter. Whenflamingfoods under
powerto theappliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoid the hoodturnthe fan offas thefan mayspreadthe flame.
NEVERweargarments I.'_,,_ __....._=_,-_
orloosefittingor long
Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburnerbeforeturningit hanging-sleevedapparel
on.Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrolswhichsurface whilecooking.Clothingmay
burner.Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedonandthat igniteor catchutensil
theburnerhasignited.Whencookingis completed,turn handles.
ovenis cool.Slideovenrackouttoaddor removefood,
extendbeyondthe bottomedgeofthe pan.An excessive usingdrysturdypotholders.Alwaysavoidreachinginto
flameishazardous,wastesenergyand maydamagethe the oventoaddorremovefood.Ifa rackmustbemoved
appliance,pan orcabinetsabovethe appliance, whilehot,usea drypotholder.Alwaysturntheovenoffat
especiallywhen usinga high Usecarewhenopeningthe oven door.Lethot air or
heatsettingor whendeepfat steamescapebeforeremovingor replacingfood.
smokingandgreasyspUlovers PREPAREDFOODWARNING"Followfood
mayignite.Cleanupgreasy manufacturer'sinstructions.Ifa plasticfrozenfood
spillsas soonaspossible.Do containerand/oritsCoverdistorts,warps,oris otherwise
notusehighheatfor extended damagedduringcooking,immediatelydiscardthefood
cookingoperations, anditscontainer.The foodcouldbe contaminated.
Usepanswith flatbottomsand handlesthat are easily Turnoff allcontrolsand waitfor appliancepartsto cool
graspedandstay cool.Avoidusingunstable,warped, beforetouchingor cleaningthem.Do not touchthe burner
easilytipped or loosehandledpans.Also avoidusing grates orsurroundingareasuntiltheyhave hadsufficient
pansespeciallysmallpans, with heavyhandlesasthey time to cool.
couldbeunstableand easilytip. Pansthat are heavyto
movewhen filled withfood mayalsobe hazardous. Cleanappliancewith caution.Usecare to avoidsteam
burnsif a wetsponge orclothis usedto wipe spillsona
Besure utensilis largeenoughto properlycontainfood hotsurface.Somecleanerscanproducenoxiousfumes if
andavoid boilovers.Pansize isparticularlyimportant in appliedto a hotsurface.
deepfat frying.Besure panwill accommodatethevolume
offoodthat isto beaddedas well asthe bubbleaction of
Cleanonlypartslistedin this manual. Donot cleandoor
To minimizeburns, ignitionofflammablematerialsand gasket.The doorgasket isessentialfor a goodseal. Care
spillagedueto unintentionalcontactwith the utensil,do shouldbetaken notto rub,damage,or movethe gasket.
notextendhandles j , Do not useoven cleanersof anykindin or aroundany
overadjacentsurface ,_-_-._ ,_)/ _ partofthe self-cleanoven.
pan handlestoward Beforeself-cleaningtheoven,removebroiler pan,oven
the sideor backofthe " racks,and otherutensils,andwipe offexcessive
appliance,notout into spilloversto preventexcessivesmoke orflare ups.
theroomwherethey CAUTION:Do notleavefood orcookingutensils,
are easilyhitor theoven duringtheself-cleancycle.
reachedbysmall Itis normalfor the cooktopofthe rangeto becomehot
children, during aself-clean cycle.Therefore,touching orliftingthe
cooktopduringa cleancycleshould beavoided.
Neverleta panboil dryasthis coulddamagethe utensil
and theappliance.
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen usingoven
The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater andToxic Enforcement
Only certaintypesof glass,glass/ceramic,ceramic, or Act of 1986(Proposition65) requiresthe Governorof
glazed utensilsaresuitablefor cooktopor oven usage Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the
without breakingdue tothe suddenchange in Stateof Californiato causecancer orreproductiveharm,
temperature, andrequiresbusinessesto warn customersofpotential
exposuresto suchsubstances.
Thisappliancehas beentestedfor safeperformance
usingconventionalcookware.Do notuseanydevices or Usersof this applianceare herebywarnedthat the
accessoriesthat are notspecificallyrecommendedin this burningofgascan resultin low-level exposureto someof
manual.Do notuseeyelidcoversfor the surfaceunits, the listedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde
stovetop grills,or add-onoven convectionsystems.The andsoot, due primarilyto theincompletecombustionof
useof devicesoraccessoriesthat arenot expressly naturalgasor liquidpetroleum(LP)fuels. Properly
recommendedin this manualcancreate serioussafety adjustedburnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
hazards,resultin performanceproblems,andreducethe Exposureto thesesubstancescanalso beminimized by
life ofthe componentsofthe appliance, properlyventingthe burnerstothe outdoors.
Pressthis pad I _ _ Pressor press
tocancelall andholdthese
operations padsto enter
exceptthe , time, oven
TIMER.The i fOvenonllPreheat V _ '_tuH_ temperatureor
timeofdaywill _ to selectHI or
reappearinthe LObroil.
display. L_ Lock , Time J
Functionpadsare theBAKE,BROIL,SELF-CLEAN, 1. PressCLOCKpad.
CANCELpads.A beepwillsoundwhenthesepads 2. Pressor pressand hold l ClockI then
are pressed. or pad untilcorrect
Nobeepwillsoundwhen the or pad is pressed, timeof dayappearsin
AllfunctionpadsexcepttheCANCEL _
padfeaturean indicatorlight.
Whenthe BAKEor BROILpad is Displaywill flashwhen poweris suppliedto unit.
pressed,the indicatorlightwill _ PressCLOCKpadto recalltimeof daywhenanother
turnonto letyouknowthat the l Bakej functionisdisplayed.
ovenis setfor this operation.
Clocktime cannotbe changedif oven isset for timed
Indicatorlightson SELF-CLEAN,TIMER, bakeor delayedcleanoperation.Cancelthe operation
CLOCK,COOKTIME andSTOPTiME padswill beforesettingtheclock.
flash whenthe pad ispressed.These indicatorlights
will stop flashingbut willremain litoncethe function Iftimer is in use,pressCLOCKpadonce to recallthe
starts, time ofday ortwice to resetthe time of day.
If anindicatorlighton afunction pad is litand youset
a secondoperation:
- Eitherthecontrol willnot acceptthe operationor
- The indicatorlightonthe first padwill "dim"slightly Ifyou preferthat thetime of dayis not displayed:
andthe indicator lightonthepad youjust pressed 1. Pressand holdboth _
willbe "fullon."Thisletsyouknowthatyouhave CLOCKandCANCEL
setthecontrolfortwooperations........ padsfor 3 seconds, and
Bn Whenclockdisplayis
_Wi If a powerfailure occurswhenthe clock hasbeen
disabled,thedisplayremainsblankandwill notflash
1.PressTIMERpad. _ TheControlL0ck-Outfeature preventsthe ovenfrom
2. Pressor pressandhold " I'_ l_71 beingturnedon.
or pad untilcorrect
I ,oerJ
timeappearsin display, then Toactivate: _
t. Pressandholdboth
STOPTIME and and
CANCELpads for 3
Thetimerfeaturedoes notoperatethe oven. seconds.
Thetimercanbeset from1minute[0:01]upto9 hours 2. "OFF"willappearindisplay
and50 minutes[9:50]. whenthisfeatureisactivated.Onlytheclockand
Thetimerwillstartautomatically.TheTIMERindicatoron timerfunctionswilloperatewhenControlLock-Out
theTIMERpad willlightwheneverthe timer is inuse. One featureis activated.
longbeepand "End"will be brieflydisplayedto signalthe Repeatstep 1to deactivate.
endof the timeroperation,
Tocanceltimer: Pressand holdTIMERpadfor 3
seconds.Timeofdaywill reappearinthe display.
Youhave a choiceof three"endofcooking"reminder
beepsfor the AutomaticOvenTimerfeature.
The 12Hour EnergySaverfeatureautomaticallyturns off Option 1: Fourbeepsthenone beepevery30 seconds
theovenifitwasaccidentlyleftonfor 12hours.To forthenext 5 minutesoruntilCANCELpadis
deactivatethisfeaturesotheovenwillNOT turnoff pressed.(Defaultoption.)
automaticallyattheendof 12hours: Option2: Fourbeeps.Therearenootherbeeps.
1.PressandholdCLOCKpad _ Option3: Fourbeepsthenonebeepeveryminutefor
for3 seconds. _ l_7] thenext 12 hoursor untilCANCELpadis pressed.
2. Press or paduntil8:88 l Clockl then Howto selectthe desiredoption:
Currenttimeofdaywill 1, Pressandholdboth _
reappearinthe displayafter COOKTIME andCLOCK
4seconds, padsfor 3 seconds, and
Repeatsteps1and2to reactivatethe12 HourEnergy A singlebeepwillsound.
Saverfeature.12:00willappearindisplayto indicatethe Displaywillshowcurrent
EnergySaverfeatureisrestored, option.
2. Press or•pad to IL-_I
youwish. Thecurrenttime
of daywill reappearinthe
displayafter4 seconds.
Yourrangeis equippedwithpilotlessignition.Besure all To preventdamageto the cooktopor pan,neveroperate
surfacecontrolsare setinthe OFFpositionpriorto surface burnerwithout a pan inplace,never allow a pan
supplyinggastothe appliance, to boildry and neveroperatea surfaceburneron HIGH
for extendedperiodsof time.
IMPORTANT:Whentheapplianceisfirst installed,the Tolight surfaceburner:
surfaceburnersmaybe difficulttolightduetoairinthe 1. Placea panonthe burnergrate.
gasline.Thismay alsooccurif theappliancehasbeen
disconnectedfromthe main gassupplyor ifit hasnot NOTE:Theburnerflame mayliftoffthe burner head
beenusedfor severaldaysor weeks, and a "roaring"soundmay be heardifa pan isnot
placedonthe gratebeforelightingthe burner.
Toremovethe air inthe gasline,hold a lightedmatch 2. Push inandturn knobto the LITEposition.
nextto theburner headandturnthe knobon/When
the burnerlights,eitheradjustthe knobto thedesired
flamesize or turnthe burneroff.
Pilotlessignition usesa sparkfrom the ignitorto lightthe
burner.Therearetwo ignitorsfor conventionalsurface
burners.Eachsealedburner has its own ignitor.Oncethe
burnerlights,turn the knobto the desiredsetting.The
clickingsoundwill notstop untilthe knobisturnedfrom
the LITEposition.
A _liCk!_g_d wii!be heardand the_rner Wililght;
WhEn burne_,is_*d On;;alli_it_S WillsPa_
3. Afterthe burnerlights,turnthe knobtothe desired
flamesize.Theignitorswillcontinueto sparkuntilthe
Ignitor knobisturnedfromtheLITEposition.
CAUTION:If theflameshouldgo outduringa cooking
operation,turntheburneroff.If gashasaccumulated
NOTE:The surfaceburnerwill not lightifthe ignitoris and a stronggas odorisdetected,wait 5 minutesfor
damaged,broken,soiledor wet.Also,the burnerwill not the gas odorto disappearbeforerelightingburner.
lightifthe small portbeneaththeignitor isblocked.See
page23for cleaninginstructions.
To lightsurfaceburnerduringa powerfailure:
1. BesureallcontrolsareintheOFFposition.
2. Holda lightedmatchtothedesiredsurfaceburner
3. PushinandturnknobtotheLITEposition.The burner
willthen light.
4.Adjust theflame to thedesiredflame size.
CAUTION:When lightingthe surfaceburner,besure
allofthe controlsare in theOFF position.Strikethe
matchfirstandhold itin positionbeforeturningthe
knobto the LITEposition.
Usea HIGHflame settingto quicklybringliquidsto a boil A properlyadjustedburnerwithclean portswilllightwithin
ortobegina cookingoperation.Then reduceto a lower a few seconds,
settingto continuecooking,Neverleave food
unattendedwhen usinga HIGHflamesetting, On naturalgas,theflame willbe bluewitha deeperblue
core;thereshouldbe notraceofyellowintheflame.
" A yellowflame indicatesan improperm{xtureofair/gas.
This wastesfuel,so have a servicemanadjustthe mixture
ifa yellowflame occurs.
OnLP gas,someyellowtippingis acceptable.Thisis
____ normaland adjustmentisnotnecessary.
An intermediateflamesize is usedto continuea cooking You mayhear a "popping"soundonsometypesof gas
whenthe surface burneris turnedoff.This isa normal
operation.Foodwill not cookany fasterwhena higher
flame setting is usedthanneededto maintaina gentle operatingsoundoftheburner.
UseLOtosimmerorkeepfoodsatservingtemperatures. Adjusttheflamesizesoit
_ theedgeof thecooking
, utensil.This isfor personal
safetyand to prevent
possibledamageto the
appliance,pan,or cabinets
abovethe appliance.This
Somecookingmay takeplaceonthe LOsettingif the
cookingutensil iscovered.If fooddoes boilon the LO NOTE: If a knobis turnedvery quicklyfromthe HIto the
setting,it ispossibleto reducethe heatby rotatingthe LOsetting,the flame maygo out, particularlyifthe burner
knobtowardthe OFFposition, iscold. Ifthis-occurs,turnthe knobto the OFFposition.
Waitseveralseconds,then lightthe burneragain.
Besureto adjustthe knobsothereisanadequatesupply
of gasto maintaina stableflame ontheburner,Checkto
besure burneris litand the flameis stable.
Underno circumstancesarethe surfaceburner The porcelainonthe burnerisdurable butover time and
assembliesto betakenapart for cleaning.Thesurface with usemay graduallylose itsshine.
burnerassemblycanbe removedto cleanthe burnerbox
area. Thesealedsurface burnersare securedtothe cooktop
Thetwo surfaceburnerassembliesare securedin place and areNOTdesignedto be removedbythe consumer.
duringtransportationwith screws.Oncethe rangeis
installed,thesescrewsmay beremovedto allow quick Select modelsfeatureone or two specialSUPERHIGH
and easyremovalofthe burnerassemblies. SPEEDsealedburnerslocatedat theright-frontand
left-rear.Usethese burnersto quicklybringwaterto a boil
and whenusing largerpans.See informationonrating
plate, locatedonthe lower rangefront framebehindthe
broilerdooror lower panel,to determineif your appliance
featuresthese burners.
Cleanburner capaftereach useespeciallyif a spillover
__!_ occurs.A soiledburner mayresultin improperignitionor
an unevenflame.Whencleaningthe sealedsurface
burner,usecareto preventdamageto the ignitor.If a
i_ cleaningclothshould catchthe ignitor,itcould be_. damagedor broken.
To remove: Allowthe burnerassemblyto cool. Liftup _ __ Lip
cooktop.Grasptheburner assemblyand rotateit slightly f _, J Ports
towardthe leftto releasethetwotabs onthe assembly.
Then liftthe assemblyand pulltoward thebackof the (_/k._ Ignitor
cooktopuntilthe air shutterendsonthe assemblyrelease
fromthe valves. _ "_PPort direct
Toreplace: Inserttheair shutterends onthe burner ly below ignitor
assemblyoverthevalves and lowertheassemblyinto
place. Besureto Securethe two tabsonthe burner
assemblyintothetwo slots onthe burnersupportbracket Thesurface burnerwillnot lightifthe ignitorisdamaged,
whichis mountedtothe burnerboxbottom. (NOTE:Ifthe broken,soiledor wet.The burnerwill also notlight ifthe
tabsare notproperlyinsertedintothe slots,the assembly ports, especiallythe smallportlocateddirectlybelowthe
mayrockandthe burnersmaynot lightproperly.) ignitor,are blocked.
Cookwarewhich extendsmorethan two inchesbeyond The pan materialdetermineshow evenlyand quicklyheat
thegrate,restson twogrates,Ortouchesthecooktop may is conductedfrom theheat sourceto the food. Some
causea buildupof heatwhich mayresultin damageto widely used panmaterialsare:
thethe burnergrate, burneror cooktop.
Aluminum - excellentheatconductor.Somefoods will
Cookware,suchas awok witha supportring,which
cause itto darkenor pit.Oftenused as a bottomcoating
restrictsaircirculationaroundthe burnerwill cause heat
to improvetheheatingof otherpan materiaJs.
to buildupand may resultin damageto theburnergrate,
burneror cooktop. Copper - excellentheatconductor.Discolorseasily,
Foodscookfasterwhenthe cookwareis coveredbecause requiresconstantpolishing.Oftenusedas a bottom
more heatis retained.Lowerthe flame size when coatingto improvethe heatingof other pan materials.
Stainless Steel -slow conductorof heat.Developshot
Thecookingperformanceisgreatly affectedbythe typeof spotsandproducesunevencookingresults.Ourable,
cookwareused.Propercookwarewill reducecooking attractive,easyto clean andstainresistant.Willdistribute
times,useless energyand producemore evencooking heatbetter if other metals (aluminumor copper)are
results.For bestresultsusea heavygauge metalpan combinedor sandwichedtogetheras a bottomcoating.
witha smoothflat bottom,straightsidesand a tight fitting
lid. Cast Iron - slowheatconductor.Cooksevenlyonce
Cookwarewithuneven,warped,orgroovedbottomsdo temperatureisreached. Heavy.Needsseasoningto make
notmakegoodcontactwith the heatingsurface,will cleaningeasierand to preventstickingandrusting.
reduceheatconductivityand resultin slower,less even
Glass - slowheatconductor:Easyto clean. Sometypes
heating, mayonlybe usedin theoven.
To determinetheflatness ofthe bottom ofa pan, placethe
edgeof a ruleracrossthe bottomoftheutensil.Holditup PorcelainEnamel - g{ass-(ikesubstancefusedtometal.
tothelight.Littleornolightshouldbevisibleunderthe Heatingcharacteristicsdependonbasematerial.Easyto
ruler, clean.
Acceptablewater-bathor pressurecannersshouldnot
beoversizedandshouldnot restontwo burner grates.
Theyshouldalsohavefiat bottoms.
When canning,usethe HIsettingjust untilthe water
comestoa boilor pressureis reachedin a pressure
canner,thenreduceto a settingthat maintainsthe
pressureora boil.
Prolongeduseof theHi setting,the useofincorrect
canningutensils,or the useofimpropercanning
techniquesmay produceexcessiveheat and resultin
permanentdamageto the appliance.
localCountyExtensionOffice.Or, contactAiltrista
ConsumerProductsCompany,marketerof Ballbrand
homecanningproductsat 800-240-3340or write:
Besureovencontrolis setinthe OFF positionpriorto The ovenventis locatedat thebase ofthe backguard.
supplyinggasto the appliance. Whentheoven isinuse,thisarea mayfeelwarm orhot to
thetouch.Topreventbakingproblems,do not blockthe
Yourappliancefeaturespilotlessignition.A glo barwill vent openingin anyway.Also,do not placeplasticsnear
lightthe ovenburner.Withthis type of ignitionsystem,the theventopeningas heatfromthe vent coulddistortor
ovenwill notoperate duringa powerfailureor if theoven melt theplastic.
isdisconnectedfromthe walloutlet.No attempt should
be madeto operateovenduring a powerfailure.
Do notlockovendoorduringa cookingoperation.
Thesizeand appearanceof a properlyadjusted oven - Ifthe dooris lockedthe LOCK ('_"_Oven
burnerflame shouldbeas shown: operationindicat°rwillwiillightbecanceled.andthe i _iprekeatl_l
Unlockthe doorthenresetthe __JLock
- If oventemperature isabove400°F,the internal
_ lockingmechanismwill engageandthe doorcannot
coneincenterissmaller beunlockeduntilthe oven hascooled.
The oven burnercyclesonand offto maintainthe oven
temperaturefor baking.The broilburnercyclesonand
offto maintaintemperaturesfor broiling.
- _,_ I _ Coneapprox.1/2-inch ° NOTE:Select modelsdonot featurebroiling.
If youpressBAKE or BROILpadand donot set an
oventemperatureor broilsettingwithin30 seconds,the
The oventemperatureismaintainedby cyclingthe burner programwillautomaticallycancel.Thetime ofday will
onand off.Afterthe oventemperaturehasbeenset,there reappearin thedisplay.
will beabouta 45seconddelaybeforethe burnerignites. Tochange oventemperatureorbroilsettingduring
Thisis normaland nogasescapesduringthis delay, cooking:
Duringthe cleancycle,and someextendedovencooking - Iftemperatureis displayed,press
operations,you may heara"popping"soundwhenthe or padto selectthe new
burnercyclesoff.This is a normaloperatingsoundof the temperature.
- Ifanother functionis displayed,press
BAKEor BROILpadthen press
or padto selectnewtemperature.
1. PressBAKEpad. _/_Eo__I J
BAKEindicatoronthe BAKE padwilllight. INLIGHT ....
000 will light in display.
2. Pressor pressand hold& or , padto selectoven [_1
350° willlightwhen eitherpad ispressed:
Oventemperaturecanbeset from170°to 550°.
3. Therewill be a4 seconddelaybeforetheoven turns
on.Whentheoventurns on: I_oven on
OVENON indicatorwill light, iiiPreheat
PREHEATindicatorwill light. L__.,ILock
The preselectedtemperaturewill remainin display.
4.Allow 8 to 15minutesfor the ovento preheat.
A singlebeepwillindicatethat the oven has [OI 0yenon
preheated. I_lPreheat
The OVENON indicatorwill remainlit. L._.,ILock
The PREHEATindicatorwillturnoff.
5. Placefoodintheoven. NOTE:Theoventemperaturecanbechangedat
anytime. If the temperatureis changed,the
PREHEATindicatorwillturn backon untilthe new
temperatureis reached.A beepwill signalthat the
newtemperature hasbeenreached.
6. Checkcookingprogressatthe minimumcooking NOTE:See pages13, 14,and 15for additional
time. Cooklongerif needed, informationonbakingand roasting.
7. PressCANCELpad and removefood fromthe oven. _
The BAKEindicatoronthe BAKEpadwill turn off.
The OVENON indicatorwillturnoff.
NOTE: If youforgetto turn off the oven, it will
Timeof daywill reappearin display, automaticallyturn off at the end of 12 hours. If
you wishto deactivatethis energy savingfeature,
see page 6.
Ovencharacteristics: Eachoven hasitsown personal Ifusingheat-proofglassware,ordark panssuchas
bakingcharacteristics.Therefore,donotexpectthatyour Baker'sSecretor Wilton reducetheoventemperature
newovenwillperformexactlylikeyourpreviousoven.You by25°F exceptwhenbakingpiesor bread.Usethe
mayfindthatthecookingtimes,oventemperatures,and samebakingtimeascalledforintherecipe.
Allowa periodofadjustment. Allow hotair toflow freelythroughthe ovenfor
Usea reliablerecipeandaccuratelymeasurefresh theovenwillblockairflowandmayresultinuneven
ingredients.Carefullyfollow directionsforoven browning.Foroptimumbrowningandevencooking
temperatureandcookingtime. results:
Usethe correctrackposition.Bakingresultsmaybe Donotcrowda rackwithpans.Neverplacemorethan
affectedifthewrongrackisused.Foroptimumresults, onecookiesheet,one13x9x2-inchcakepanortwo
bakefoods ononerack.Selecta rackpositionthat 9-inchround cakepanson one rack.
locatesthe food inthe centerof theoven.If bakingontwo Stagger panswhen bakingontwo racksso one pan is
racks, selectrack positions#2 and4, #1 and4 or #2and
5. notdirectlyover anotherpan.
Top browning may be darker if foodis located Allowtwo inchesbetweenthe panandthe oven walls.
towardthe topof theoven, Checkthecooking progressat the minimumtime
recommendedinthe recipe.If necessary,continue
Bottombrowningmaybedarkeriffoodislocated checkingatintervalsuntilthefoodisdone.Ifthe oven
towardthe bottomOftheoven. doorisopenedtoofrequently,heatwillescapetheoven;
betweentheracksforproperaircirculation.Browning Ifyou add additional ingredientsoralterthe recipe,
andcookingresultswillbeaffectedifairflowis expectcookingtimesto increaseordecreaseslightly.
Cookwarematerial playsanimportantpartin baking
therecipe.Cookingtimesor cookingresultsmaybe Preheatingisnecessaryforbaking.A!lowabout8to 15
affectedifthewrongsizeisused. minutesfortheovento preheat.A singlebeepwill
indicatethattheovenispreheated.It isnotnecessaryto
A shiny metal pan reflectsheatawayfromthe food. preheatforroasting.
Thistypeof pan produceslighterbrowningand a softer Selectinga temperaturehigherthan desiredwillNOT
crust.Useshiny pansfor bakingcakesor cookies, preheatthe oven anyfaster,and may havea negative
effecton bakingresults.
A darkmetal, dull,anodizedor satin-finishpan
absorbsheatand producesdarkerbrowningwitha
crispercrust.Use darkpansfor pies,piecrustsor
Do not cover an entire rack with foil or place foil directly
Foroptimumbakingresults,bakecookiesandbiscuits undercookware.Tocatchspillovers,placea pieceoffoil,a
ona flat cookiesheet. Ifthe pan hassides,suchas a littlelargerthanthe pan,onthe rack belowthe pan.Do not
jelly rollpan, browningmaynot beeven. placefoil ontheoven bottom.
Cakes are uneven. Panstoocloseortouchingeach otheror ovenwalls. Batteruneveninpans.
Temperaturesettoolowor bakingtimetooshort. Ovennotlevel. Underrnixing.
Cake high in middle. - Temperaturesettoohigh. Bakingtimetoolong.• Overmixing. Toomuchflour.
Panstouchingeachotheror ovenwails. Incorrectrackposition,
Cake falls. Toomuchshorteningor sugar.• Toomuchor too little liquid.Temperatureset too
low. Oldor too little bakingpowder.= Pantoo small. Ovendoor openedfrequently.
Added incorrecttype of oilto cakemix. Added additionalingredientsto cakemix or
Cakes,cookies, biscuits sealing
don't brown evenly. 1not
dentedor warped,
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Ovennotpreheated. Panstouchingeachotherorovenwalls. Incorrectrack
too brown on bottom, position. Incorrectuseofaluminumfoil. Placed2 cookiesheetsononerack. Used
glass,dark.stainedwarpedordullfinishmetalpans. (Usea shinycookiesheet.)
cookwaresuchas Ecko'sBaker'sSecretmayrequireloweringtheoventemperatureby
Excessive shrinkage. Toolittleleavening. Overmixing. Pantoo large. Temperaturesettoo high,
Bakingtimetoolong. Panstooclosetoeachotherorovenwalls.
;; = =
brown, toothin; shieldwithfoil.
Pies have soaked crusL
Roasting is the method for cooking large, tender cuts of basted naturally, eliminating the need for additional
meat uncovered, without adding moisture. Most meats are basting.
roasted at 325°F. Itis not necessary to preheat the oven.
Place the roasting pan on either of the two lowest rack The cooking time is determined by the weight of the meat
positions, and the desired aloneness. For more accurate t'esults, use
a meat thermometer. Insert it so the tip is inthe centerof
Use tender cuts of meat weighing three pounds or more. the thickest part of the meat, It should not touch fat or
Some good choices are: Beef rib, ribeye, top round, high bone.
quality tip and rump roast, pork loin roast, leg of lamb,
veal shoulder roast and cured or smoked hams. Remove the roast from the oven when the thermometer
registers the desired internal temperature.
Season meat, if desired, either before or after roasting.
Rub into the surface of the roast if added before cooking. NOTE,:For more information about food safety, call I
USD_s Meat & Poultry Hotline at 1-800-535-4555. For [
Place the meat fat-side-up on a rack in a shallow roasting cooking information call or write to the National Cattle- ]
pan. Placing the meat on a rack holds it out of the men's Beef Association, 444 North Michigan Avenue,
drippings, thus allowing better heat circulation for even Chicago, Illinois 60611, or call 1-800-368-3138.
cooking. As the fat on top of the roast melts, the meat is
Approximate Oven Approximate*
Weight Temperature Internal RoastingTime
Cut ofMeat (pounds) in °F Temperature (min. per lb.)
RibRoast(cut-side-down) 4 to 8 325°F 145°F (medium/rare) 25 - 35
160°F(medium) 30 - 35
Rib EyeRoast 4 to 6 350°F 145°F (medium/rare) 25 - 35
160°F(medium) 30 - 35
LoinTenderloinRoast 2 to 3 400°F 145°F (medium/rare) 20 - 30
Shou{derBlade Roast,(boneless) 4 to6 32F 160°F 35 - 45
ShoulderBladeRoast 4 to 6 325°F 160°F 30 - 40
Loin Bladeor Sirloin Roast 3 to 4 325°F 160°F 35 - 40
BonelessPorkLoin 6 to 8 325°F 160°F 25 - 35
Ham,Half(fullycooked)** 5 to 7 325°F 140°F 25 - 35
Ham,Half (cook-before-eating) 5 to 7 325°F 140°F 35 - 45
Turkey,unstuffed*** 12to 16 325°F 180°-185°F 18 - 20
16 to 20 325°F 180°-185°F 16- 18
20to 24 325°F 180°-185°F 14- 16
Turkey,Breast 3 to8 325°F 180°F 30 - 40
Chicken,Fryer 2 lj2 to 3 1/2 350-375° 180°F 20 - 25
Chicken, Roaster _ 4 to 6 350-375°F 180°F 20 - 25
Leg (boneless) 2 to 3 325°F 160°F 35 - 40
170°F 40 - 45
WholeLeg 5 to 7 325°F 160°F 30 - 35
* Cookingtimesare approximateandmay varydependingontheshapeof theroast.A meatthermometeristhemostaccurateway
to determinedoneness.
** Add waterandfollowpackage directions.
*** Stuffedturkeyrequiresadditionalroastingtime.Shieldlegs andbreast with foil topreventoverbrowninganddryingof skin.
MATlCOVEN TIMERCONTROL The clockmustbefunctioningandsetat thecorrecttime
CAUTION The AutomaticOven TimerControlis usedto turnthe
ovenonandoff ata presettimeofday.Thisfeaturecan
Highlyperishablefoodssuchasdairyproducts, beusedforeitherovencookingorself-cleaning.
pork,poultry,seafoodorstuffingarenot Immediatestart: Oventurnsonimmediatelyand
recommendedfora delayedcookingoperation, automaticallyturnoffat a presettime.
Bakingisnotrecommendedbecausepreheatingis Delayedstart: Delaysthestartofcookingorcleaning
required, andautomaticallyturnsoffata presettime.
Cooktimecanonlybeset forupto 11hoursand59
1. PressCOOKTIME pad. _
COOKTIME indicatoronthe COOKTIME pad will
0:00 will lightin display, then
2. Pressor pressand hold orV padto entercooking
3. PressBAKEpad.
BAKe indicatoronBAKE padwilllight. _ then _]
000 willlight indisplay. _ _4. Pressor pressand hold orV pad to enteroven
NOTE:Beepswill soundand000 will flashin display
ifthe BAKEpad isnot pressedwithin4 seconds.
COOKING(if not,skipto #6):
a. PressSTOPTIME pad. [ S_°PeI _ [_
STOPTIME indicatoron STOPTIME padwill
flash, then then
b. Pressor pressand hold orV pad to entertime
of dayyouwish ovento turn off.
c. PressCLOCKpad.
Timeofdaywill reappearin display.
6. Whentheoventurnson, the OVENONindicatorwill _ NOTE:Itisnot necessarytoseta starttime.
light.Theoventemperaturewillappearinthedisplay. [ ._oo; J ControlwilldeterminewhentoturntheovenPresstheCOOKTIME padto recallthe remaining on basedonthecooktimeyouset.
7. Ovenwillautomaticallyturnoff.Fourbeepswillsound NOTE:See page6 ifyouwishtochangethe endof
and"End"willlightindisplay.A beepwillsoundevery cookingreminderbeeps.
30secondsforthenext5 minutes.
8. PressCANCELpad and beepswillstop, Remove
1.PressBROILpad. BFtO/L ,; _
BROILindicatoronthe BROILpad willlight. INDICATOR
000will lightin display.
2. Pressthe padto selectHI (high)broilorthe pad _ ._- HI
to selectLO (low)broil.
SelectHI broilfor normalbroiling.
SelectLO broilfor lowtemperaturebroilingof
longercookingfoodssuchaspoultry. _ LO
Therewillbean 8 seconddelaybeforetheoventurns I_Oven
3. on
on.Whenthe oventurnson: I_lPreheat
TheOVENON indicatorwilllight. I_Lock
4. Placefoodinthe oven.The ovendoorisclosedfor NOTE: Seepage 18forbroilinginstructionsand
broiling, broilingchart.
6. PressCANCELpad.Removefoodandbroilerpan
TheOVENON indicatorwillturnoff. I- .I _ ,,='__,,I
The BROILindicatoronthe BROILpadWillturn off.
Timeof daywillreappearin display.
Broiling is a method of cooking tender meats by direct the broiler insert with aluminum foil as this prevents fat
heat. The cooking time is determined by the distance from draining into pan below.
between the meat and the broil burner, the desired degree
of doneness and the thickness of the meat. Trim excess fat and slash remaining fat to help keep meat
from curling and to reduce smoking and spattering.
Season meat after cooking.
Broiling requires the use of the broiler pan and insert. The
broiler insert must be in place to allow fat and liquid to Place bven rack in the correct rack position when oven is
drain to the pan below to prevent spatters, smoke and cool. For darker browning, place meat closer to the broil
flare-ups. Improper use may cause grease fires, burner. Place meat further down if you wish meat to be
well done or if excessive smoking or flaring occurs.
For easier clean up, line the broiler pan with foil and spray See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 21 for instructions
the insert with a non-stick vegetable spray. Do not cover on cleaning the broiler pan and insert.
....., CHRT
BACON #4 WellDone 6to 10
1-inchthick #4 Medium 15to20
#4 WellDone 20 to25
Pieces #3 or#4 WellDone 30 to45
Fillets #4 Flaky 8 to 12
Steaks, 1-inchthick #4 Flaky 12to 15
3/4-inchthick #4 Well Done 15 to20
12-inch thick #4 Warm 8 to12
, ,,, ,, , ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, , ,, , , , , , , ,
1-inchthick #4 Well Done 20 to 25
* Thetop rack positionis position#5.
** Broilingtimesare approximateandmayvary dependingonthe meat.
(D ABOUTCLEANING self-cleanoven
1. Move door lock lever to locked position.
2. Press SELF-CLEAN pad.
CLEAN indicator on the SELF-CLEAN pad will
3:00 will light in display.
tfdoor is not locked, "dr" will appear in display.
Lock door. then
3. Press or pad to select clean time.
You can select from 2 up to 4 hours.
Oven will automatically clean for 3 hours. Or,
Select 2 hours for light soil.
Select 4 hours for heavy soil.
CLF_ANING(,, not, skip to #5): [ "rS_ J _
a. Press STOP TIME pad. I_
b. Press pad to select the time of day you wish the then
oven to turn off.
Press CLOCK pad and time of day will reappear
in display.
Press STOP TIME pad to recall the time you set.
5. When the oven turns on:
I_ 0yonon
The OVEN ON indicator will light. I_1 Preheat
LOCK indicator will light when oven heats to 400 °. Ll_JLock .i LIGHTTURNSONWHEN
internal lock will engage. Door cannot be unlocked OVENREACHES400°F.
and opened when LOCK indicator is lit.
6. About one hour after the clean cycle ends, the LOCK _'_Ovon on
indicator will turn off. The oven door can be unlocked I_lPreheat
and opened. _ Lock
1. Press CANCEL pad. _ _-_ Ovenon
LcancelJIlPreheat2. If LOCK indicator is NOT lit, unlock and open oven _ Lock,, WHENLIGHTTURNS
If LOCK indicator is lit, allow oven to cool about one OPENDOOR.
hour then unlock and open oven door.